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Drea2up's blog: "My Interests"

created on 01/13/2008  |  http://fubar.com/my-interests/b177871

E.T. Phone Home

If you enjoy reading, and have any interest in intelligent life on other planets, you want to pick-up a copy of the book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL by Retired Colonel Philip J. Corso.

Even to those like myself who don't doubt the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet, this book is an eye opener.

I'm only to chapter 12 so far, but here's that chapter's title: The Integrated Circuit Chip:From the Roswell Crash Site to Silicon Valley.

In this extraordinary memoir Colonel Corso gives details and names names describing how the US Government found, covered-up and used alien artifacts to change the course of twentieth-century history.

Karl Marx

"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credit, until debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to the bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to Communism." Karl Marx, 1867.
What is the evidence? How do firemen react to mounds of human ashes found inside unburned buildings, even inside unscorched clothing? Spontaneous human combustion (SHC)-- inexplicable incidents where people burn up while their surroundings show no signs of fire. One of the rarest of physical phenomena, SHC raises profound questions, and has stirred up controversy in the quest to explain or deny its existence. The 1951 case of Mary Reeser in St. Petersburg, Florida generated a great deal of public interest. The 175 lb. woman was found reduced to 8-10 lbs. of ash, though her left foot was undamaged. Her skull was said to be shrunk to the size of a tea cup, he recounted. Reports of such cases extend back hundreds of years, and have been seen around the world. If no other explanation can resolve these human fireballs, then SHC must be added to the growing catalog of mystery ailments that plague mankind. Thus more questions are raised. Can the human body cremate itself biochemically? Or by its own electrical energy within? Is there a new form of energy (energies) being revealed that may herald limitless non-polluting power? What is the role of geography, quantum physics, and--indeed--human consciousness in outbreaks of SHC? Can animals and households also spontaneously burst into flames... while firemen stand by helpless to explain or quell the baffling blazes before them? And: Could you protect yourself against this most mysterious of all the forms of human transition?

Survival Seed Bank

New “Survival Seed Bank” Produces Thousands Of Pounds Of Nutrient-Dense Food For Pennies Per Pound… Enough To Feed Friends And Family Forever! Now you can grow all the survival food you will ever need anywhere in the country with a kit that contains a special seed bank of hard to find, open pollinated… super seeds, grown by small, fiercely independent farmers. Let’s face it. If the stories coming out on the world’s food supply are even half right, we’ve got real problems and they aren’t going to go away quickly. http://www.survivalseedbank.com/


Marshall Klarfeld’s groundbreaking new book, “ADAM, THE MISSING LINK,” blows the lid off a closely-held package of historical and scientific facts proving that the human race was created by genetic engineering technology nearly a quarter of a million years ago. “This is the biggest news story of the century,” says Klarfeld, an engineer-turned-investigative researcher. “Once the public has seen the facts they can’t help but accept our history as descendants of extraterrestrial visitors. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.” “ADAM, THE MISSING LINK” tells of mankind’s creation by an extraordinary species that occupied planet Earth 450,000 years ago. The book is complete with 145 photographs of the symbols and accomplishments of this highly advanced civilization, that makes Klarfeld’s new book a spellbinding and ultimately convincing account of non-fiction. “The artifacts left on earth are convincing evidence of this enormously intelligent species and their many accomplishments,” says Klarfeld. “And mankind is their greatest creation.” As an undergraduate student at CALTECH in the late 1940’s, Marshall was fascinated by the advanced scientific knowledge found in the Bible’s story of creation. Genesis describes the creation of our solar system as occurring in a 6 “day” time frame. His question was, how did this 5,000 year old Bible description of the birth of our solar system disclose the advanced scientific information (the ignition of our Sun occurs at the 4th “day”, in a 6 “day” creation process), thousands of years before we discovered it? Uncertain how to unravel this puzzle, he questioned his Nobel laureate professors, Linus Pauling and Richard Feynman. Their powerful answers stayed with him for decades and inspired him to pursue the knowledge that he is now able to share with the readers of "Adam, The Missing Link." For more information contact Marshall Klarfeld (m.klarfeld@att.net).
Source: California Psychics

Women. When it comes to saying the right thing, we're so hard to please. Or at least it seems that way most of the time. But here's a little secret that the high maintenance among us may not want you to know: we're really not that difficult - as long as you keep a few phrases in your regular rotation!

1. How was your day?
The kicker with this one is you really have to care and you really have to listen. But by doing something as simple as inquiring about your significant other's day, you're illustrating that you want to be a part of it. Why this is even worth mentioning? Because men often forget that for a woman, sharing is hugely important. If Oprah's twenty years of success haven't taught you that, then you'd better tune into a few episodes. That, or take it from me! Ask your lady how her day went, listen to what she says attentively and remember a few details for the next time she fills you in and you'll give yourself a leg up in the land of love.

2. You look gorgeous!
Note that hot, sexy and gorgeous are not the same as cute or pretty. Feel free to substitute any other word you think is appropriate but the key here is to let your woman know you find her sexually attractive. Every girl wants to feel sexy - especially to the guy she's with. In fact, on most days it doesn't matter to most of us if no one else notices us - as long as our guy does! Now should you be uttering this constantly - probably not. Over usage of anything will render it meaningless. But if you love the way your lady looks when she wakes up in the morning and stretches, tell her. If she looks hot to you when she comes home from work a little wrinkled, tell her. If you're sitting across from her at dinner and her glammed up hair and shiny lips do it for you, for goodness' sake, let her know! Whatever does it for you will make her feel good - and encourage her to appeal to you more often!

3. What do you think about (blank)?
Okay, so after your woman knows you care about her and you want her, she wants to know you think she's smart and respect her opinion. What better way to show her than by asking for her opinion and/or her input. Whether it's the car you're considering buying, the latest news on CNN, a book you heard was good or a shirt you're going to put on, let her know her thoughts matter to you. Asking will go along way - particularly if you listen to her reply!

Now of course, there are zillions of other things you can say to stay in your lady's good graces. But consider this: as long as a woman knows you love her, respect her and desire her, you're going to be on solid ground. Remember that and you'll understand why these three phrases are a good place to start the next time you're wondering what she wants to hear.

Need help in your relationship? Get a psychic reading for guidance. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.
This was not written by me, but RECOMMENDED TO ME BY MY DAD & FOUND ON ANOTHER WEB SITE I received an email recently about how doctor's found great results in reducing a child's night time cough by rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub on their feet, then putting the kid's socks on, and letting them go to bed. Now this email stated that not only were they getting good results, but the Vicks technique was working 100% of the time. Hmmmmmm, Time to test I have a young child and now that we are entering the cold season I figured I would have the opportunity to test this method out. Well, the doctors were right. One night I woke hearing my child coughing steadily in his sleep. Remembering the email that I received a few days earlier I decided to give the Vicks a shot. I went into his room and started applying the Vicks. Now, my child is a very sound sleeper and will sleep through anything, so me applying the Vicks to his feet did not even begin to stir him from his deep slumber. I tell you this because the results were amazing. After I applied the Vicks, but before the socks were even on I noticed that his coughing subsided and his breathing was deeper. I wanted to think that this was due to the fact that I had woken him up and he was simply not coughing 'at that moment'. That wasn't the case. He had literally stopped coughing all together. I went to bed that night and was questioned by my child during breakfast on how the socks arrived on his feet in the middle of the night... he didn't even know. The skeptic that I am was amazed, but still thought that it was just luck. Needless to say a couple nights later my child was coughing after a long Halloween night. Immediately I went for the Vicks Vapor Rub. Again, the coughing stopped upon application. I can't believe how well this works, but I wanted to share it with other parents out there knowing that a good night's sleep is like gold! Trina is the editor of http://www.alternativemedicinedirect.com where you can find additional home remedies, information about alternative medicine and locate health stores all across the United States. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trina_S

Varitek A Free Agent Now

11/14/08 12:01 AM EST Varitek tops Red Sox's offseason list With free agency here, catcher is now free to sign with other clubs By Ian Browne / MLB.com BOSTON -- The two weeks of exclusivity the Red Sox had with Jason Varitek, their catcher of the last decade-plus, has passed. Varitek, just like every other free agent in Major League Baseball, is now eligible to sign with all 30 teams. As the clock struck midnight ET and Thursday turned to Friday, free agency officially began. Varitek is clearly a front-burner issue for the Red Sox. Catching depth is not strong throughout Major League Baseball. Complicating the situation is that Varitek, who will be 37 in April, is coming off what is easily the worst offensive season of his career. "He's an important part of the organization -- there's no doubt about that," Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein said recently. "Obviously, he's coming off a year that wasn't his best, but he's important nonetheless. Now he's a free agent and we'll be talking to him. We have an obligation to explore all our options. We do that with every position." Catching just happens to be a difficult one to fill. "There's not a lot of elite catching out there," Epstein said. "But at the same time, that changes the standards for what you're looking for. What we like to do is be league average at every position and then be way above league average at as many positions as we can. We try to have no weak links and be at least league average at every position. So with the state of catching, what is league average? It's well documented that there's not a lot of elite catching out there, but we'll figure it out." Epstein did have some initial meetings at the General Managers Meetings with Scott Boras, who represents Varitek. It isn't known if offers were exchanged. One sticking point could be length, with the Red Sox preferring a shorter-term deal than Varitek might be willing to accept. The other free agents from the Red Sox are Mike Timlin, Curt Schilling, Bartolo Colon, Sean Casey, Alex Cora, Mark Kotsay, Paul Byrd and David Ross. Aside from Varitek, the Red Sox might have interest in bringing back Casey and Cora, two veteran bench players. Timlin doesn't figure into the team's plans for next season and Schilling will either retire or pitch a partial season. Kotsay and Byrd are likely to explore opportunities to play more vital roles for other teams. Epstein will also spend plenty of time in the next few weeks exploring free agents from outside the organization. Starting pitching could be of particular interest to the Red Sox, and there is a lot of it on the market. Derek Lowe, A.J. Burnett and Ben Sheets are just some of the names that could make a significant impact on a rotation. Other than that, it's unclear which areas Boston will pursue when it comes to free agency. The Red Sox are in a luxurious spot in that they have starting players under contract at every position and in some cases -- shortstop and center field -- they have two potential starters. Red Sox slugger David Ortiz recently expressed the desire for his team to add another big bat. The most intriguing free agent in that regard is first baseman Mark Teixeira. But it's unclear if he is a fit for the Red Sox, given that Kevin Youkilis and Mike Lowell currently man the corners.


Snopes had this to say about it... snopes.com: Tampon Wound Dressing WOW, WHAT A STORY!!!!!! Subject: MARINES AND TAMPONS (A GREAT STORY) Tampons to the rescue in Iraq !! Don't worry, it's a good story, and worth reading. It's even humorous in parts. It's from the mother of a Marine in Iraq My son told me how wonderful the care packages we had sent them were and wanted me to tell everyone thank you. He said that one guy we'll call Marine X, got a girl care package and everyone was giving him a hard time. My son said, "Marine X got some really nice smelling lotion and everyone really likes it, so every time he goes to sleep they steal it from him." I told my son I was really sorry about the mistake, and if he wanted I would send Marine X another package. He told me not to worry about Marine X because every time I send something to him, Marine X thinks it's for him too. He said when my husband and I sent the last care package, Marine X came over to his cot picked up the box, started fishing through it, and said, "What'd we get this time?" My son said they had the most fun with Marine X's package. He said he wasn't sure who we were sending the pack to, but the panties were size 20, and he said one of the guys got on top of the Humvee and jumped off with the panties over his head and yelled, "Look at me, I'm an Airborne Ranger!!!!" One of the guys attached the panties to an antenna and it blew in the wind like a windsock. He said it entertained them for quite awhile. Then of course.......they had those tampons. When he brought this up, my imagination just went running, but he continued. My son said they had to go on a mission and Marine X wanted the Chap-Stick and lotion for the trip. He grabbed a bunch of the items from his care package and got in the Humvee. As luck would have it he grabbed the tampons too, and my son said everyone was teasing him about "not forgetting his feminine hygiene products" He said things went well for a while, then the convoy was ambushed and a Marine was shot. He said the wound was pretty clean, but it was deep. He said they were administering first aid but couldn't get the bleeding to slow down, and someone said, "Hey! Use Marine X's tampons!" My son said they put the tampon in the wound. At this point my son profoundly told Me, "Mom, did you know that tampons expand?" ("Well....yeah!") They successfully slowed the bleeding until the guy got better medical attention. When they went to check on him later The surgeon told them, "You guys saved his life. If you hadn't stopped that bleeding he would have bled to death." My Son said, "Mom, the tampons sent by the Marine Moms by mistake saved a Marine's life." At this point I asked him, "Well, what did you do with the rest of the tampons?" He said, "Oh, we divided them up and we all have them in our flak jackets, and I kept two for our first aid kit." I am absolutely amazed by the ingenuity of our Marines. I can't believe that something that started out as a mistake then turned into a joke, ended up saving someone's life. My sister said she doesn't believe in mistakes. She believes God had a plan all along. She believes that "female care package" was sent to Marine X to save our Marine. Either way, our efforts have boosted the morale of many Marines, provided much needed items for our troops, AND saved the life of a Marine! God bless every one of you for your efforts and hard work, and God bless our Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force and all our military service personnel. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND KEEP IT SAFE!
Source: California Psychics

Their smile makes your heart flutter. The scent of their hair sends tingles through your spine. Friends and family take note of your new lease on life, and your boss and co-workers are curious as to why they can't get under your skin. Every waking moment is filled with anticipation of the moment you see each other again. Could it be? Are they "the one?"

Looking … everywhere!
Many people spend much of their time searching for love, and more importantly, their "soulmate." This personal mission can become all-consuming, and often leads people astray. Just because she smiled at you, or he gave you a playful wink, doesn't mean the search is over, nor does this interaction guarantee a date.

You know you don't want to be alone, and you know that you have lots of love to share. However, if you think "the one" is lurking around every corner, you are setting yourself up for heartache and despair. When loneliness, or the soulmate mission, starts getting the best of you, you are more likely to overlook incompatibilities that have a tendency to turn even the most picturesque fairytale into a living nightmare.

Time for love
There are times when you meet someone, and it feels like you've known them all of your life. Chemistry can be instant, love at first sight does exist. The connection is powerful and immediate, but deciding too quickly that this is "the one" can lead straight into entanglement trouble weeks or months down the road.

The most fatal dating mistake is timing. You may have just met your soulmate, in which case, he or she isn't likely to disappear. But, if this connection is one of pheromones and fantasy, time will eventually show you the error in your ways. Taking things slow is the intelligent way to go. Love can come quickly, and fade just as fast - but true love is nurtured and strengthened by time.

Fact or fantasy?
He opens doors, knows just what to say and even does his own laundry. You have yet to see him ruffled, and when you talk - his eyes meet yours, and you know you have his full attention. She laughs at your jokes, is a sports fanatic and is the reason that little black dress looks good. She doesn't care how much money you make, lets you have time to yourself and hasn't mentioned the boyfriends that came before. Are they the one, or is this all just too good to be true?

Sometimes, the search for your beloved causes a little deception in the initial relationship stages. People tend to be on their best behavior, presenting what they believe the other person wants or expects of them. It is only through time and interaction that guards are dropped and whole truths can come out. Often times, it is only after you decide you have found what you are looking for that you allow yourself - and your partner - to be real.

Forever test...

Ask yourself these questions to make sure what you see is what you get in love.

1) Are you truly attracted to this person for who they are, or are you simply flattered by the attention?

2) Have you known this person long enough to honestly say that you truly know who they are?

3) Are you comfortable enough with this person to proudly bring them into your circle of family and friends? Do they proudly bring you into theirs?

4) Does this person honestly make you happy, or is it just what they represent?

5) Can you see yourself still loving and being with this person after decades of time and the harshness of life has bruised and battered their existence?

6) Is this person truly the only one that you think of being with, or do you still find yourself thinking of past loves and encounters or daydreaming of new ones?

True blue
You just know when you've found the one. It is a sensation, a feeling that has to be experienced to truly be understood. That person will love and support you just as much as you love and support them. They will let you make mistakes, love you for them, and even agree to disagree. Your ultimate beloved may be far from perfect, but they will be perfect for you. Finding them may not be easy, but few things worthwhile come fast and free. Keep this in mind when choosing your mate: You can settle for whomever is willing, or hold out for the one who is actually worthy. That is the person who will make you the happiest!

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