Well,What do you think about them beans?Unconsttutional.Furthermore,I would just like to say.Well,Listening to a radio show called the Glenn Beck show.He was interviewing Rusy guliano and guess what the former mayor said...That's right.It was about illeagal imigration.he said even if we did make coming into the country like a harsher punishment.We couldn't find the 20 million or so imigrants.So I think what he is telling us in his own coded way.That we are either(A)A government that is filled with incometent people,As useing maybe the Homeland secrity for example.Or (B)That all our polititians are bought and paid for by special Intrest groups,IE (PAC'S) And Big buisness nuff said.With our bourders wide open.would one conclude that the war on terror is just a rouse or maybe a calabrative effort between our government and Bin Laden...I mean we did teach him in our schools and he was like a buddy for so many years...before he got on the Sht List as some would have us beleive.Besides that,When was the last time we even heard his name cross the Press. lips after Afganistan...That is nothing more than A poppy haven as so many of our cities are havens for illeagal imigrants.If our own cities and states can not follow the law of the land.How can we be hope for anybody else?I mean I had a cop ask me once how they could resolve some of there local problems...So I told him my answer.If you all arrested the illeagal imigrants...there would be more jobs for leagal americans...he told me.We can't do that..I still I am not sure why..they put a great strain on the economy.But,That's why we are slipping economically.Oh,Yea no one else will tell you that.Then how come I can talk to peeps that have been gone from Florida 20 years...And now they tell me they can't get a job at a decent rate of pay.As well,One man told me at one time he had to pick between 15 to 20 jobs.Now,Lucky to find a entree level job with good pay...but if you just keep sleeping we won't have a country.Need advise on how to get your country back or to be a rebel....Just ask your kids.