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What is going on with everything today? I was minding my own busness just checking my email and low and behold another message from my step mom. ok cool most of the time they are forwards of funny jokes or something. NOT this time. she sent me a link titled "watch before it gets pulled" ok so im intrigued, and i watch.................

and now im pissed. I am by no means a conspritory guru or some one always looking for a fight but when the situation arises, there isnt much of a choice. granted it could be some made up bull but there is a lot of reasons to believe it.

The first thing that came to my mind was, finally its coming out. I have been thinking for a while something like this would happen. I saw it with Africa, and Europe. Countries are loosing their identity. And it isnt like people dont have a clue. there have been bunches of movies and books that show some sort of global unification. The most prominant in my mind is Huxley’s "Brave New World" synopsis This was turned into a made for tv movie in 1998. there is also "the fifth element" and "demolition man" and oodles of others.

something has to be done to preserve our independence as a people and as a nation. I enjoy my freedoms. My liberty. and my choices. I fought against the stereotypes for most of my life. I take pride in my individuality, and strive for my children to have the same. This isnt a fight for the future any more. this is a fight of NOW. Dont loose yourselves. fight for what you believe in. fight for your choices. fight for your life!
Another book has closed in my life. Some times friends just need to stay friends. Even though i was hurt for a long while about it, i am really happy to have my friend back. for the first time in my adult life im out dating, scary! I really dont know how but i dont think any one does. but i am having fun with it...why not gotta get out there any ways. right? I tend to try to see the good in anything that happens. with all the time and introspection ive been doing ive really been able to define my happiness. to acknowledge to myself what i need from a partner and what i just will not budge on. I will be some ones priority, i will be loved, cared for and shown afection. I wont be lied to or mislead. i need the squishy lovey dovey, cuddley and the harder side of my desires met. all that wrapped up i need some one that understands the kids come first in my life and will treat them with respect and care for them as well as me. i have also decided that i do still want to have another so that has to be an item on the table for the future. not asking for a lot right? i thought i wasnt but, Im finding that it is very difficult to find some one that will fit my needs. not that im ready to settle right away and all but damn. in the search though i have found some great people. even some that would be great to grow that bond with. some that only want one thing, and some that want more but dont fit in with what i want. being in a new place, i guess im doing pretty good for meeting new people. interesting though. I still identify with being bisexual, though im not actively seeking that and not looking for that by its self. i have been burned by guys just not so bad to totally go lesbian. on a different note i dont know what im going to do with my sisters. I think they are going to put my mom in an early grave. in the beginning of jan. my sister was stabbed and choked by her bf...this wasnt the first violence. and guess what, she is back with him. we just cant save her any more even if she was a cat she would be done by now. its killing mom to have to let her go but thats really is what has to happen. ok well i think that is enough of an update for now...ill add more later when i can think for more than 2 min at a time....as it is it took me 2 hours to do this one.

I am listening

Ok so every one knows that i have a different lifestyle. Im not political and i dont stand on the roof tops shouting my agenda to everyone. well now im pissed. I was in a great mood this morning got the kids up and off to school I reminded my daughter about taking the phone number in for a friend of hers. I got home for my morning routine of checking all the various websites im on for mail and updates. My friend Jem always writes blogs (and if any wants a good blog to read its her's) but today's was something that hit home here it is: jem's blog

Now like i said im not political but in my opinion on how politics work is that, we elect people that share our views. and those people look out for those views in a more offical way by protecting the laws and freedoms we have. I am in the military many people know that. We fight for those freedoms. As of right now 3983 people have died in OIF alone. death toll If our elected officials cant put aside their personal beliefs for the betterment of a nation, then they should get thrown out of office. This senator states that gays are worse than terrorists. ok i dont know about you but I remember the black clouds of smoke that killed thousands on Sept 11. I remember learning that friends of mine are dying. I remember that children no longer get to have both their parents because of terrorist. Being gay or a lesbian or bisexual is a biological fact that some people are(and even some animals)homosexual animals more homosexual animals. not a choice that was drilled into their heads since infancy. Have you seen the terrorist training camps? those are kids they are teaching that sh** to. this video just pushed a hot button with me. How can you and your beliefs "senator" be more superior than mine, the countries or the majority of the rest of the world. It is NOT a crime to be a homosexual so stop trying to make it one. There is however a division of church and state. i think its in that little silly document that most politicians are suppose to up hold, what is it again, oh right, THE CONSTITUTION!!!!

my advise to you senator, leave office, leave politics, leave town. move to some where and start your own cult. thats what seems to make you happy. but leave your backwards views away from the public.

new state new start

Well finally in Georgia. It was a long move. First we helped out daughter's mom move into the house that we own (they are renting it) and then loaded our stuff up. The drive its self wasnt too bad just long, as we knew it would be. The kids are loving it down here. They have a good yard and a pond to play in. The dog is loving the fact that she doesnt have to be on a leash. She is a lot better than when we first had her, she doesnt run off too far and just stays with the kids. We are all settling in nicely. I know not every one likes it but we are in a little itsy bitsy down. from our house its like 15 min into town and a 1/4 mile just up our road to get to the kids bus stop. the best part....NO thump thump music, no traffic noise and TREES!!!! its great to just be able to acually hear yourself think. which ive been doing a lot of lately. thats it for now...ill write more when i have more to write. hope all is going well for every one else.

new year new changes

Well the year has turned. Happy 2008 to everyone. I suppose its only right that it is now that Im at this point in my life. Start of a new year start of a new life. For those who dont know, I am moving. As is Jack, and the kids. We are moving to north Georgia. Im excited. it is a small town and its in the middle of nowhere. its perfect. From what I hear its a great school system and all. Im going down there and ill be with 2 awesome friends, who Im happy to have still. The new year brings changes to structures too. Ive not ever in my life dated before and im ready to try my hand at it. Im not closing doors just opening more than one. It should prove interesting. so if any one has any tips dont be afraid to share. Going through a lot lately has made me realize that life can change in a blink of an eye. Nothing is ever in stone and even the smallest of choices can still be earth shattering. I am living life and hoping that I can find people who choose to live their life with me and my kids, and have the same respect for the little things. I guess the point is, life is changing as is the year. I have great hopes for 2008, it can only go up from here. I hope everyones new years celebrations were good and that hope is held for the future for all. Just remember, every thing happens for a reason and dont take anything or any one for granted.

Fall Classes for Men

Fall Classes for Men at THE ADULT LEARNING CENTER REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED by Tuesday, Oct 31, 2007 NOTE: DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY AND DIFFICULTY LEVEL OF THEIR CONTENTS, CLASS SIZES WILL BE LIMITED! TO 8 PARTICIPANTS MAXIMUM . Class 1 How To Fill Up The Ice Cube Trays--Step by Step, with Slide Presentation. Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM . Class 2 The Toilet Paper Roll--Does It Change Itself? Round Table Discussion. Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours. Class 3 Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub?--Group Practice. Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours. Class 4 Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper and The Floor--Pictures and Explanatory Graphics. Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks. Class 5 Dinner Dishes--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Dishwasher? Examples on Video. Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM Class 6 Loss Of Identity--Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other. Help Line Support and Support Groups. Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM Class 7 Learning How To Find Things--Starting With Looking In The Right Places And Not Turning The House Upside Down While Screaming. Open Forum . Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours. Class 8 Health Watch--Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health. Graphics and Audio Tapes. Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours. Class 9 Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost--Real Life Testimonials. Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined. Class 10 Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks? Driving Simulations. 4 weeks, Saturday's noon , 2 hours. Class 11 Learning to Live--Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife. Online Classes and role-playing . Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined Class 12 How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques. Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM . Class 13 How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy--Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going To Be Late. Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered. Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours. Class 14 The Stove/Oven--What It Is and How It Is Used. Live Demonstration. Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined. Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

Come on guys!

I am reposting a blog my husband wrote. it is currently posted on his myspace and he has yet to post it here on fubar, so I will. We are all in school this semester. Betsy is in school with me at ECSU for her General Requirements. I am back in classes for Biology, CHemistry, and Calculus. Gwen has her prereqs for her Nursing school. The kids are back in school, and enjoying it. All but one, Tim seems to have some issues with behavioural issues. But after the events of this summer I can understand. I was recently asked to describe this family in a short statement. A short phrase if you will. The one I chose was that "we are a wolf pack" Each one of us an individual, yet together a formidable and cunning force. I keep seeing guys that come in this house, and they run squealing back to their own homes. I noticed at issue is my "alpha male" status finally when the girls pointed it out at a small town in Oregon. I noticed I did not have to move for others while walking down the street. Now dont get me wrong, I was a soldier and sailor for 15+ years. But come on people, why be scared of a mellowed out 5 foot 9 inch 155 pound guy? I am a Druid for crying out loud, I wont hurt unless you are hurting someone weak. I am amazed that I have seen so many guys come in and out of our relationship, and most can not hang. Guys come on, I am not going to bite your head off, I am not goign to shoot you, hell I might not even talk to you, but seriously. Come on there are two beautiful ladies here, one on the way, and they are smart, pagan, polyamorous, and not jealous. So even with two women here, you could have three different nights in bed, and not have the same sex practices two nights the same. You have three sciences based individuals in the house who study such a wide range of subjects the conversation is never dull. There are three wonderful kids that question everything that is about being. They love herbs, religion, video games, nature and geocaching. They know how to fight with martial arts, and if you back one of my pups in a corner, expect the other two to stick up and attack you. We brew our own beer and make some of our own medicines. We learn and watch the discovery channel. History channel, we love to learn. Each of our relationships is unique and sacred. Mine and my wife Gwen is one. Hers and our other wife Betsy is another. Betsy has been with us for over a year in our home and that makes her our wife. (one year and a day according to the laws of nature). Betsy and I have our relationship. There is the relationship of the three of s Betsy, Gwen and me, and the other three relations as they come. Baby (our newest relation) has her friendship with Gwen, and hers with Betsy, and her relationship with me, and as she is an alpha female, she also has her own strong arm tendencies. All unique each with their own good and bad. There are times where things are rocky, hell what relationship isn't. As you add people the dynamic must be redefined. Takes time. And energy, isn't it worth it? We are a package deal folks, all three of us. Four soon. You want one of us anywhere near permanent, it is all of us. And that means YES I am a part of the deal. I am straight, but that means you WILL meet me. Period. And you will meet EVERYONE in the family. End of discussion. If you can stick your dick in one of these three ladies, you can have the BALLS to show your face to me. Jealousy, and changes in the relationship, they all bring stress. This family is no different than any other like that. Jealousy is a learned emotion. But it is hard to unlearn too. This is my third poly relationship. There is more to all of this living than just sex. How about living, love, life, fun. Why not just give your heart with love and generosity and expect the same in return. Put your needs and desires out there. And let everyone have a vote on it. And if you can not approach this relationship with perfect honesty. DO me a favor just take yourself out of the gene pool. You dont deserve to be in a one on one or any other realtionship cause someone will get hurt. I have many friends of both ilk. Both poly and mono, alternate lifestyle and not, dom and sub, straight and bisexual. They dont seem to have problems talking with each other, honestly, and candidly. The ones here, kids included, have no problems with blunt force honesty. So ladies and gentlemen, stop being boys and girls, live like you were dying, dance like no one is watching, love like there is no tomorrow, and just you know what.... GET OVER IT!!! Look at my new site, and see the new video. Cause guys, after you read this. Your decisions on this will relegate you to one of three categories, potential mate, or playtoy, or too chicken to try. Don't like that honesty, get over it. We are a wolf pack we play brutally.


Have you ever noticed that people, no matter how long, never change. you might think they do but it is only a temporary thing. Old habits never go away. once you know how some one is never think that they have changed those stupid things that pissed you off to start with. I myself am a submissive. in life and in bed. this only poses a problem when people know it and takes advantage of it. I feel squashed right now. pseudo depressed. I just want life to stop being bumpy. I am ready just to settle down in the family that we have been waiting for. ok sorry for the rant. Have a good night


I can still feel you touching me, caressing me the first time we were together. I can still feel the warmth of your hand in mine that was the last time we touched, the last time we saw each other. I know ill probably never see you again. So I will keep my memories and my love even though they are fruitless. Even if those memories fade one will never go away. I can feel the warmth of your body against mine. I can feel your need and want, you love. We kiss and it is the kind of kiss that you cant ever let go of for fear that you can not breath if you do. Our lips were connecting the entirety of us I can feel the heat even as I type this. and the look in your eyes the longing look that just makes you want to melt and never let go. Looking back I should have known the look was look of I will never be able to go this again so I better get it now. That one quick kiss, stolen kiss, will always be with me. So now I have to say good-bye, not because I want to or I believe you want to, but because of choices you made. I just want to put in writing that I love you, always will. And I hope you get what you want out of life, and not just settle. Just remember all we have are the moments in life, and im glad we shared some.
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