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COWBOY RENEGADE's blog: "My Poems"

created on 02/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-poems/b53521


Trust no future, however pleasant, Let the dead past bury its dead; Act, act in the living present, Heart within, and God overhead The evil, that men do, lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones. Is this the land your Fathers loved, The freedom which they toiled to win? Is this the earth whereon they moved? Are these the graves they slumber in? To palter with us in a double sense: And keep the word of promise to the ear, But break it to the heart. God speed the year of jubilee The wide world o'er! When from their galling chains set free, Th' oppress'd shall vilely bend the knee, And wear the yoke of tyranny Like brutes no more. That year will come, and freedom's reign. To man his plundered rights again Restore. God speed the day when human blood Shall cease to flow! In every clime be understood, The claims of human brotherhood, And each return for evil, good, Not blow for blow; That day will come all feuds to end, And change into a faithful friend Each foe .


A beautiful person inside and out you stand for what you believe in and love unconditionally... I'm thankful our paths have crossed and I'm so honored to be your friend. You always take the time to show your friends you are thinking of them. You are a kind hearted person with the kindest of words. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend. A true friend it’s like a four leaf clover - Hard to find, and lucky to have. I consider myself very "lucky" to have you as my Friend. Oh and add charming, sexy and caring to that List of things that make you so wonderful. Definitely a friend that I cannot do without you. Your words move me every time we visit. You are truly one of the best connections that I've made in this world. We've been together for a long time, and will be for much longer. I love you for being Sweet, kind, intelligent, artistic, compassionate, assertive, funny, puts silly little songs in my head that I sing all day long, dang! You are wonderful person with a positive outlook on life. You always put a smile on my face. I’m so fortunate to have you as a friend. Let me tell you about the depth of the ocean, The fresh sea breeze on a summer evening, The sun sparkling diamonds on the morning dew’s sea shore. Wrap it all up into one word and you will say my friend. Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf

Our Father

Our Father, I ask you to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask you to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name I ask you to Bless all of us. Amen. Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf

Cherokee Wisdom

Cherokee Wisdom An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going On inside each one of us," he said to the boy. "It is a fight to the Death, and it is Between two wolves. "One is darkness -- he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, Arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false Pride, superiority, and ego. "The other is enlightened -- he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, Humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, And faith. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his Grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed." What is a Warrior? Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf

What is a Warrior

WHAT IS A WARRIOR A Warrior is the protector of his family, clan and his tribe A Warrior is the guardian of the old ways so that they are not forgotten A Warrior is not motivated by greed, political ambition or fame A Warrior will not put himself above others in need And above all A Warrior is the living spirit of our Grandfathers Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf

Cherokee Dawn

Cherokee Dawn I awaken to the silence, Softly it wraps around the world; Dreams still float upon the air, Not yet ready to loosen their memory. Quietly I step outside, The sleeping world unaware that I am there; Above me the sky is still dark, Stars still glimmer, but the moon is low. All about me the air is hushed, Breezes gently ruffle my hair; caress my cheek First morning song of the lark gently wafts across the valley, Seems for me she sings alone. In the east there now is a faint luminescence, A hint of pearly tones etch the edges of the tree crowned hills; Strong and tall they await the coming, Of a new day, filled with promise. More light gently flows westward, Now across the valley I see a vision; The hills are wreathed in a living mist, It moves, touches each thing in it's path. The sky now is filled with glorious colors, blue, cerise, lavender, the hues of dawn; Mists slowly ebb backward into the forests, Retreating, going home to await the night once again. My prayers are now said, Sage smoke still spirals to the heavens; I touch the ground gently in a gesture of gratitude, As Grandfather Sun now has risen over the hill tops. The wispy mists now are gone, No longer can they be seen anywhere; Birdsong echoes from hillside to hillside, The morning well greeted. Day has come to Cherokee, Peacefulness surrounds the Great Smokies; Was it mist I truly saw, Or was it old ones, keeping watch through the night? Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf

The Sacred Seven Prayers

The Sacred Seven Prayers O Great Spirit, who art before all else and who dwells in every object, in every person and in every place, we cry unto Thee. We summon Thee from the far places into our present awareness. O Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the waters of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before Thee, Who covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquility every sound is beautiful. Temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake. O Great Spirit of the East, the land of the rising Sun, Who holds in your right hand the years of our lives and in your left the opportunities of each day. Brace us that we may not neglect our gifts nor lose in laziness the hopes of each day and the hopes of each year. O Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that gathers round our hearts, whose fragrance speaks of distant springs and summer days, dissolve our fears, melt our hatreds, kindle our love into flames of true and living realities. Teach us that he who is truly strong is also kind; he who is wise tempers justice with mercy, he who is truly brave matches’ courage with compassion. O Great Spirit of the West, the land of the setting Sun, with Your soaring mountains and free, wide rolling prairies, bless us with knowledge of the peace which follows purity of striving and the freedom which follows like a flowing robe in the winds of a well-disciplined life. Teach us that the end is better than the beginning and that the setting sun glorifies not in vain. O Great Spirit of the heavens, in the day's infinite blue and amid the countless stars of the night season, remind us that you are vast, that you are beautiful and majestic beyond all of our knowing or telling, but also that you are no further from us than the tilting upwards of our heads and the raising of our eyes. O Great Spirit of Mother Earth beneath our feet, Master of metals, Germinator of seeds and the Storer of the Earth's unreckoned resources, help us to give thanks unceasingly for your present bounty. O Great Spirit of our souls, burning in our heart's yearning and in our innermost aspirations, speak to us now and always so that we may be aware of the greatness and goodness of Your gift of life and be worthy of this priceless privilege of living. Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf


OH GREAT SPIRIT "Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, Whose breath gives life to the entire world ? Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf & rock. Help me seek pure thoughts & act with the intention of helping others. Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - Myself. Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame. Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf

Shadows Of The Past

Shadows Of The Past Shadows of the past fall behind me Tossed aside on the road less traveled Before me is the path to my future Footsteps line my dreams unraveled In the distance I see what I have lost Growing darker with the fading sun The moon calls the stars to join him For every new light, one wish undone Past the sky I look toward the heavens To God this one question I ask If what I wanted is no longer possible My future will you please unmask This is something that I can not answer It can only be answered inside of you Past choices will effect your journey And the pain you put someone else through Don't give up, stay strong and have faith Your purpose I'll promise you'll find The key is to let go of yesterday Look forward and never behind I keep walking, careful not to turn As the sun once again starts to rise Unclear of tomorrow or the future But with a faith that is newly energized … Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf


MY BELOVED WIFE Friendship is a rare jewel that shines, Only when you give it a sunny smile Friendship is a lock that opens, Only when you unlock your true self to it Friendship is a song, which is sung, Only when you know its rhythm Friendship is a dream, which comes true, Only when you believe in it Friendship is a sun, which rises, Only when your heart has set on it Friendship is a throne, on which you can sit, Only when you share your kingdom with it Friendship is a path, which you will find, Only when you know you are lost Friendship is a hand that holds yours, Only when you extend yours Friendship is an album of reminiscences, which you can leaf through, Only when you cherish it Friendship is a lamp, which lights, Only when you know it will assuage your heart Friendship is a lantern, which glows, Only when you need the warmth of it Friendship is a language, which you speak, Only when you know the meaning of it Friendship is a potpourri of feelings, which you can smell, Only when you have a true friend… Copyright ©2007 Running Wolf
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