Hey everyone,
This is going to get some getting use to, not use to having a blog or any type of website thing...except yafro, and I don't do anything on that site anymore. So I guess first thing is first, I'm Scott, from Newfoundland, Canada. 18 years old and in my first yar of university doing pharmacy. Sorry if this is going to be short, but it's about 3 in the morning here and I'm horribly tired...currently recovering from a three day long party I had on the weekend. What else to say about me...well, I'm going to sound like a huge geek now but I don't care. I like video games and anime. There we go, geekyness out of the way. I play the piano, flute and guitar a little bit. Opeth has to be one of my favourite bands, they just rock so much its not fit, lol. Currently single, cuz you know thats always fun. Broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago now, rather, she broke up with me and what not. Anyways, I'll talk about some random crap tomorrow sometime cuz Scott really needs sleep right now, have a class in about 4 hours so....yeah. l8er.