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Drea2up's blog: "My Interests"

created on 01/13/2008  |  http://fubar.com/my-interests/b177871
Here are the 20 things every women deserves from the guy in her life... 1) His undivided attention at important moments. Not I've-got-basketball-on-TV or I'm-mentally-undressing-you attention, but full presence. 2) Compliments that are actually spoken aloud. Things that don't qualify: a pat on the bottom, a finger pistol plus wink, a "yesssss!" after great sex. 3) Good manners, even if you've been dating for years. He had you at "Hello," but what makes him think he can keep you at "S'up?" 4) A thoughtful balance of refreshing honesty and merciful little white lies. A few examples: He should speak the truth when you ask, "Are you hurt by what I said earlier?" But he should fudge when you ask, "Honey, do you mind if my mom comes to dinner?" 5) His utter lust for (and unwavering devotion to one or more of your body parts, be it your legs, breasts, hips, or behind. Bonus points if his fervor spills over to you and pumps up your body ego. 6) Lot of foreplay. And then some. Plus... 7) ...sex that involves eyes contact, kissing and cuddling. That isn't to suggest that maple syrup, cartwheels and the French maid costume are out, but you should be having plain vanilla love whenever you want it. 8) Acknowledgement of your relationship to his friends, to his family, and yes, on Facebook. Sylvie, 31, confesses: "I insisted one boyfriend change his online profile from 'single' to 'in a relationship.' An electronic betrayal can hurt as much as a real one." 9) Proud PR. He revels in your achievements, doesn't feel diminished by them, and loves acting as your personal publicist. 10) Use of his "inside voice" during arguments. Grown-ups should be able to bicker,even flat-out fight, without rupturing a vocal cord. 11) The willingness to never, ever blame your behavior on your period, unless you say, "Sorry, it must be my period." And even then he should just smile and nod, smile and nod. 12) Knight-in-shining-armor-ness. Modern-day gallantry does not make you a spoiled princess, so just enjoy the pampering when he rescues you from boring dinner conversations, picks you up in his Honda chariot, and slays dragons--OK, roaches--for you. 13) A call, not a text, that comes when he says it will. Making you wait by the phone is a power play. 14) Encouragement when you stand up to the person you've never had the guts to before. And a big hug if it doesn't work out quite the way you had hoped. 15) Gifts he knows you'll adore, even if they're not 100 percent his style. 16) A more-to-love attitude when you gain five pounds. 17) Another chance. So you blew it: You got drunk at his high school reunion, got caught peeking at his email, had lunch with an ex and somehow forgot to tell him about it, called his by that ex's name in a heated moment. You're going to make some mistakes (and so is he). Once you've groveled sufficiently and let him vent for a bit, he should be prepared to forgive you. Cue the makeup sex. 18) Amusement at your quirks. He gets a kick out of your chocolate-is-a-food-group approach to nutrition and thinks it's funny you call your best friend to watch reality TV "together." Kudos to the man who recognizes eccentricities for what they are: the stuff that makes you deliciously you. 19) Half of the housework. That's right, all you cohabitors, half the dishes, half the laundry, and half--OK, maybe all--the garbage-schlepping. 20) Respect. Any guy worthy of your love will be unstinting with respect. From October's Glamour magazine. Thanks Laurie Sandell!
Stevie WAS God! My idea of heaven is walking down a dark empty, wet street hearing his guitar playing coming from a small seedy dive, walking in, sitting down at the bar, ordering a beer and sitting back listening to him jam for the rest of all eternity. someday..... XOxo~Andrea

The Late Great SRV

Found @ http://musicmoonie.wordpress.com/ Makin the blues sound SO good…. August 27, 2008 at 7:47 am | In just the blues baby, music | No Comments I always admired Jimi Hendrix, but never really got into him as much as some did. In fact for my taste there are only a handful of guitar players who can take off on a jam and leave you wanting for more. Stevie Ray Vaughn was one of those axemen. To play with such abandon, but yet have such clean lines just amazed me. Today is the 18th anniversary of SRV’s death in a helicopter crash. I would get chills listening to him and Double Trouble in concert. I still do….
Found on Les Paul- Gibson Forums Posted by guitarslinger Stevie Ray Vaughan October 3, 1954 – August 27, 1990 "Today, August 27, 2008 is the 18th anniversary of the death of this modern-day Blues virtuoso. His style and unique approach to Blues have inspired and fueled literally thousands of guitar heros. I believe that he, single handedly, re-fueled the interest in Blues in the USA during the 80's and the continued sales of his audio recordings, live performance DVD's, and memorabilia are a testimony to his eternal popularity. We get to be bummed out all over again ...." And posted by saturn "Not only one of the greatest players, but he seemed to be a genuinely nice guy. He was always giving other players credit and respect. He's about the only celebrity type that I actually felt like crying over when I heard the news. I once knew a guy who worked for PRS back in the early days. Paul would get him passes to go backstage at all the local concerts and try to get the players to try out a PRS. This guy went backstage at Merriweather Post Pavillian when SRV played there and got him to demo a PRS. Don't remember what he said about if SRV liked it or bought one, but he did say Stevie was the coolest dude he ever met."


http://www.thebodytoxic.com/ The Body Toxic Nena Baker We are running a collective chemical fever that we cannot break. Everyone everywhere now carries a dizzying array of chemical contaminants, the by-products of modern industry and innovation that contribute to a host of developmental deficits and health problems in ways just now being understood. These toxic substances, unknown to our grandparents, accumulate in our fat, bones, blood, and organs as a consequence of womb-to-tomb exposure to industrial substances as common as the products that contain them. Almost everything we encounter—from soap to soup cans and computers to clothing—contributes to a chemical load unique to each of us. Scientists studying the phenomenon refer to it as “chemical body burden,” and in The Body Toxic, the investigative journalist Nena Baker explores the many factors that have given rise to this condition—from manufacturing breakthroughs to policy decisions to political pressure to the demands of popular culture. While chemical advances have helped raise our standard of living, making our lives easier and safer in many ways, there are costs to these conveniences that chemical companies would rather consumers never knew about. Baker draws back the curtain on this untold impact and assesses where we go from here. Photobucket “This is it: The book that finally chronicles the chemical invaders tainting us and the environment—the phthalates and Bisphenol-A (BPA), the flame retardants and non-stick surfaces. And investigative journalist Nena Baker’s book is enough to induce outrage.” E - The Environmental Magazine

Battle Of The Sexes

Source: California Psychics

Oh, what a difference a chromosome can make! We all know that people, regardless of gender, are likely to bear some (or all!) of the most common traits associated with their sun sign. However, in the realm of astrological love and compatibility, we tend to believe that certain sign combinations hold more promise than others.

For the most part, this is true. But, did you know that the astrological traits are affected by gender? Astrologically speaking, from attraction and interaction to reaction, men and women are as different as their anatomy.

Now let's take a look at the differences between men and women by sign - when it comes to attracting and interacting in love. Check out each zodiac sign's best and worst sides in love!

The Aries Female is an energetic, flirtatious force of nature who wants to be swept off her feet and cherished, but will step on your toes the minute she feels she is being smothered. She is most attracted to good looking, successful lovers who are capable of boosting her not-insignificant self-esteem. If you can't keep up (or lose!) her interest, she will quickly leave you behind in a cloud of dust, having traded you in for a pricier, showier model. If you have won the heart of an Aries woman, be prepared that she can be jealous, competitive, and downright cruel! On the flip side, she is capable of complete loyalty and will demand that you give her the same.

The Aries Male is a dynamic go-getter who wants to be overwhelmed by passion and emotion, and cannot stand for things to become complacent or routine. He likes his partners to be powerful and motivated, beautiful, and the sexual equivalent of a tornado. His hair-triggered anger and self-righteous attitude can take some getting used to, but he does cool down as quickly as he heats up. Boredom is the quickest way to make him stray, but that is only if you've proven exciting enough to get a commitment out of him in the first place.

The Taurus Female is as strong of heart as she is of mind. She tends to hide her own vulnerabilities, usually by immersing herself more deeply into nurturing those she loves. She is drawn to partners who are her equal (or better!) on the material plane - ones that offer up some type of guarantee for the future, like a wedding ring. She most likely will appear prim-and-proper out in public, but can be quite the wild child behind closed doors. She is as stubborn as she is loving, and finds it easy to get stuck in her ways. The concept of give-and-take sometimes passes her by, and she can be possessive to the point of oppression.

The Taurus Male is a mountain of integrity and strength, loyal and loving. He has a habit of seeing things as either black or white, so while he may be discussing, you may be arguing in an attempt to get him to change his views. He expects the same level of loyalty that he gives, and will toss a flirty lover to the curb for flirting with anyone other than him - his piles of erotica don't count as an indiscretion from his viewpoint. Anything he may be lacking in an adventuresome spirit sexually, is made up for by his sexual appetite.

The Gemini Woman is witty, charming, intelligent, and almost always at least ten minutes late. She is more attracted to a high IQ than any physical trait. She enjoys candlelight, but romance can bloom in broad daylight if the conversation is scintillating enough. This is not a woman adept at expressing her innermost feelings, and is likely to crack a joke until the serious moment passes. She wants security and stability in love, and a lover who is actually going to understand her, or at least treat her warmly when they don't.

The Gemini Male is an introverted extravert. Charisma, humor, and intellect may be the image he projects, but no matter how close you get - you can never be quite certain what is on his mind. He wants a partner who shows just enough emotion to validate that he is awesome, but not too much emotion that it will become complicated. He is seriously committed to remaining uncommitted, unless he stumbles across a super-achiever who can keep up with the conversation, reach their own goals without his assistance, and be packed and ready to go on an adventure at the drop of a dime. That, in his mind, is an amore worth considering.

The Cancer Female is an alluring beauty, whose gentleness and caring nature tends to be welcomed in any crowd. She believes that love is the secret to life, and the more dreamy and romantic, the better. Sentimentality is a way of life. She is demure and erotic, and wants a lover who will commit, commit, commit! Her moods swings can be quite the challenge, and she can throw an Oscar-worthy tantrum when she doesn't get her way. When this feminine seductress snares her partner, her attention and affection makes them want to stay.

The Cancer Male is a romantic's dream, who plays the part of courtier well. He is honest and devoted, and when his heart melts, his every breath is drawn in to be with the one that he loves. He is very protective and can be equally as possessive, often becoming jealous of time spent with friends, relatives, or even the family dog. He wants a partner who swoons at the sight of him, is part mind-reader, (his lover is supposed to intuitively know why he is sulking) and who will find joy simply in being the center of his world.

The Leo Woman tends to be successful, self-assured, and at times more than a little flamboyant - but no more so than a queen has a right to be. She is attracted to attractive, adventurous lovers who will share the stage with her - as long as they don't try and steal the spotlight! Her sexual prowess can keep you smiling with her adventuresome spirit, but please don't ask her to get kinky. She will not live with tyranny - even though she is as likely as any man to flawlessly play the role of the tyrant. Leo women know that they deserve the best of everything, and aren't afraid to sample many kinds of varieties when on the prowl for true love.

The Leo Male is strong and affectionate, with a magnetic personality filled with fun and good cheer. He tends to be very generous, and successful enough to recover from his sprees without skipping a beat. He is attracted to beauty in all forms of lovers, specifically the ones who are adept at adoring him. In bed, the King of Beasts will live up to the title, but before you're done purring, he's probably raiding the fridge or making a sandwich. This man will give away his heart away fully and with great ease, but from time to time he is likely to forget with whom he left it!

The Virgo Female really is filled with purity and virtue, but also knows how to cut loose and have a good time - when she's not over-analyzing the smallest aspects of life. This lady is always in control - at least of herself. In her world, there is a time, place, and order to everything - and her love and trust must be earned or won. She is most attracted to neat and tidy lovers whose philosophical intellect can challenge her own. She is cautious with her emotions, but when she chooses to release her passion, she removes the virginal misconception with the subtlety of a raging forest fire. This is a supersensitive woman with many facets of character, who constantly strives for perfection in herself, life and love.

The Virgo Male is the industrious sort who finds work to be oddly exciting. He's the one who is just as likely to softly grin caressing the finish of his new file cabinet the way others would the curve of a lover's hip. Always searching for ways to improve things, he tends to be attracted to people who need his help or guidance in some way, but they must also be intelligent and competent in their own right. He tends to look at love with the same zest and vigor as any other work to be done. In other words, love is meant to be shaped into perfect harmony (well, almost perfect!). He is selfish and selfless, and can freeze an active volcano or melt the polar ice caps, depending on the day. But with a partner who loves him compassionately, his devotion grows every day.

The Libra Female is warm and womanly... artistic and elegant. She can come home from work and whip out an intimate dinner for 20 that rivals any gala. She can find something attractive in every person, place, or thing - and still believes that Prince Charming will come riding into her life on a snow-white steed. Until they show up, any lover who shows interest and has even a liberal understanding of romance is definitely worth consideration, especially if they are packaged into a hot body. A good woman, she tries to anticipate her lover's needs, sometimes forgetting that air and personal space are amongst them. The greatest challenge for the Libra Female is realizing that a clinging vine tends to strangle, but when she's content with herself alone in life, she is the most desirable flower.

The Libra Male is the life of the party, the kind of guy you just want to be around. Strong of mind, body, character and success, he tends to have a playboy past and is likely to throw over the latest bubble-headed beauty for a quiet, loyal, sweetheart who may turn a few less heads (but can intellectually hold their ground). For all that he is, and all that he has achieved, he tends to have abandonment issues that can run fairly deep. His deepest desire is to complete himself with the one he loves, and if it takes a hundred tries before they get it right - he'll just keep on trying!

The Scorpio Female is an unwinding mystery, sometimes even to herself. She is strong yet soft, kind, compassionate, intuitive, alluring and shy. She can rise to any challenge, claim victory without rubbing it in, and love so deeply that it scares herself. Sexually, there are no boundaries, no limits to the games she'll play (sex is power!) but she's very selective with the few that can experience her feminine wiles. She is attracted to a partner who is intelligent as well as wise, attractive and enigmatic. While the Scorpio female can be quite possessive, she prefers that her freedoms be unrestrained. The person who falls for Ms. Scorpio's embrace will never be the same. Once you know the rules, you understand it is her game.

The Scorpio Male tends to be physically alluring and intellectually frustrating. He always knows the answer before he asks the question, he just wants to see how you'll respond. His sexuality can excite the coldest, stillest waters of any pond, and yet sex is not the mission with the ones with whom he shares his charm. He is attracted to partners who are independent but loyal, intelligent, but not too inquisitive. Even the most committed Scorpio man has a way of making a lover wonder. He is pride and mystery, and if he doesn't choose to drive you mad with silence and intrigue, he is likely to sweep you just far enough off your feet that you'll be holding on for life - even after he's long gone.

The Sagittarius Female can light up a room, simply by stepping in to it. Charming, witty, outgoing, and hilariously fun, this woman may not be sure in what direction her life is going, but she will make the most of scenery along the way! She is independent and impulsive, and her idea of romance is a week-long adventure - but you can bring champagne and roses if you want to. She is attracted to active, intelligent, and optimistic lovers who thrive as much as she does venturing into the unknown. She can make an insult sound like a compliment, and to her, "apology" is some foreign and undiscovered word. You may not know where the Sagittarius female is going, but fun and chaos will mark where she's been.

The Sagittarius Male is charming enough to teach a snake to samba, and equally as intriguing to be around. He is upbeat and ingenious, and some may say even a bit unorthodox, but definitely someone you like to be around. Lovers tend to overwhelm him, (they don't understand that a commitment has a lifespan of about two weeks) but he'll happily thrill you with humor and romance as long as it's still a chase. The person he catches tends to quickly be re-released into the dating wild. The Sagittarius man is like an over-grown boy, who will claim to be invincible, right up until he's put in his grave.

The Capricorn Female is an energetic workaholic who is always on the move. This accomplished femme fatale is one of the most kind-hearted, loyal, and caring pessimists that you could ever meet. Her sense of self-worth is what makes her strive tirelessly for success, but it also is what allows her to fall for some pretty superficial romantic situations. While she wants a self-sufficient, warm and caring partner - she often falls prey to false hopes and promises formed by attractive lips. She is a sensitive creature whose feelings can easily be hurt, but has a problem recognizing that her own finesse is often delivered with the gentleness of a 10 pound sledgehammer at full swing. Logic, emotion, and drama rule and fuel her world, but being on her "good side" is a very good place to be, because while she will forgive - she is less likely to let you forget.

The Capricorn Male exudes strength and endurance, professionally as well as in the bedroom. He tends to be quite accomplished, and looks for attractive partners who can hold a conversation but pale in comparison with his own intelligence. With an agreeable lover, he can spend less energy controlling and manipulating, which frees his time to shower them with the finer things in life, because they have met his expectations and deserve to be pampered and rewarded.

The Aquarius Female is a dreamy, analytical, friendly person, who either enchants or scares those she meets. At work or play, there is a calm intensity about her that can endear or overwhelm, but never fails to make an impression. She is most attracted to lovers of a like-mind, those who value honesty, humanity, the world, and all the life forms in it. One of the best listeners out there, Ms. Aquarius often fails to ask for what she wants or needs, because she'll just assume she won't get it. Marriage is security, and she has idealistic views of both.

The Aquarius Male has the mind of inventor, the intellect and vocabulary of the most esteemed professor. All things new and developmental exist to be pondered and explored, his thirst and ability to absorb knowledge and theory is profound. He tends to appear serene and collected, at times eccentric or standoffish, but this is merely the wrapper for a humane and kind soul. He is most attracted to freedom loving partners who have kind hearts and empathetic souls. While life is but a playground for the Aquarius male, his loyalty and devotion to his chosen one hinges on the respect of his ideals and space - without fail.

The Pisces Female is usually a soft-spoken, tender-hearted woman "in love with love" and romance. She has the soul and vision of an artist whose temperament is more prone to tears than tantrums. She has a vital and sensual sense of humor, and her charisma is quite beguiling. Because she believes in romantic love, she often gravitates toward the playboy, often not noticing the stability offered by a less-fairytale type of lover. She believes there is good in all, but often fails to recognize her own inner strength. The female Pisces who is begging to be rescued is the one most likely to be scraping egg off her face.

The Pisces Male has a healthy respect for life, particularly when seen through his humorous eyes. He is the modern-day mystic, sans the tranquility training. He is charming and romantic, beautifully surreal. He can be obsessive and moody one minute - at times pouring out his soul - and the next, be extremely still and private. He loves deeply, and emotionally, and can find himself easily attached - but always searching for new level of intensity. He is most attracted to beautiful people who are strong enough to keep him in line, and smart enough to do so privately with respect and compassion. The Pisces male is notorious for wanting what he can't have, and sometimes living in the melancholy memory (or bottle!) of the past he's left behind.

What do the stars say about your love connection? Talk to a psychic to find out more. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

The Art of Teasing

Source: California Psychics

While the act of sex itself gets a lot of (well-deserved) hype, sometimes it's the prelude to the actual deed that's most exciting… And as the most highly skilled lovers will tell you, that prelude begins way before foreplay. A steamy, satisfying and surprise-filled sex life is all about the art of the tease.

Think about it. Unlike sex itself, teasing can begin in public or at home, at any time of day and with (or without) anyone else even knowing about it. It's the power of a glance, a touch or even a well-timed text message. A little exchange that may seem like nothing to an outsider, but gets your lover's imagination working and their blood boiling, which enhances the experience for both of you when the time to get down to business comes.

And the best part is, if you want to drive your lover wild with desire, it may be easier than you think. Remember, the key is not to be lascivious or test your boundaries (though of course, if you're feeling adventurous, those things don't usually hurt), it's simply to get your lover's wheels turning. Let's face it, there's nothing sexier than thinking about sex. And it doesn't take much for most of us to go there.

So let's get down to business with these three quick ways to turn your lover on - without even seeming like you're trying.

Reverse striptease
While the striptease may be time's most tested version of teasing, getting dressed can be just as sexy - and doesn't require any rhythmic skills or a seductive setting. In fact, it's one of the easiest - and most effective ways to make your morning count (and send your mate's mind reeling all day)!

Whether you start fresh out of the shower or in any stage of undress, be sure to let your lover see you before your morning outfit is complete. Whether you iron in your underwear or simply pass by as you button your shirt take a moment to make eye contact… after all, the eyes are the mirror to the soul… and if your soul is feeling sexy in that moment, they won't miss it - or forget it easily!

Acknowledge their assets
Everyone enjoys a compliment, and giving one of a sexual nature (however directly or indirectly) is a surefire way to spark up some chemistry with your mate. Let them know you like the way their (fill in the blank) looks in that dress/those jeans/their birthday suit. You can be nonchalant about it, or make a point of letting them know what seeing them that way does to you. Either way, they'll either inquire further (prompting you to give more detail or actually demonstrate). Or they can simply take that information with them, for use at a later time.

Let there be silence
When things are quiet, oftentimes the easiest thing to do is to start chatting. But some of the most profoundly sexy and intimate moments can be found between words. Whether you're at dinner, on the beach or in the car, resist your urge to fill the space and let the silence linger. Touch your lover gently (a hand on their hand or leg, a head on their shoulder), or look in their eyes for a moment and smile softly. No need to hold the gaze (unless it just feels right), it's the mere acknowledgment that you're both present in the moment that fans the flames. And while it may not lead to sex right then and there, you will likely find your next romp (the one that will very probably be that night) will be a close and connected one.

Remember that sometimes the best way to seduce your lover is to take a simple, thoughtful course without too much effort. Then let the heat between you do all the talking.

Do you wonder what's on your lover's mind? Get a psychic reading for insight. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Is your soul broken?

Source: California Psychics

After the loss of love, either from a breakup or from a loved one's death, it's normal to grieve and even go through a depression. But after a while, you're supposed to "get your groove back," so to speak. But sometimes you can't move on, and thoughts of the loss seem to take over your life.

What's the problem? Are you afraid to let go? Clinging to the past? A glutton for punishment? Or is it possible you've lost a piece of your soul?

In native cultures all over the world, it's believed that you can truly "lose your soul" or have a piece of it break off due to a trauma or heartbreak. According to shamanism, this is often done voluntarily - you give a piece of yourself in the form of your "energy body" to someone you love out of a desire to protect them or stay with them, even if they leave you or depart this world. Shamans believe that oftentimes unless a healer does a "soul retrieval" ceremony to get the missing parts of you back, you'll forever feel like something is "off" or missing, and won't quite feel in your power in the same way again. They claim this can cause a litany of emotional and physical problems, commonly including depression and fatigue.

Think this might be you? Then listen to Enlightening Relationships this week as we interview Guru Singh Khalsa, longtime practicing American Sikh, Kundalini yoga master, energy healer, and shaman. Guru Singh (named by Los Angeles Magazine as L.A.'s top yoga instructor) has a thriving following teaching people all the ways to master their physical and emotional health through various spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, mantra, healthy diet, sound therapy and more. 

The guru's large base of students includes everyone from housewives to rock stars, all looking to feel more peace and joy in their lives. He'll share with us all the ways you can heal your heart, bless the past, and renew yourself throughout the ups and downs of life. Best of all, he'll reveal how you can create a powerful present you'll want to be fully there for - in body, mind, and spirit.

So let your soul rejoice, and tune in, call in and be Enlightened.

Click here to listen to this week's Enlightening Relationships

Carol Allen is the host of Enlightening Relationships on KarmaAir.com and the author of the eBook, Love Is in the Stars, which can be found at a website of the same name.


Obsession, jealousy and lies by sign Ah, love… when we think about it most of the time, it's rosy. A place where comfort and passion blend to create a feeling we all want, need and crave. But what about when love turns bad? Obsession, cruelty, jealous rages, infidelity - all of these are part of the romantic road as much as (if not more than!) candlelight dinners and lust-filled nights. The good news is, love's dark side can be categorized astrologically. If you know what negatives to look for with each sign, then you can avoid falling into their traps! Below is your guide to the dark side of each sign in love. Gemini When a sign is represented by twins - that's right, two people - duplicity can rightly be expected. What will shock you with Gemini, however, is the degree to which their personalities can be split. The true pitfall? You'll get so caught up in their positive qualities that you will barely be able to believe the depth of their negative ones. This will only be complicated by their propensity for dishonesty. That's right - Gemini is a liar for the ages, and can spin a web of deception so tight that even the most astute, grounded (even psychic!) individual may find themselves at least temporarily fooled. The only way to avoid this sign's deep dark side is to be aware of it - and to check yourself at the first sign something's up. Toxic pairing: Cancer, Taurus and Capricorn can spell trouble when paired with The Twins… And despite initial passion (which, like Gemini themselves, can be deceiving) Scorpio would probably do best to steer clear. Cancer It's no coincidence that Crabs have claws… claws that can either allow Cancer to cling, or give you a painful pinch. The thing with the crab is that they're sensitive. So sensitive that in their lowest form, their actions in love are motivated by fear and past hurts. This leads them to a.) try to monitor your every second and demand you stay home at all times with them (don't ever leave their side) or b.) retreat into their shells and ignore you - leaving you floating alone out at sea. In fact, being shut out unexpectedly is the real danger with Cancer, who will stick in a dissatisfying situation for a long time before abandoning ship, or run from a real connection if they're not ready to be vulnerable. In either situation, the kicker is that they'll never explain and never look back. To steer clear of the pinch, make a Cancer feel needed and loved, but don't stay if they seem to lose interest. Toxic pairing: Gemini, Aries and Libra might not fare well here nor will fellow Cancers. In this case the similarities - and sensitivities - may be insurmountable! Leo In the animal kingdom, lions travel in prides. In human existence, they travel with it. In other words, self-centered is an understatement with Leo in their lesser forms and dating one such cowardly lion can be a master class in ego-stroking. In this vision, you will become secondary, a mere day player in the lion's life-play. The worst part is, since they're always performing, Leo can be excellent actors. After all, practice makes perfect. Point is, you may be so caught up in their charm and skill that you don't notice you're one of many fans… and can be disposed of (albeit dramatically) at any moment. To avoid the lower lion's snare, keep your head screwed on straight and take note of attention-seeking and self-serving behavior that goes beyond the norms of decency. A little give and take goes a long way - and don't let them do all the taking. Toxic pairing: Capricorn, Taurus and Aquarius would do well to stay out of this jungle, as might Pisces, who needs a partner much more than a pet project (as they can sometimes be pet projects themselves). Virgo With a penchant for perfection, popular perception dictates that the Virgin is angelic and sweet, but make no mistake - a dark side runs deep here and can be quick to rear its ugly head in even the most evolved Virgo, particularly when stressed. How does that translate you ask? Criticism. A hair out of place, a misused phrase, a laugh that is slightly too loud (or god forbid a goofy noise - even inadvertent)… when with a Virgo not aligned with their best self you will find yourself quite literally picked apart. What's worse (and really cuts to the core if you're on the end of their laser-beam) is that the Virgin does this with singeing accuracy and little in the way of diplomacy. No mincing words. In short, you're not perfect… and they're never going to let you forget it. To avoid this trap, put a Virgo gently (or not so gently) in their place when they hurt you. But if you decide to stay, accept that a certain amount of analysis is part of the deal. Toxic pairing: Pisces, Sag and Gemini might struggle with the Virgin, as will Libra, whose very best qualities will drive nit-picking Virgo to the height of annoyance. Libra If passive-aggressive behavior, condescension and bottled up anger that results in poorly-timed barbs and fickle infidelity doesn't sound appealing to you, than look out for a Libra in their lesser form. The balanced one - in anything less than top shape - is actually completely unbalanced, and without even realizing it will mine the depths of your tolerance as they take stabs at you (verbal and gestural) for merely being yourself. This is because Libra has a tendency to idealize their partners - and as soon as mates fall short in any way (which they inevitably do), they'll become disillusioned. To deal with Libra (and their unfair expectations) is to call them out on their crap and don't stand for their outside flirtations. While infidelity is appealing to these airy creatures, partnership is their preferred state - particularly if you're the one who may leave or stray. Toxic matches: Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are too weighty for Libra, despite what can be initial attraction (particularly for the Fish). Likewise, Virgo's detail-oriented nature will foster the disillusion that drives Libra to the dark side. Scorpio The darkest of the dark, a personally unattuned Scorpio can be any sign's worst nightmare… wrapped up in a sexual fantasy. That's the catch. These alluring stingers when in bad shape are master manipulators who can make a lover feel like they see to their soul - only to turn around and destroy them. Worst of all is a Scorpio scorned. Indeed, if you've broken their trust, even the sweetest Scorpio will likely never forget it… and they will get you back in the end. If you don't want to be run around in circles - or drawn into a vortex of pain that somehow still leaves you wanting more, even as you race away in the other direction - pay attention for cracks in Scorpio's quiet reserve. A peek of the firebrand underneath may be the glimpse into hell you need to stay away. Toxic matches: Gemini, Sag and Aquarius partnerships with Scorpio will likely lead to no good end as arguments of the fiercest kind will ensue. Meanwhile, Libra sparks the scorpion's possessive (read: scary) side… which is something no sign needs to see. Sagittarius With an inkling for adventure and an aversion to settling down, Sagittarius is the antithesis of a homebody. And for those seeking a deep, intimate connection, a less-than-grounded Sag is someone to run from. Consider this scenario: After the Archer sucks you in with their philosophical thoughts and romantic ideals (read: romantic, in the sweeping literary sense), they're likely to give you some of the best sex of your life… then get on their horse and gallop away without you… just as you were ready for a cuddle. Worst of all, it's not that they don't care - it's just that they care for a lot of people, and moreover, they crave that next thrill. To avoid their inadvertent dark side, set the ground rules before you start. Rarely will the Archer mislead you about their intentions. However, be warned: their intentions can - and often will - change. Toxic matches: Taurus, Cancer and Virgo will find themselves driven crazy by Sag's freedom loving streak and wild ways. Capricorn will drive Sag to drink… and ultimately, stray. Capricorn Capricorns in all shapes and forms have a general desire to keep up with the Joneses. As such, they work hard and often enjoy the trappings of success. The catch then, comes when they expect you to be yet another trophy. Capricorn will expect their partners to be a reflection of their values and in turn hold you to such a high standard that you can't keep up. The result: you're left feeling inadequate and unattractive, and they don't care, because in their mind you've failed to meet their exacting standards. Love shouldn't be a competition, but with a Capricorn whose self-awareness needs adjustment, it will become just that. Nobody needs a holier than thou companion, especially one who lords their power over you. To steer clear of controlling Capricorn, maintain your independence at all costs - and refuse to be reduced to an accessory. Toxic matches: Aries and Gemini will find it hardest to make Capricorn happy - and the goat will judge their every flight of fancy or indiscretion. This makes the prospect doubly dangerous for eccentric Aquarius, who will want to drown practical Capricorn in the very water they bear. Aquarius When an Aquarius is in their best form, they're innovators with huge social circles and an active - if unpredictable - lifestyle. Conversely, an Aquarius in toxic state has little regard for others (though still an active - if unpredictable - lifestyle, if you catch that drift). In other words, the Water Bearer who isn't invested in a relationship will put little time or effort in, often disappearing for long stretches and taking umbrage with your upset in the name of their self-perceived status as eclectic geniuses. Indeed, while sometimes socially charming, an unbalanced Aquarius has an ego that knows no limits, and the mind to convince themselves this is justified. The problem is, they're often so convincing, that you'll believe what they spew - even as it leaves you hurt and home alone. To avoid the trap of a dark side Aquarius, read the signs as they actually are, not as your Water Bearer describes them. Translation? If they're not with you, they're somewhere else, probably with someone else - or in the very least, with intentions that oppose yours… that is, if you want a real partnership. Toxic matches: Dominating Capricorn, clingy Cancer and volatile Scorpio will likely combust with an Aquarian flame. Likewise, Aquarius and Aries may struggle to find balance and wind up in a tug of war. Pisces When life is not favoring the sometimes co-dependent Pisces, the fish tends to wallow - and remove themselves from reality. Indeed, the imagination that serves them so well as artists and yes, psychics, often leads Pisces to disconnect from the world as it is, which can create problems for anyone looking to build a solidly grounded relationship. Add to this the little known fact that Pisces, while often shy, can be possessive, and have an unhealthy tendency to rely excessively on their partner. In fact, depressed Pisces will make you feel personally responsible for their well-being, leading ultimately to resentment on both parts… and potentially dangerous consequences. To avoid drowning in the fish's sorrows (or becoming their self-proclaimed cause), keep an eye out for self-pity, excessive enthusiasm (alcohol), or a lack of perception of the world around them. Artists can be romantic partners, but it can also turn black… fast. On top of everything else, while proclaiming undying and unconditional love, the fish has a tendency to cheat. Toxic matches: Libra, Leo and Gemini will most likely lead a Pisces to despondency, bringing out their worst traits and magnifying them, despite any initial attractions. Aries If you think Leo loves the spotlight, meet Aries - only the Ram is less of a performer and more of a prodder, quite literally ramming their thoughts, opinions, desires and plans down your throat like it or not. In fact, an ill-attuned Aries will show such little regard for their partner's feelings (or anyone else's for that matter) that you'll begin to wonder if the world does, in fact, revolve around them. The Ram certainly thinks so. And if anyone disagrees, this fire sign has no problem burning that bridge - no matter how close you thought the connection was. Yes, that includes their mates. After all, ego-centric Aries can be so self-convinced that partners are interchangeable. That's because the dialogue is always all about them. If you're faced with an aggressive Aries, don't let the Ram push you around. Stand your ground, voice your opinion and you may have a chance of earning their respect. Toxic matches: Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn are ill-suited to love an Aries. Either too dependent, too exacting or too controlling for The Ram, compromise will be hard to reach. Same for Scorpio… though the chemistry may be enough to fan the flames for a little while. Taurus Sensual Taurus can be a smoldering lover… one for the record books. But if the bull isn't interested - or doesn't feel safe, you may find yourself faced with a completely different person - someone who considers you an object and simply wants to have their way with you. Or an insecure clinger who won't let you out of their sight. If you want to avoid the pitfalls of the bull's nastier sides, make sure to pamper and protect them and nourish their nicer side, otherwise, you'll be in for a branding that really scars. Take note: stubborn is an understatement here. So once their underbelly is exposed, it will be difficult - nearly impossible - to return your bull to their softer, sensitive self. Toxic pairings: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sag can all find it tough going with Taurus. Whether it's flights of fancy, the need for attention or a craving for adventure, Taurus's simplistic nature will not be positively highlighted.

Here's MY sign

The Air Signs embrace spontaneity, need mobility, and demand action. If you're up for an exciting challenge, let an Air Sign carry you away in his or her whirlwind... LIBRA is the most charming (and likely to be partnered up) of the Air Signs. The sign of the Scales seeks out harmony and balance, and shrinks from conflict and discord. Don't create drama or put things in disarray if you want to keep your Libra happy. He or she would rather compromise than fight in order to keep the peace. For a Libra, companionship is a must. The Scales need another person in their life to feel balanced. If you need a dinner date that won't upstage or, worse, embarrass you, call a Libra. They are adept at the social graces, and making others feel at ease. They know how to behave properly given any situation. Their pleasant demeanor charms them into favor, which makes them even more charming. But, take note, their charm and magnetism can lead to indiscreet situations since people are constantly drawn to them, creating frequent temptations. Aesthetics play an important role for Libra who seeks out visual harmony and balance. You may find more Libras than any other sign who are artistically inclined. Motto: Can't we all just get along?
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