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I'm fuckin tired

WTF I'm tired......I'm finally happy!! Yet, people's drama always get involved in this shit.... people need to grow the fuck up. You mess with my family, you mess with me. Which goes to prove: Happiness is a give and take thing: You always give and it always takes. I worked all my life, omg so fuckin hard for all this little shit that I have...but all that matters is who you are and what you believe, what you stand for. Because what you stand for is who you are. Who I am? Someone who will stand up, not be fucked with, but STAND THE FUCK UP and let it be known, my family is everything to me, no matter how happy I am, nomatter what the fuck I'm going through in my own life. My family means all. So fuck you! Lie, cheat, steal! If that's what it takes for you to feel special, then go for it. That's what your life's about. But don't be pissed when your found out, when the lies show through. Just don't expect me to be there. My family is more than you'll ever be. Don't hate on my happiness, and don't hate that they want to find theirs'.


....I love you all, I am feeling like there is no point in staying around. My pics are gone, and when I rate others and goto leave a comment I see where my old account was with my comment on it and it's like a constant reminder that the account here is so fleeting, anything can make it deleted, and so the "why bother" comes to mind when it all can be taken away again....I would love to leave a blast so all my friends could find me again yet then it would just be putting money into the pocket of the person who took all my hard work and alot of my friends away so fuck that...so I will be around once in awhile but not like I used to be. Nothing against any of you, you all have been great and showed me such love to which I try to return. I just get upset when I see my old comments with a pic of "I was here" and when you put your cursor over it it says "N/A".... reminds me of how I got screwed and makes me wonder why I am going through it all again (my page, pics, blogs, etc). If you want feel free to add me at myspace, here's my link: http://www.myspace.com/ya_its_playmate Lots of love my cherries! ~Playmate~

Okay, trying again!

Guys (and gals) you think this one they will approve??? image.php?u=803053&i=900592826&tn=1
You guys see anything wrong with my salutes??? Here's one that was rejected: > > > Your SALUTE has been rejected! Please review the FAQ for what is appropriate for salutes. If your salutes are continually rejected, your account will be removed. > > The rejected salute photo is below: > tn_3893460187.jpg > I wrote back what was wrong with it.....

To reply (lol)

My comment wasn't deleted, my account was. I was a level 17, I am still missing alot of my friends, and all my pics are GONE that was on here because my old computer bit the big one and I didn't have them saved on this new one yet. Not to mention the work on the page itself, I did alot of html on there, my visitor map is GONE, it's just the point of it all. He wanted to hurt me, well he found a way to do it. And without do much as a WARNING to me. Just poof gone. Came home from work and went to log on and it said invalid user specified. Then when I made a new account, BBG found me and when I told her what happened she said all the people that left a comment on babyjesus's page in regards to the time out on pic rating was deleted.


Well, I went to find him on my friends list so I could see if my comment was still up there....GONE! Both him as my "friend" and my comment on his page. I know it was up there for about an hour though. So I'm under the assumption that he read it, deleted it, got rid of me on his friends list (no big loss there), probably blocked me so I can't post any more comments on there. But I think just because he deleted it and I'm still here, my account, for the time being, is safe. I guess that was his reply. Maybe he didn't delete my account because by the time he saw it, he saw the time it was done and realized too many people might have seen it and if he deleted me a mutiny of sorts might happen. Dunno. But I honor his deleting of being his "friend", friends don't delete other friends for voicing opinions. As I do appreciate all he's done, he is getting PAID to do this site and that doesn't make him GOD. Although now this site is going to hell in a handbasket as we speak. My 2 cents on the no reposting? Too many people reposting complaints about the timing out during rating pics and the new cherrytap stash site, both of which are just plain stupid. P.S.: My guestbook is back on my page, go add yourself!! Muah!!


Just a heads up, I am writing babyjesus this: I just wanted to stop by and thank you for deleting my account. I didn't know that voicing an opinion in the form of leaving a comment saying "x marks the spot" in protest of timing out while rating pics was a reason to have my account deleted. However, it is ok to have people steal my pics and make an account with my pic on it with a nasty name on it. I have referred people to this site and have defended this site and talked my friends out of leaving because the one thing I thought was that at least you can be heard here. Being an adult site I thought that voicing opinions was part of what this site was about. I have spent money on blasts here and worked hard on my page and to have it taken away, without so much as a warning, let's me know that this is not the place I thought it was. There are some wonderful people on here, and within a matter of an hour my new account is now at a level 7. That says alot about the good people on here. I know my new account will probably be deleted again for writing this, but I wanted to let you know there are some good people on here, and your deleting the good ones. _________________________________________________ Thank you all for helping me, I appreciate it I really do. Don't think that any of your actions did nothing, if anything it proved to me all of you are good people. I just can't sit idley by and let myself be treated like a piece of trash that can be disposed of because babyjesus doesn't like my opinion. So I say what I need to say and if I still have this account, so be it. If not, at least I said my peace. No one can take away my right to say my opinion, last I knew babyjesus was human just like me. Much luv cherries! ~Playmate~
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