To be Understood
To be Seen
To be Touched
To be Cared for
All the little perks that come from being loved.
You learn so much about yourself when you let someone love you, and more importantly when you let yourself love someone. You can often find out things you don’t particularly like. Such as, how your moods, actions and words affect those around you, how hard it can be for people to get along with you sometimes.
You learn that the way you are used to dealing, coping with things will no longer suffice. You learn this from the way you affect the one you love. You see if you love someone and are loved in return, yours moods and emotions are reflected in one another. ~You feel how he or she feels~
With this new found awareness now know you must change. Not to be better, nor to please your partner. You must learn to be part of each other, to consider each other to ask for help, also, to recognise when help is being asked for.
Until you learn the how’s, what’s and why’s of each other love will see you through. It’s the most exhilarating, rewarding adventure you will ever take
If love was place it would be somewhere to run to, somewhere to take sanctuary. The place the place you love to get lost in. A place you can be yourself and be seen that way. A place where you are eternally beautiful. It would be a fantastical place like something right out of your wildest imagines, your favourite book, or video game.
How can you let yourself be loved?
Its difficult, but, most worthwhile things are. But it’s made easier when you find the person who has all the keys, and knows all the right buttons to press, and just walks right in. To answer the question; it’s all about fear, fear of pain and heartbreak, but, to live in fear is the worst kind of pain and loneliness. Pain fades, broken hearts heal. Live the adventure, take the risk. You may be surprised.
So go,
Learn the how’s, the what’s and the why’s
Love, Be Loved, Live, Fearlessly.
With Love,
Copyright (c)Louise Byrne. All rights reserved 2007