Okay this is my thoughts on relationships and mine only. I'm not saying that this is how it should be just what I think about it. In a relationship we should be equals. Showing respecr for each others opinions, but that doesn't mean that just because you're my Queen that you can forget that I'm the King! Yes, ladies I want a lady out on the town, a woman in the house and a straight up FREAK in the bed. Anything that will affect our caslte as in case bring it to ruins is a mutual decision, but I have the final say so unless I know that you have more information about the subject than I. I will always have your back even over Moms, Pops, Sisters, Brothers or whomever and you better have mine. Through thick and thin and heaven or hell I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, happy, and satisfied. I expect the same from you. That's my take on relationships. Let me know what you think. Peace, Love, Soul and happiness to all.