I been thinking about my life for the several years. I thought I was getting into a good relationship, but I guess I am not sure.

My first marriage was really bad...I thought I was in love and life was grand. Until after getting married & pregnant, life got fuzzy. He was controlling, always treated me like dirt, beat me if I did not have dinner ready when he walked into the door, beat me if the house was not clean to his standards. When our son was 2 we went camping with his family, biggest mistake I ever made. Someone said something, he snapped and pulled my hair and drug me threw the camp. I thought we were going to die, kept said if ranger come after , I will drive off the cliff.I was scared to death. After 2 years went by, he calmed down and I felt I could live again. Then we started to plan on having another child. Then it started all over again. Yelling, beating....One day he just really did the unforgettable, He tried putting my face in hot grease, that was the last time he will Ever lay a hand on me. I left him several times and like always he made promises and never kept them. I guess I thought he would change, but never did.
My life has always seemed empty until I met a man who change it all. I fell in love and safe. I been married for 4 1/2 yrs but lived for 7 1/2 yrs. I love him with all my heart.