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     Well I know I have not done a blog in a long time but no one really reads this shit anyway.  This is more for myself than anything.  Do not expect it to be really read as most people on here are not real friends anyway, even any of the over 1,000 people on my "friends list".  What a fucking joke that is.  Hardly anyone on my "friends list" even talks to me.  Everyone is so worried about leveling and all kinds of other stupid shit than actually getting to know you.  Man I sure do miss the old fubar back when it was CherryTap.  At least then I may of only had a couple hundred people on my friends list but most of us actually talked to each other.  Been thinking about just deleting a ton of people that I never talk to or who never talk to me or just deleting my whole account and just keeping my Facebook account.  At least I have real friends on there...plus most of my family on there as well.

     So broke up with my long-time girlfriend and it is funny how now I am being made out to be the bad guy.  Also, it is funny how people seem to think that anything she has ever done is a result of me or the way I treated her, or maybe because I did not validate her, or give her enough or the right kind of love.  Seems to me like they are all talking out of ignorance to the real situation.  Well let me set a few things straight for those of you assholes and bitches who I know have been opening you mouths without knowing the real or even whole story.  First and foremost...am I an asshole...yes at times I can be, but if I am an asshole to someone it is because they deserve it and have done something to me or someone I love and care about.  Now before any of you keep opening your mouths about my relationship with my ex-girlfriend than you need to know the truth.  Am I perfect...no, but then again no one on this entire fucking planet is.  Now let me tell you the truth of our relationship.

     I met my ex-girlfriend in the winter of 2006/2007 and at the time I was staying with a cousin of mine.  At the time I should of known better than to ever get with her as she had a boyfriend Robbie and was cheating on him with a friend of my cousin's and his wife whose name was Moe.  Now the fact that she was cheating on Robbie with Moe should of been a sign to me that she was not a morale woman and was not the woman for me, but I have never been perfect and believes everyone deserves a second chance int life.  So we started getting close and in March of 2007 I asked her to be my girlfriend.  She accepted.  Well not even a month after we were going out with each other she cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend Robbie.  Well needless to say I was very pissed-off.  But I did not break-up with her, I did however ask her about it several times over months and she kept on lying to me and said nothing happened.  Well I knew this was a lie and figured and I would use any means at my disposal to find out the truth.  I happen to have several uncles and other family members who work for the government, so i figured I would see if I could get my hands on copies of her cell phone calls and texts to have the evidence I needed to prove I knew what she had done.  Well she did eventually tell me the truth that she had slept with her ex-boyfriend Robbie.  I broke up with her, but I did eventually take her back as I am all about having a second or sometimes third or even fourth chance in life because people are not perfect and will fuck up, sometimes more than once.

     So I took her back and for awhile things seemed to be going really good, not to say that there were never problems but they were always short lived and were always worked out.  Then she joined fubar and that was not a problem for awhile until she decided to become a full-blown fu-whore, which I did have a problem with.  Also, at this point I was the only one of the two of us working which was also a problem to me.  I want a partner, not a mooch who sits at home and does nothing but be a fu-whore while I work my ass off to provide for us.  Hell I even got hit by a car while doing my bike taxi job.  And as soon as I healed up from my injuries I went out and started looking for another job.  Now I must admit that after being hit by the car my short-term memory is not the best.  Some things do not make it from the short-term memory into the mid-term memory or long-term memory centers of my brain.  So I cannot tell you a count of all the guys my ex-girlfriend has had sex with either for her own personal pleasure or for money.  And oh yes her anser to me wanting her to work was to become a prostitute, even though it made me angry to know she was fucking for money.  Of course she did not care how I felt about it, but then again as far as I am concerned she never cared about me period.

     So I tried to work through things with her and continued to try to make our relationship work.  I continued to be the only one holding a real job.  And even went back to my bike taxi job because I could make better money doing that than most of the other jobs I could get here in Houston with felonies for drug possession on my record.  This city has a lot of discrimination towards people who have felonies.  It can be very hard to get a good job or find a nice apartment complex to live in.  So I continued to be the only one holding down a real job and was trying to work on our relationship and get her to work with me.  Well needless to say it never happened and as a result of her continuing to sell herself for money my sexual desire for her went away.  Kind of hard for me to be turned on by a woman who sells her body for money.  Not to say we never had sex after that point but it was very rare and normally when I was extremely horny and usually emotionally vulnerable.  Also, during this period she decided she wanted an "open relationship", which in reality was a joke because what she really wanted was for her to be able to do whatever she wanted but the first time she found out I had recieved a blowjob from a woman who rode on my bike she got angry as fuck. 

     Now we continued to stay together and things were going along in this time period which stretched from 2010-2011.  Then last January my boss at my bike taxi job decided we were going to go work all the bowl games in Texas and Louisiana.  As winter is one of the hardest periods in the bike taxi business I had no choice but to go out on the road and follow the money.  During this period in January of 2011 is when my ex-girlfriend got pregnant.  Now we had sex when I came back home from The Cotton Bowl in January so the timing was right around the time she got pregnant so I automatically assumed the kid was mine.  Well it is never good to presume anything.  Apparently she had also had sex with a drug dealer in our apartments for $50 and some marijuana for me and my cousin, which is funny because I di not even see half of the marijuana she said she got from the guy(and yes I smoke marijuana...tough if you do not like it, but I do no other drugs and do not drink either...it may be illegal but marijuana is far better than alcohol or even cigarettes).  Also, during this period she was fucking Gabe, her new boyfriend and lying to me about it as well.  So here we are the kid is born and I think he is either mine or the drug dealer she fucked for what amounts to nothing, because $50 and not even $50 in weed is worth selling your ass for, at least to me.  But even if he is the drug dealers I figure he will never take responsibility for him and I continue to love my ex-girlfriend even after all the nasty shit she has done to me, so I claim the boy as mine.  I even go as far as to name him in our family manner...giving him the name of my father and her grandfather which was the closest thing to a father she had.  I also give him our family middle name which is handed down from the Irish side of our family marrying into the English side of the family.  Then I come to find out that my suspicion that she had been fucking around with Gabe was confirmed when she told me that it was possible the kid was his. 

     Now this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and I had decided that enough was enough.  I was tired of being lied to and having her fucking other men.  So I broke up with her.  Now this is not to say I do not still lover her even though I was willing to break up with her, I am just not going to let her continue to treat me like shit anymore.  Now to set some things straight, yes I did have pictures of her up after we broke up because I was in a very deep depression, even though about commiting suicide and had a bottle of sleeping pills to take.  Had thought about hanging, being a jumper, cutting my wrists...length wise not across, and even blowing my brains out, but decided on a more calm and less messy way of ending my life, but now I want to stay alive if for no other reason but to be an asshole to all those who deserve it and for some other reasons I will not discuss on the internet.  But for all those opening your mouth about shit you do not know or because you are listening to her lies shut the fuck up and learn the truth.  Oh and by the way, she does not know who the daddy of that boy is...there are any one of three or more men that could be the daddy of that child and until she knows for sure she cannot tell you who is the father of that child...end of story!!!

Just Pondering Part 2

     So my life has been going about the same.  Still working and trying to get by.  Hoping things will get better, but I highly doubt it.  I hate the winter months in my line of work.  I so cannot wait for the Super Bowl though.  Also, Football fans are the best part of Winter though.  Dallas Cowboy fans are awesome and great to hang out with.  I have found many other teams fans fun to hang out with too.  Detroit Lions, New York Jets, and several other teams have fans that are truly awesome.  They love to come out and have a great time.  They can be so awesome to hang out with.  They come out to have a good time and enjoy themselves.


     Wondering if that one true love will ever find me.  Hating I fucked things up with my ex-wife, but that was a long time ago and there is no use sulking about the past.  Especially when it has been over a decade now.  I meet so many women that seem to like me as much as I like them, but unfortunately for me most of them are with another guy.  Why is it that I cannot find some chemistry with a woman who is single?  Maybe things will get better.  Just would love to finally meet that special someone. 


     Well I am going to go to bed soon.  Hoping to have a good day on Thursday.  Sucks to have to work on Thanksgiving, but that is the way it is sometimes.  At least I get to hang out with some cool people.



Just pondering

     Have you ever hated your life?  I know I have.  Have you ever felt like no one cares about you?  I know I have?  Have you ever felt like you would never find someone who truly loves you and appreciates you?  I know I have.  Have you ever felt as if no one understands you?  I know I have.  Have you ever felt as if things were never going to get better?  I know I have?  I know this may sound like a self-pity party, but a lot of time I feel this way.  It seems everytime I have thought I have found a person who will be my partner in life or maybe even my soulmate I find I am wrong.  At almost 40 I find myself wondering if I will ever find true love or if I am destined to be miserable for the rest of my life.  I know I am not perfect and I have never been looking for perfection.  I have always been looking for what my parents had in each other...a partner.


     Is that too much to ask for anymore?  Maybe.  If I work is it too much to ask that my girlfriend cleans while I am busting my ass to pay the bills?  Maybe.  Is it too much to ask that other people do not come before our lives together?  Maybe.  I just do not know anymore.  I guess I got the wrong message from my parents or something because no one I have been with since my ex-wife seems to think of being a partner in life the same way I do.  Maybe I am asking for too much.  I just do not know anymore.  I see on here all the time women posting these tag pics that say "I would like to meet one man who will prove to me that they are not all the same."  I guess that would be me with women.  I would like to find one who will prove that not all women are the same.


     In this world it seems people seem to think it is ok to be a liar and a cheater.  People say they want love but when there is a good person who would love to be with them there is always some reason they do not want them.  People say personality is important but their actions prove different.  I may not be sexy like some actor or make a shit-load of money but I am a good man.  So why is that not enough?  Why do people have to lie about what they want in a partner?  Do they think that the lie makes them out to be a decent person?  Do they not realize that people will learn that what they say is a lie?  I just do not know. 


     Well I am going to end this for now...not like anyone will probably read it or anything.  Most of the time no one seems to care about me on here, so I will just return to my misery in private and act like everything is fine.

   Since I was in here last there has been a lot going on in my life.  I did not loose my apartment after Ike.  I did manage to finally get some help after loosing my job after the storm.  Pamela and I both managed to make it through that period.  We got into a new apartment and I found another job to get the bills paid.  2008 ended up going ok even though I was not able to really spend anytime on fubar because of how my life was going.  I worked and I worked, that was all my life was about. 

   2009 was a pretty good year at the beginning.  The first four or five months went pretty well and then everything fell apart.  Pamela lost her job.  Both of our computers went down.  And life in general just sucked.  We kept going through it all and tried to be as positive about it all as we could keep ourselves.  She managed to find another job and I ended up getting a better job than I had.  Not having a computer was hard on both of us.  We had to run to a library to check e-mail and normally we never had much time for fubar. 

   2010 has been going well.  We both have jobs and the bills are normally paid on time now.  And we have a computer again.  I hope I can keep in better touch with some of the friends I have made on here now.  I missed everyone during the over half a year I was off of fubar.  I hope to hear from many of the people I used to talk to on here.  This has always been my home on the web.


This will be short. It looks like my fiancee and I will be out of a place to stay and homeless come November 1st. Her mother is moving out because I lost my job due to the hurricane, like I can help that. I have not been able to get help from FEMA or The Red Cross. As a matter of fact, I have not been able to get help from any local, state, or federal agency. We do not know what we are going to do or how we are going to make it now that I do not have a job and her hours have been cut at her job. Her restaurant cut her hours by 12, as if things were not going bad enough. If we end up being homeless I want to let all my friends know that I will miss you and I hope to message you once we can get back into an apartment.
I do not really know where to begin with this blog. I have been through hurricanes and tropical storms before, but not many of them have been as truly devastating as Hurricane Ike was for the region of the Texas coast that I live in. My water was restored on Sunday night and my power was restored Tuesday afternoon, but there are many people who do not have water and over one million people still do not have power and it may still be another week until some people get electricity. Several of our coastal counties have received what I can only call catastrophic damage. On Galveston Island 80% of the homes are either gone, have had structural damage, or have received several feet of water damage. I have cried several times while looking at the news coverage of the beaches where I have spent a lot of time since I was a child. Whole neighborhoods are gone and many will never be the same. Many of the businesses are damaged or the buildings are gone and our fishing industry has taken such a hit that it may be a year or more before it is anywhere near where it used to be. For those who do not know, Hurricane Ike started pounding land on Friday night and the eye moved onshore at a little after 2:00 am on Saturday morning. At that point is when I lost power at my apartment, even thought the eye was still some 50+ miles away. We received a lot of wind and rain, but living in the southwest part of town, we were luckier than many of the people in the inner loop and eastern parts of the city and county. We did receive some damage though. One building in the front of the apartment complex lost both of its outer walls and the 2-story townhouse on the western wall also had its roof cave in. In the back of the apartment complex apartment building 18 lost its western wall which was for a laundry mat and a storage area for the apartment complex. I am sorry if my writing is all over the place today, but I have never been through a worse storm, except Hurricane Andrew in Florida, and then I was shell shocked for about 2 months after wards. Even Hurricane Alicia here in 1983 was nowhere near as devastating as this storm even though it was a Category 3 Hurricane and this was was a moderate Category 2 Hurricane. I have some pictures and video of the storm from Saturday morning and some pictures of the damage in my apartment complex and will try to post them at some point. I will also try to get around town and take some pictures of the damage that my beloved city has had inflicted upon it. Some of this may take time to get on here as I am trying to get assistance from FEMA or the American Red Cross as Pamela and I were both out of work. She was out of work for 4 days and I do not know when I will be able to get back to work as my restaurant lost all of its food. Before I end this; which I am going to do because I cannot go on any longer, I ask that those of you who believe in God please pray for those living in and around Galveston, Brazoria, and Harris counties. Many of us have a long and difficult road ahead of us. Also, if you can afford to, please donate whatever you can to the American Red Cross because many of us in disaster areas need the help that agencies like it provide. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Curent Events In My Life

Just a few notes on what has been happening in my life recently. I got a new job driving a rickshaw or bike taxi at sporting events, concerts, and in downtown Houston. I really loved my job and was enjoying myself until Saturday June 14, 2008 when I was hit by a car while on my way to an Astros vs Yankees game. I was injured and have cuts and scrapes on my torso and arms. I also have torn muscles and tendons in my right shoulder. I also have a broken rib and had to have staples in the left side of my head. The staples were taken out Saturday June 21, 2008 and the broken rib and muscle and tendon damage to my right shoulder are the only remaining injury for me to deal with. The doctors are telling me these injuries will take another 4-5 weeks to heal properly.
Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am being forced to take my forced vacation from Fubar early. Somewhere between 7:50 and 8:50 AM CST this morning my apartment was broken into. Because of this I am having all electronics taken out of my apartment because I believe that the people who broke in will return at some point to get the items they could not carry out this time around. I am going to miss all off my friends. As for those who never come by and talk to me or rate any of my things-I will be getting back to deleting people as soon as my fiancee and I are in a new apartment together, so your time on my friends list is limited.
Well my first session of the fall 2006 semester is over and I know I passed my Critical Thinking and Problem Solving class. I believe I passed my Financial Accounting class, but I have not received my grade yet and I am hoping I made an A or a B. When school starts again in January I will be in Managerial Accounting and Contemporary History. I am really looking forward to both of these classes. It seems as if I have a renewed interest in school and that I am enjoying being there more now than I was last semester. It is hard for me to believe that I have been in school for over a year now and that I am already in my fourth semester. I probably have another six semesters left before I graduate, but I can handle having to keep my grades up and keep passing classes until that time arrives and I earn my degree. Beyond school there has not been much going on in my life. I got kicked off of MySpace, even though I had not been doing anything wrong, or even though I never broke their terms of service. I got back on using one of my other e-mail addresses. I am still single and I am still working. I have some new toys to play with. I bought a Panasonic 32" LCD T.V. from Circuit City and I got a new phone plan with T-Mobile and received a Samsung T-619 camera phone. I got one of those FavFive plans so that way I could talk with my friends and family without having to use my minutes. Of course, a couple of people I know use T-Mobile so I do not have to worry about adding them to my FavFive list. Between learning about my television and my camera phone I have been quite busy lately. I was hoping to get to spend some time with my grandparents this Christmas but that did not work out the way I had hoped it would. I have not seen my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and my cousins from my moms side of the family in a very long time. I am hoping that when I get my break next year I will be able to go and that there will be nothing to interfere with me seeing my family. I do not know what else I could write about seeing as how there has not been much going on in the last month. It has been school, work, and home and besides the new toys there has not been much new stuff going on in my life. Ever since I stopped selling drugs my life seems to be very boring and mundane. Oh well, I am glad I do not have to worry about going to jail, getting robbed, and so forth all the time.
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