In my whole 28 yrs, as far back as I can remember. Most women are just way too shallow than they should be. I know there has to be some attraction, but does that mean, just cause someone isn't a Brad Pitt or George Clooney, they are not good enough to talk to? That's what truly upsets me. I've seen it happen to me sometimes and my friends and those who I care about. I have a feeling that's probably how it is with personal ads and crap. A guy might be on there and maybe he's just looking for friends and someone to talk to. A good percentage of women overlook him just cause he's not cute. Just cause he may not be attractive to you, doesn't mean he's not fun to talk to and a blast to hang out with. Too judgemental or too shallow, not quite sure which it is. Perhaps it's alittle of both, or even ALOT of both. Then this brings me to my next part. For those women out there that are like this, they get into a relationship with a hunky Brad Pitt wannabe or something, and they take advantage of the power of the woman they have and mistreat her, then the woman whines and calls all guys assholes, but yet, she can sit there and think her shit doesn't stink and just simple guys that are just looking to chat have some stinky shit. I don't understand it for the most part. I'm trying to though. Some girls shouldn't be mistreated, but I am starting to think the ones that mistreat guys just cause their looks sometimes deserve what they get for the most part. If you do treat guys like this and you get mistreated, you should be grown up about it and don't whine and moan about how all guys are dicks and assholes now just cause some guy did something way over due.
I'm personal proof to everyone out there. I met this one girl, she was beautiful beyond ur own imagination. I met her and yea, I was nervous, tried to be myself, but couldn't, cause of how nervous I was, cause how beautiful she was. She took that to mind. I don't know what she thought, but yea, obviously she thought she deserved better and those who know me, know how I truly am when I'm not nervous and I wish she could know that part, but from how it went. I crashed and burned, oh well, it's just a regular shallow woman that doesn't want to take the time to realize that looks only last a short while, then u have to live with that for the rest of ur life. So boo hoo for me. It's not gonna sink any ship of mine.... A born again christian has to keep a positive mind, cause that's how you can in this world, until things get better. Regardless what others say to you or do to you, you have to rise above it.... I wish she would have took a chance, but she didn't, she goes by looks, so screw it!!! I'm me, and that's all I can be. Someone else will come up in time, I just have to be patient and wait for it, but then again, the past can come back, which is what I am possibly holding out for... who knows, cause truly, why am I still here? I have the experience and training, why am I still here? Am I waiting for the right one to come along or is it something else??? What else could I be waiting for? I just know who ever catches me, deserve everything I could give her, plus a hell of alot more................... but we'll see... past or future.......... we'll see.....
All I could ask for, is the guidance from a very close friend, who is my BEST friend, and he knows who he is... if anything can change things, it'd be him.. the guy who I think the world of and love as a brother. Without him the world would always be dark and any chance of being happy would be lost, cause I wouldn't have him around anymore... and I couldn't be at all happy without knowing he was around and being happy... His happiness comes before mine and he's the greatest to me. I know I'm older than him, but yet, there's nothing more I'd want to be, than to have been someone like him. I TRULY wish I had someone like him to idolize growing up, cause he's been an amazing inspiration to my life... and I'll never forget the times I've had to share with him, it's been oh so amazing, if every friend could be like him, the world would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better! Just know him, you'd think the same thing.....
*TO BE CONTINUED....................