To my Sons:
I try to think, so you don't have to break,
from being a child, my fathers mistake.
I try to be strong and endure any pain,
So you don't have to.... just play with your train!
The lessons I teach I have no guide,
I make the best choices but sometimes I slide.
I try to teach you both to grow to be great,
to be respectful and appreciate,
what life gives to you and all of your friends,
to guide you through "the road of lifes" little bends.
Sometimes I make decisions, that just don't seem fair,
I'm doing my best..just know that I care.
To Coty:
I love to wrestle with you and watch you play ball,
to always be there and catch you when you fall.
To see the gleem in your dark brown eyes,
as we play football or I hit you pop flies.
I am trying my best and please understand,
That I will always be there to lend you a hand!
To Nathan:
I love to hug you and hear your jokes,
to hear you giggle at my tickles and pokes.
I love your independence and your cute little smile,
how you cuddle with me and let me hold you awhile.
The way you come up to me and just rub my back,
or say "Thank You Dad" as I give you a snack.
As you both lie asleep I admire and kiss,
Your two little foreheads and thank God for this.
I love you two so much and miss when your not with me..
Hugs and Kisses,