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40 Things Your Might Not Know Survey


Answer the questions below

1. What color is your underwear right now?Baby blue
2. What are you listening to right now?the buttons on the keyboard
3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number?28
4. What was the last thing you ate?a bagel and cream cheese
5. If you were a crayon what color would you be?red
6. How is the weather right now?cold
7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?my grama
8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?teeth
9. Favorite type of Food?pizza
10. Do you drink?yes
11. Do you smoke?no
12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember?yes
13.What color are your eyes?hazel mostly green
15. Do you wear contacts?no
16. Single?no
17. Favorite Month?Febuary
18. Ever cried for no reason?yes
19. Last Movie you watched?Charlotts web
20. Favorite day of the week?friday
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?yes
22. Hugs or Kisses?hugs
23. Chocolate or Vanilla?Chocolate
24. Do you want your friends to respond?yes
25. Who is most likely to respond?Dont know
26. Who is least likely to respond?dont know
27. What books are you reading?none right now
28. Piercings?yes
29. Fav. Movie?Backdraft
30. Fav. baseball team?Dont have one
31. Any pets?not yet
32. AIM?No
33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?Butter
34. Dogs or cats?Dog
35. Fav. flower?Roses
36. Have you ever fired a gun?yes
37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?nope the car
38. Right handed or left handed?left
39. How many pillows do you sleep with?2
40. Are you missing someone?yes like mad crazy

More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com

Sexy test

This is a test to see what people think of you. repost it and then when you reply do it in a message! How old do I look? [ ] 14 [ ] 15 [ ] 16 [ ] 17 [ ] 18 [ ] 19 [ ] 20 [ ] 21 [ ] 22 [ ] 23 [ ] 24 [ ] 25 [ ] 26 [ ] 27 Describe me in 5 words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Would you rather [] Do me Or [ ] Date me Or [] Both :p Would you rather be on top or bottom? [ ] Top [ ] Bottom Do I have pretty eyes? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you like my body? [ ] Yes [ ] No Would you be sad if I moved? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe Would you come visit me? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe Am I.. [ ] Hot [ ] Beautiful [ ] Sexy [ ] Cute Would you rather.. [ ] Make out [ ] Cuddle [ ] Fuck [ ] Go out [ ] Booty call Do you want to go out with me? [ ] Yes [ ] No Would you give me your number? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] maybe How do your really feel about me? Are you going to repost this so I can answer for YOU? [ ] Yes [ ] No Repost as the SEXY TEST
I'm thinking about leaving the site due to the drama and crap of one person and its just better that I do what I gotta do I have met alot of cool people on the site and dont wanna leave but this crazy ass breezy aint gonna leave me alone. So let me know what you all think. I have tried to block her but she just uses her mans account and gets around to all her friends to talk to me and harrasse me

Crazy ass shit

Dude since I came onto this site I have been honest with every guy I talk to that I'm married and its gonna stay that way I have no desire to leave my husband and I hardly talk to guys if they come onto me then I stop talking to them. I have one friend on here that I talk to all the time he is my friend and that is it. I got this crazy ass email today and this bitch was cussing me out cause I slept with her man and I dont even know her fucking man. She said all sorts of shit and she is fucking insane.
My husband is having a kidney transplant soon and I have been doing alot of thinking and when you love someone you are willing to do what ever it takes to provide for them and make it to where they can be comfortable. I see how sick he is daily and I live with the daily throwing up and the not being able to walk and all I hear is pray for him pray for him but when you are praying for him you need to think about how this is affecting his three children. I'm a grown adult I can handle my own but his two little girls are having a hard time dealing with the fact that they know that their daddy is sick. How do you prepare your children for a future that might or might not include their father. I ask myself that every day but I live with the fears and pains of the everyday reality that my husband my not make it to the operating table you cant tell the times of tommmorows you can only tell the times of today. It gets harder and harder as the days go by to be strong and keep my children thinking positively about it. I get so mad at myself sometimes cause I dont know how long I can keep being strong. I know that I have to for my chilren. It just seems that everybody needs to quit being so damned selfish and think about the people around them cause they are not the only ones who have such a horrible life. My husband needs prayers along with his chilren. I fear more for his children then for him because they love their father more then life its self and they need him to be around for a whole lot longer.

Broken Hearts

It makes me wonder how so many men always go round breakin girls hearts all this bull shit bout I love you and wanna be with you. I never understand it but you know girls do it too. But it never seems to hurt as much when the girl does it why is that. But when a guy breaks a girls heart its like a part of her dies. When he says its over its so heart breaking even if you have been expecting it forever. My adopted sister found out she was pregnant and the two guys she was messin wit says its not theirs but when the one left her it tore her all up inside and the funny thing is she knew it was coming when he did not talk to her for over a month. Now she is going to be raising a baby by herself. Some guys can be so messed up that the only thing they seem to care about is themselves just once it would be nice to see relationships work out for those around me.

Watchin life pass me by

I was sittin in the yard today with my kids and watchin my lil boy walk through the yard and play with his sisters and it made me realize how much of my life I missed out on having a child so young and getting married. I love my life dont get me wrong its just amazing how quick things pass you by before you even know that they have. My lil boy it seems as if just yesterday he was born now he's walking and talking. My middle daughter is such a grown lil lady now that I hate the fact that before I know it and blink my eyes I will be sending her and her sister off to highschool. I hate that they have to grow up so fast.

Happy Saint Patricks Day

Hey happy saint patricks day everybody its gonna be happy for me my middle child is turning four and she is gonna be happy she gets to go to chuckie cheese for her birthday present from mom and dad. I cant wait to see her face.

My Lil Man

My lil man turned one on saturday and man he is truckin in the house so fast now and dont stay out of nothing. I cant believe that it feels just like yesterday when he was born.
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