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Well as I noted on my last blog, I do suffer from nerve damage around my spinal cord. Unfortunately when a piece of my spine moved out of place it was actually pinching my spinal cord almost in half & this was not detected for over a year. I do live in constant severe pain all day everyday! I'm on several medications for the pain, the damaged nerves, & the not sleeping. I'm not able to work due to my medical condition. I am a single mother of 2 boys. It has been told to me that in a few years I could end up in a wheel chair. I do my best to handle one day at a time. I try to make the best out of my life. I do everything I can for my kids whether the pain is severe or not at the time. My kids come first!!!!!

I would like to level up. I've been on this level for quite some now. 


I am offering FuBucks to whoever can give me an auto11 or a cherry bomb. If you are interested plz SB or Message me.


Thanks & have a great day!

Hi everyone. I've been stuck on this level for quite some time now. I really want to get past it.


I am willing to trade someone fu bucks for an auto 11 or a vip......I really want to be able to make the points I need (7,897,954) to get to the next level! Being on dial up makes it very difficult to rate photos and such.

If anyone is willing to let me pay them Fu Bucks in exchange for an Auto 11 or VIP, plz shout box me!!!!!

If you have any suggestions plz leave a comment.... I'd really appreciate your help!

Back in April I posted a blog informing everyone of the surgery on my spine that I was gonna have. I had the surgery and it went well. However, the results haven't been as positive as the doctor was hoping. I am still severe pain with every movement. They have now sent me to a pain doctor. He did some testing and found that I have nerve damage around my spine. So for now I am having to take strong pain medication to try to control the pain level.

This is basically how my life is going to be from now on. There isn't anything else that can be done at this time.

I just wanted to update everyone on the situation. I don't get online much anymore. I really miss talking with everyone. Hopefully soon things will work out to where maybe I can be back online like I was before.

Thanks everyone for all the concern you have showed me on here, on my yahoo, and by calling me.

I need to have 230 photos rated.....

And I would to use my fu bucks to purchase a boomerang....

Anyone interested in helping????????

Wish me Luck!!!!!

I've been in pain for quite some time now that is why I have not been online much. The doctor has recently found out what the problem is. I have degeneration in the back of my neck, and a disk herniation. Both of these have my spinal cord in a very bad situation. There is too much pressure being placed on my spinal cord.

On the 13th of this month I will be having surgery on my spine. They have to go in and take out a section of my spine and replace it with a piece of metal. They call it cervical fusion.

Needless to say I am TERRIFIED!!!!!!!


IF anyone would like to buy me a vip in exchange for fu bucks plz let me know. I figure this way it may give me some enjoyment while I'm laying flat on my back recovering.

Wish me luck and send me good thoughts and prayers.........

I have found a GREAT site. You fill out a questionaire to see if you qualify and if you do then you can receive money for free each month.

I've also included some other sites that may be helpful some to people.

This is NO joke...... Check It For Yourself... Let Me Know What You Think!


Welcome to the Free Gas USA Inc.

We are America's only national nonprofit gasoline grant assistance provider. If you are a low-income United States citizen in need of gasoline to drive to work, medical appointments, take the kids to school or even to buy groceries, we are the program for you.  Grants are awarded monthly to prequalified candidates based on level of income, need,  circumstance and the availability of grant funding. To determine if you qualify for a grant, please complete the questionnaire that is provided at the bottom of our Services page. Thank you and good luck.






Patient Advocate Foundation


Mission of Mercy, Inc. - Offers free healthcare, including prescription medications, dental care, x-rays and lab tests, to both the uninsured and under insured using volunteer healthcare professionals that operate from a mobile medical clinic. 


HealthWell Foundation - This is a charitable assistance organization that helps people pay for  prescription medications. This group provides financial assistance and grants to help patients to pay for various out-of-pocket health care expenses including health insurance premiums, prescription drugs, and a wide variety of other costs.


The Access Project - The Access Project was created to improve health care, strengthen community action, and help promote social change, especially for those who are struggling and in need of assistance. Among other services they offer a Medical Debt Resolution Program that may be able to help you with paying medical bills and debt. They can provide you with proven strategies and information to help advocate with insurers, medical providers, and public assistance programs to reduce and ideally resolve your medical debt.


Gradient Gives Back Community Outreach Program - This program provides families with direct financial assistance, including rent and mortgage payments. They also offer counseling, help with tax returns, budgeting skills, and more.


Community Action Organizations - Local public or non-profit organization that provide numerous types of help and assistance, including help with utility bills, job training, and other services

My friends and Fu Friends have been asking and wondering why I have not been online much or very sociable. Well I have not been feeling well or sleeping for quite some time now. My doctor has finally discovered the reason. I suffer from Fibromyalgia & Narcolepsy. 

Here is alittle information on those health concerns in case you are not sure what exactly I suffer from.

Fibromyalgia syndrome affects the muscles and soft tissue.  What Is Fibromyalgia?

Think you might have fibromyalgia? Learn more about fibromyalgia with its chronic muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and tender points.

What is fibromyalgia syndrome?

A syndrome is a set of symptoms. When they exist together, they imply the presence of a specific disease or a greater chance of developing the disease. With FMS, the following symptoms commonly occur together:

anxiety or depression

decreased pain threshold or tender points

incapacitating fatigue

widespread pain


Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. People with narcolepsy experience excessive daytime sleepiness and intermittent, uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the daytime. These sudden sleep attacks may occur during any type of activity at any time of the day.

Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS): In general, EDS interferes with normal activities on a daily basis, whether or not a person with narcolepsy has sufficient sleep at night. People with EDS report mental cloudiness, a lack of energy and concentration, memory lapses, a depressed mood, and/or extreme exhaustion.

Cataplexy: This symptom consists of a sudden loss of muscle tone that leads to feelings of weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control. It can cause symptoms ranging from slurred speech to total body collapse depending on the muscles involved and is often triggered by intense emotion, for example surprise, laughter, or anger.

Those are my reasons for not being around and for not being sociable. I hope everyone understands and now knows that it had nothing to do with anyone personally.

Thank You for reading....

My FU Anniversary

My FU Anniversary is on Sept. 20th and my birthday is on Sept. 24th. I would LOVE a VIP for either, however any and all love shown to me will be greatly loved!!!!!

Love to all my fu friends

Who Will Trade???

I need about 1.5Mil to level to disciple.'

I am willing to make a deal for an auto or vip. I would prefer to make a deal for an auto or cherrybomb bling.

I am willing to pay 6 MIL for an auto or cherrybomb bling! If you have any other ideas on making a deal plz feel free to mention them to me.

PLease either comment on this blog or pm me if you are willing to make the trade.

I hope someone will be willing, I am so close to leveling!

Thank you for your time....


I need to purchase a 10 credit bling pack for fu bucks. That is all I need to get my Auto...

I am willing to pay up to 1mil.

If interested plz fu mail me...


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