theyear of 2007" was the hardest year of my life! everything i use to be and everything i use to like, doesn't even matter to me anymore!
In the last year I have been sick over 15 times
making it almost impostible to keep a job. I've been in the hospital 3 times, almost died 4 times, been treated for severe depression,
have been engaged to the girl who i thought was the love of my life who does't even talk to me anymore.
lost most of my friends and gave up on everone else, i just don't care anymore, her family treated me like shit and trust me I won't be dating for a long time!
I have no friends, my brother is too busy to be my brother anymore. my best friend is my cousin mike who is like a brother to me.
last year sucked, i would say i wouldn't change it for the world but i would be lieing! i wish the day allison walked in the pantry was my day off and at the club i would of let her leave with cindy! it would of saved me alot. I am how i have always been theres no changing me!