Donna, this is for you!
You are amazing! You know I love you! I think you should know that I have great respect for you and I am amazed by how you can be a rock for other people when you have been so much yourself. I have a golden treasure in you, my friend and I have been blessed more than once to have you in my life. I know I can call upon you and cry on your shoulder when needed. You have always been there for me and better yet, you understand me!
I know we both havn't been ourselves lately and we both been hurt horribly, but you know what? We will always have each other and I'm at a point where I just don't give a damn anymore. I've decided that this will have to be my disposition to save what's left of my soul, so I still have something left to give, should I ever get that lucky in my life to find someone who will hold me as dear as I would him and understand that I'm true and for real... someone that can handle the love I have to give. Thank you for being there for me. You have no idea how much your friendship has helped me through the past few weeks. I know I will make it through all the changes I chose for myself, but you... girl, you've helped save my soul and from me falling apart completely.
I love you dearly, Donna. I will always be there for you as you have been for me. Please always remember that, not matter what time of day it is.
Love, always ~ Katja