Your mind is in overdrive right now and you won't waste a moment trying to figure things out -- because it should all be plain as day. Have patience with lesser mortals -- you may need to explain a few things.
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The nearer your destination, the less sure you are that you actually want to arrive. Hey, that's normal. Sometimes the fear of success is a lot stronger than the fear of failure. The goal will be worth it eventually.
Did that idea really come out of your brain? And what's more, are you seriously promoting it as the answer to the crisis in question? Well, as they say in a lot of bad movies, 'It's so crazy it just might work!'
Thank goodness for people like you. You always have something up your sleeve, even when it comes to a situation that seems like a dead end. Once this is over, pat yourself on the back -- repeatedly.
It's tough to let go of the way we want things to be and learn to accept how they really are. But once you do, you'll see that reality is the only safe place to stand -- and that it's not such a bad place after all.
You're a master at maintaining business as usual, but what if your insides are actually in turmoil? Let go of that mask. When other people realize you need help, they'll be perfectly willing to give it.