Ok so need some ideas i have ran out of ideas of what todo..Miss lilly has well moreless become cling onto mom all the time. there is only 1 of my sitters now that i can leave her with and not have to deal with the screaming kid when mom leaves for work...Also she is almost 20 months old wont take her nap, and frankly fights her sleep all together. we have been doing the same routin ever since i started my job and she has always taken a nap around noon-1 somtimes 1-2. and then to bed at 5:30 to 6:30pm Since i get up at midnight for work. in which she goes with and she always went right back to sleep in the car...Now she wont even take her nap, wont even go to sleep at bed time, meaning i am lucky to get 2-4 hrs of rest before i have to be up for work...Yet she will sleep in the car, but when get home she wont even lay back down...We have always done the play time, dinner, Bath time, Book time, then lay down for bed. but she just screams and litterally doesnt stop screaming..What else can i try to help this clinging on spurt that she is doing right now?