Some people call them mistakes; life lessons is what I say
For every road I took makes me who I am today
I know some of you did not agree
With the choices I made, but I did, you see
I chose to get married to the man I thought was my knight
I chose to kick him out because things weren't right
I chose to be with a man I thought my heart belonged to
But he stomped on my heart; he was a playa, who knew?
Then I chose a man I thought would love me for me
But again I was misguided, you see
For every choice lies two roads
For every choice there's that one road you didn't choose
People will always wonder where that road might have led
People will always wonder what if they said
What they were thinking, what was on their minds
What they were feeling, how they felt at the time
A girlfriend to three, a mother of four
Some people say she must be a whore
I say let them think whatever they want
Do you honestly think their opinions of me will make my heart stop?
I love every one of my children, I just wanted what was right
I wanted the fantasy:
one man, one husband, one father, one knight
But things didn't work out the way I planned
I just need you to understand
I love my children with unconditional love all along
They will grow up to know right from wrong
To follow their heart, no matter how many say no
If they truly believe that's the road they must take, I say go
You may realize that the path you took doesn't end up like it should
And again you will ask yourself, what path would?
But I will say this: live life with NO regrets, NO matter what
Make your choices based on your heart, not on what others thought.