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redbackwolf's blog: "my first one"

created on 05/28/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-first-one/b86632

for laughs..lol

Remember, old folks are worth a fortune, with silver in their hair, stones in their kidneys, lead in their feet,and gas in their stomachs. I have become a frivolous old girl, iam seeing seven gentlemen everyday! As soon as i wake up, Will power helps me out of bed, Then I visit John, next its time for earl grey, followed by Postman Pat, Shortly, Arthur Ritis shows up andd stays for the rest of the day. He doesn't like to stay in one place for long do he takes me from joint to joint,. After such a busy day, I'm really tired and iam gald to go to bed with Johnny Walker. oh yes Iam flirting with Al Zymer. P.S. The Preacher came to call the other day. He said at ,y age I shoould be thinking of the Hereafter. I told him I do, all the time. No matter where I am, in the Parlour ,upstairs ,in the kitchen or down in the basement I ask myself, "Now what in the dicken's am I here after. overheard at a W.I Meeting

poderings of a mad man

THE PONDERINGS OF A MAD MAN Am I the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end? I see Angels dancing with the devils. For what is one mans angel is another mans devil, I know what it is to hurt just as I know what it is to love. If we listen to the wolves howl we will see ourselves echoed within that lonely cry. Some say that I am a wise man but others say that I am a fool but excuse these ponderings of a mind that is shattered as a mirror shatters when it falls from the wall. Looking with in that mirror do we truly see ourselves or do we see the others, do we see the darkness Do we see the light? I ask these questions but I get no answers but is it because there is no one listening or is it that I don’t want to know- or is it the fact that I already know the answer but not wanting to face what is within. For a heart that is shattered, crucified upon the shore But still I see angels and devils dancing upon the waves but still not sure which is which, Longing for damnation Praying for salvation Singing salvation song


today was a pain in the ass for me persoanally..i dislike the christmaas season anyway but heck today was a particularly bad one after a night with no sleep all because my sister is getting married at the weekend to a guy who is an arse...and really believes himself to be a bad ass all because he reacons that he wasa marine...what a lying sack of puke...i have friends who are marines and i know that its all a load of crap...but anyway that is not the ereason for the blog..this is just me letting of steam i guess. I have a friend who was going to come and fly from the state side to come and visit me inthe uk but er ex husband soon put a dampenier on that as he decided that she couldn't bring the kids and he wasn't going to have them over the hiolidays all because he is a controlling sack of you know what..man i am fed up and the gut wuill not talk to me..lol..makes you doesn't it..isn't that always the case with control freaks and bullies..they will not face up to someone that they cannot intimidate...had this same shit with my exwife and her exhusband..before we were wed..i think that i can see a pattern emerging,...well the creator puts me in these situations for a reason and so i travel the path before me and just see where itr leads thats all that we can do isn't it. well thats enough of my bitching and maoning abiout life. have agood one ya'll and enjoy every passing moment for before you know it all of the light is gone and darknes rises its ugly head and then the light comes again ..for those of you who are not enjoying the silly season as i am not myslef..there is light at the end of the tunnel for before you know it the silly season will be over ..

lucid dreaming

[ Usenet FAQs | Search | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Lars' Lucid Dreaming FAQ There are reader questions on this topic! Help others by sharing your knowledge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: lucid-dreaming-faq_1084272547@rtfm.mit.edu> From: "Lars Rune Foleide" <larsrune@sf.telia.no> Subject: Lars' Lucid Dreaming FAQ Newsgroups: alt.dreams, alt.dreams.lucid, alt.out-of-body Summary: This FAQ answers Frequently Asked Questions about Lucid Dreaming. X-Posting-Frequency: weekly X-URL: http://lucidfaq.cjb.net X-Last-Updated: February 1999 Date: 11 May 2004 10:51:13 GMT Archive-name: dreams-faq/lucid-dreaming-faq Lucid Dreaming FAQ Table of Contents: 1. General 1.1. What is Lucid Dreaming? 1.2. In what stage of sleep does Lucid Dreaming occur? 1.3. Does Lucid Dreaming interfere with normal sleep? 1.4. What purposes can Lucid Dreaming serve? 1.5. Can anyone learn Lucid Dreaming? 1.6. What should I do once I'm Lucid? 2. Lucid Dreaming techniques 2.1. How can I have a Lucid Dream? 2.2. Does Reality Testing (RT) work? 2.3. How does the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique work? 2.4. How does the Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) technique work? 2.5. How does the Nap Induced Lucid Dream (NILD) technique work? 2.6. Do Lucid Dreaming induction devices work? 2.7. Can Drugs and Herbs induce lucidity? 2.8. How can I prevent premature awakening? 2.9. How can I change Lucid Dream scenery? 2.10. What is DILD (Dream-Initiated Lucid Dream)? 2.11. What is CILD (Chakra Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.12. What is PILD (Punishment Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.13. What is RILD (Reward Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.14. What is TILD (Thirst Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.15. What is UILD (Urinate Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.16. What is SILD (Sexual Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.17. What is LILD (Letter Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.18. What is OILD (Orgone Induced Lucid Dream)? 2.19. How can I have Shared Lucid Dreams? 2.20. How can I have Precognitive Lucid Dreams? 2.21. How can I use Dreams to affect physical matter? 2.22. How can I have Shared Precognitive Lucid Dreams? 2.23. How can I stop real time in my Lucid Dreams? 2.24. How can I leave my body from a Lucid Dream? 2.25. How can I use Lucid Dreams to read 1 million words per minute? 3. Recommended Reading 3.1. What good reading can be found on Internet? 3.2. What books are recommended? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. General 1.1. What is Lucid Dreaming? Lucid Dreaming is knowing that you are dreaming while you are doing it. When you know that you are dreaming, you can also alter the dream course. And with practice you can also develop full control over your dream, you will be able to create and change the environment and change your own appearance. It will be you that are in control of the dream scenario. You can do whatever you want to do. Live out your wildest fantasy, or just sit down and chit chat with someone. You should also be open for the possibility to share dreams and travel in time and space when you develop adequate control over your dreams. The word Lucid means that you have a clear and full consciousness. And believe me when I say that Lucid Dreaming can be much more fun than waking reality. 1.2. In what stage of sleep does Lucid Dreaming occur? Lucid Dreaming usually takes place in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. There are five stages of sleep. Stage 1 being the one you first enter, then followed by stage 2, 3 and 4. As you descend into deeper sleep your brain frequency slows down. In stage 4 can it be slower than one cycle per second (delta sleep). After some time spent in stage 4, about 25 minutes, you return to stage 3 and 2, then straight into REM sleep. About 90 minutes has passed now since you started sleeping. 5-10 minutes is spent in this stage before you go all the way down to stage 4 again (also called non-REM sleep). When approximately 90 minutes have again passed, another REM-period start. This time the REM sleep lasts longer. And as time progresses less time in non-REM sleep is needed and more time is spent in REM sleep. After 4-5 hours you don't go lower than stage 2. Vivid dreaming takes place in REM sleep, so the more you sleep, the more time is spent in REM and the more likely it is that you may have a Lucid Dream. 1.3. Does Lucid Dreaming interfere with normal sleep? No. The only difference is that you are aware that you are dreaming. Unless you have some sort of sleep disorder that causes you to get less delta sleep, but then again, it's not the LD's fault. There is no danger with Lucid Dreaming. But if you have a bad hearth you might have a hearth attack if you crash a car, or during sexual intercourse. Other than that Lucid Dreaming is one of the safest activities I can think of. It can even be used for healing... 1.4. What purposes can Lucid Dreaming serve? Those are so many. First of all, it is lots of fun. You can do whatever you feel like, without putting yourself in danger, or spending a lot of money on journeys or expensive equipment. It is great for therapy if you have any psychological problems. If you have a fear of spiders, that fear can be conquered through Lucid Dreaming. You know you are totally safe in a Lucid Dream. So you carefully begin with tiny spiders far away, and as you get used to them, you might let them go closer and make them bigger. If there is something you want to get better at, like Tennis or Snowboarding, then Lucid Dreaming can improve your skill. Lucid Dreaming can be extremely powerful for motor skill enhancement. This is not only true because of the vividness of the imagery, but also because the physiological nature of REM sleep is ideal for establishing neural pattern without actual movement. Experiments also show that you can get physically stronger with mental training. Lucid Dreaming can be used for healing if you have any illness. If you wish to have your subconscious read at a rate of 1 million words per minute, you can activate that in a Lucid Dream to gain conscious awareness over the knowledge. You can meet the author of the book you just read in a Lucid Dream, and ask questions you are seeking answers for in the book. Or you can sit down and watch the whole novel on a big screen TV with cinema 3D sound. You can use Lucid Dreaming for solving a complex and difficult problem, like mathematical problems. You can share a dream with a friend. Or even a whole group of people. So you can hang out with your friends when you are sleeping too, not only when you are awake. It is also great being a group of people trying to Lucid Dream. If you find your friends in a dream, you can tell them that they are dreaming. This way can you help your friends gaining Lucidity, and they might cause you to gain Lucidity if they find you. If you have full conscious control over a dream can you also use it to travel in time. You can explore the future. Even shared precognitive dreaming is possible. With a little practice can you also use Lucid Dreaming to leave your body and explore the world. By doing this you can also meet other spirits and travel in time. More about this can be found in the Out of Body Experience FAQ. 1.5. Can anyone learn Lucid Dreaming? Yes. Just like everyone dream, virtually anyone can learn to be aware that they are dreaming. How long it takes for you to learn Lucid Dreaming depends on how good your dream recall is, how motivated you are and what techniques you are using. And how many hours you sleep each night. Hopefully techniques and devices will be developed so that you may have your first Lucid Dreaming within a few nights. A few techniques and devices have already given results in such short time. But there is always room for improvement. In order to Lucid Dream you should have good dream recall. Many helpful and effective tips for developing dream recall can be found in my Dreaming FAQ. 1.6. What should I do once I'm Lucid? Absolutely nothing at first. You might want to try to find out how conscious you are, make sure that the logical part of your brain is functioning and that all your senses are working. You need to remember your intent, do some math tasks, recall a few things from your life, what time it is, what date it is, where you are and stuff like that. Look around you and observe things. Don't feel like you are in a hurry and need to get things done before the Dream fades. Also make sure that you are in a dream, not in hypnagogic imagery. All your senses should be working including tactile feelings. I want to emphasize that you make sure that your logical abilities are working. Not only do they create your consciousness, they can also create the most splendid dreams you could ever imagine. Once you are satisfied with your logical abilities you can cut loose and start controlling the dream. 2. Lucid Dreaming techniques 2.1. How can I have a Lucid Dream? Dreams are mostly a reflection of your thoughts throughout your day. Therefore, thinking of Dreams during the day, asking yourself if you are Dreaming and wanting to have Lucid Dreams when you are awake might be helpful. The wishes might reflect themselves in your dreams. Remaining conscious until you start dreaming is one way. And seeing cues in your dream that reminds you that it is a dream is also helpful. There are also drugs and herbs that cause you to be more consciously aware, and therefore also increase the possibility for a Lucid Dream. 2.2. Does Reality Testing (RT) work? Yes. Reality testing is simply asking yourself if you are dreaming. Finding that out isn't always easy in a dream. But usually is it quite obvious if you are dreaming or not. You may find yourself on an unfamiliar place or doing/seeing something that will not likely happen in reality. But sometimes can you find yourself in your bed, and everything looks as it is suppose to be. You can try to read something, look away, and see if the same text is there the second time you read it. You can try changing colors on something or try to fly. If you have a digital clock you can try looking at it, looking away and looking at it again. If something unusual is happening are you probably dreaming. But every reality test may fail; if that happens, don't try jumping out the window or something else that might harm you. Reality tests should be done every hour throughout the day, or more frequently. And especially before going to sleep and if you wake up in the middle of the night. Waking up after 5-6 hours, do some reality tests and go to sleep again may help. 2.3. How does the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique work? It works by setting your intention to remember to recognize you are dreaming. Stephen LaBerge from the Lucidity Institute developed it while he was trying to increase his Lucid Dreams frequency. A good approach is waking up after 5-6 hours, remember a dream and tell yourself: "Next time I'm dreaming, I will remember I'm dreaming." You need to really mean it. Concentrate on this thought only, if you find yourself thinking on something else, just let the thought go and return to your intention. Also try to imagine that you are back in the dream, but this time you recognize that you are dreaming. Look for unusual things that suggest you are dreaming and tell yourself: "I must be dreaming!" Do this with all the unusual things you see from the dream you remember. Continue with this until you fall asleep. 2.4. How does the Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) technique work? It works by remaining conscious until you start dreaming. The Lucidity Institute also first presented this technique, but it is not easy if you don't have a clue what to do. But it is quite easy and effective if you do it right. Again, you need to sleep 5-6 hours before trying this. This is because you don't dream much the first 5 hours, it is mostly non-REM sleep. You enter REM a lot faster after 5-6 hours with sleep, and you don't go down to stage 3 and 4 as you do when you first go to bed. The problem is remaining conscious until your dream start. Many strange things may happen when you remain conscious until the REM-period starts. The first thing you see may be Hypnagogic Imagery. It is a pattern, like the one you see when you press your fingers against your closed eyelids. Remember that this is hypnotic, and getting too involved with them will induce unconsciousness. Just let it flow, don't get too involved and don't suppress them either. The next thing you may experience is Hypnagogic Sounds. It may be as real as the sounds you hear in waking reality, but they are nothing to be afraid of. It is a good indicator that the REM-period is right around the corner. Just don't let these sounds scare you. If you start to experience Abstract Thoughts, the logical part of your brain is falling asleep and you are not far from losing consciousness. You might be lying in bed thinking about a friend and the hypnagogic imagery starts and you see your friend's face. You have also worked a stressful day so you start to remember stocking the shelves at work. Soon you are thinking that you are putting cans of food on the shelves with pictures of your friend on them. All this might seems perfectly normal. But it's not logical. What you need to do is try thinking logical, do some math or start over again. Tactile Sensations can feel like you are paralyzed and high-voltage painless electricity is jolting through your body. You may experience these vibrations and find yourself leaving your body or having a Lucid Dream. But remember that all this is nothing to fear, it happens every night, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. Now that you know what you might experience when trying to consciously enter the REM-period there is another problem we need to conquer. And that is losing consciousness, a very common problem that is rather easy to overcome. A good solution is Caffeine and Theobromine. Caffeine is found in Coffee, Tea, Coke, Chocolate and Pills. Theobromine is found in Chocolate. The problem is finding out how much Caffeine works for you. A lot of experimenting has to be conducted. A good place to start is with 0.5 liter Coke, a cup of Coffee or Tea, half a pill or a chocolate bar. If you take too much you will not start to dream at all, if you take too little you may lose consciousness. But drinking 0.5 liter Coke is not very wise, it has a very disturbing side effect. You should also stay up for about 30-60 minutes after waking up after 5-6 hours with sleep. This because it takes about 45 minutes before the Caffeine reaches its full effect. You might experience a DILD if you go to sleep right after some caffeine intake. Another way for keeping the mind active and to bring on the hypnagogic images is to imagine doing something that involves imagery, audible and tactile sensations. Like driving a car, imagine the car and the road, hear the engine-/radio and feel the steering wheel. Remain focused on what you are doing and avoid thinking about anything else than driving that car. Or you might include smell and taste, by imagine a good meal. This works best in combination with NILD, it takes far more time when done as you go to sleep for the first time. But done with NILD can you find yourself in a dream in as little as 5-10 minutes. Or you can try lying on a 30 degree incline mattress (can be done by stuffing pillows under it). And keep the room as dark as possible. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, the slower the better. Breath with your stomach, making an "Ahhh" sound at the end of the exhalation, that will help your mind to stay awake while your body fall asleep. With time may you notice mild vibrations and that your body becomes paralyzed. At that point will you notice that you no longer have any problem concentrating, everything becomes clear. In this state stop concentrating on your breathing and just be aware of your surroundings. If you begin to loose consciousness, start paying attention to any light in your vision or any internal sound. Some time later will you begin to experience the second vibrations. It will quickly rush throughout your body, sometimes accompanied by various sounds and then end. This is your astral body being released. Dream images will start to form. You can go with these images and enter a Lucid Dream, or you might just sit up and walk away from your physical body. 2.5. How does the Nap Induced Lucid Dream (NILD) technique work? It works by staying up for an hour or two after waking up before going to bed again. This has proven to be a very effective technique, maybe the most effective around. Sleep for about 5-6 hours, then stay awake for about 1-2 hours and go back to sleep. Maybe doing some MILD a few minutes before falling asleep. Or try staying conscious (WILD) until the dream starts. This will in many cases cause you to have Lucid Dreams. Also a good way to have vivid dreams, or will at least make dream recall easier. Staying awake for 90 minutes seems to work better than 60 minutes, though 60 minutes seems to be effective enough in most cases. And sleeping for 6 hours seems to be better than 5 hours, though it might be harder to fall asleep again. The time spent awake should be used thinking or reading about dream related issues. Like reading about lucid dreaming or related newsgroups. 2.6. Do Lucid Dreaming induction devices work? Yes. Your senses never rest. So what your senses pick up are usually incorporated into your dream, unless it wakes you up. You dream most vividly in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage. A device can detect these eye movements and give you cues. Cues mostly used are flashing lights and sound. The problem with these cues is that they don't tell you that you are dreaming. They usually appear in the dream as something else, like carlights. You have to train yourself to recognize these cues as dreamsigns that are trying to tell you that you are dreaming. But these devices are good at causing false awakening, you will think that the device woke you up and try to get to sleep again. But you should do a reality test if this happen, because false awakening is quite normal. Once your reality test fails, you can continue doing whatever you want in the dream. An even more effective approach are verbal cues. Like hearing "This is a Dream" or "You are dreaming" in your dream is a good cue to make you do a reality test. The only problem is that such a solution is very expensive if you want to buy a device like this. Therefore have we plans for making software and schematic drawings for a device that anyone with two hands and a few components can build. You will also need a computer with a soundcard close to your bed. The device may also be used for trance induction, by using binaural beats with matching flashes. (Anyone that want to join the project, feel free to do so). I also have plans for wireless devices, a wireless EEG machine can detect if you are dreaming or not. I will then use a wireless version of the Neurophone to give you a verbal cue. A Neurophone is a device that uses your nervous system to send sound/music to your brain. No ears are needed, in fact, deaf people may hear with this device. (The wireless Neurophone can also be used for trance induction by sending the desired frequency through your nervous system). If you are a deep sleeper that don't see cues, then try getting some caffeine into your system before going to bed or after 5-6 hours. If you are a light sleeper, so that the cues wake you up, then cut every use of caffeine and chocolate containing products. And try to increase your uptake of the amino acid Tryptophan. If you don't want to build your own device, or don't have the patience to wait until we finish the project. Then you can buy a device from The Lucidity Institute at www.lucidity.com, but remember that there is a DOS program called DreamWeaver that also explains how you can create goggles. The Lucidity Institute will maybe publish a system for the NovaDreamer called LISA (Lucidity Induction System for Audio). It is a computer interface that will make it possible for the NovaDreamer to play verbal cues. 2.7. Can Drugs and Herbs induce lucidity? Yes. For more information about this check out my Dreaming FAQ. You will find most herbs, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and drugs that help you dream more and recall your dreams better. They might even cause you to have a Lucid Dream. To summarize; herbs like Valerian, Mugwort, Mullein, Kava Kava, Dittany of Crete, St. Johns Wort, Calea Zacatechichi, Salvia Divinorum, Scutellaria Indica, Licorice Root, Vervain, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Datura, Bee Pollen, Catnip, Hops, Scullcap, Mimosa, Lavender, Damiana, Withania Somnifera, Passionflower, Chamomile, Cardamom, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, Ibogaine, Verbena, Rose, Cinnamon, Marigold, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Holly, Yarrow and Anise may help you dream more, recall more or even have a Lucid Dream. Make sure you know more about these herbs before you use them: some are to be used in pillows, some are to be smoked, some are to be used in tea, etc. Many B-vitamins may help you have more vivid dreams and even Lucid Dreams. Sedative drugs like Melatonin may help, and drugs like caffeine may help you with WILD and also make it easier to recall dreams. And finally, we have psychedelic drugs like DXM that may induce Lucid Dreams. Some of the drugs and herbs can be addictive, and be poisonous if taken in too large doses. For a more detailed explanation you should check out my Dreaming FAQ. 2.8. How can I prevent premature awakening? A common problem for beginners is remaining in the dream after becoming Lucid. They become so excited once they realize that they are dreaming that they wake up right away. There are many reasons for being excited, but it will only work against your goal. You need to suppress that feeling. If your dream show signs of ending, maybe loss of detail or your dream just go black, then spinning may help bringing the dream back. Before you feel your physical body you should spin your dream body. That is going round and round. Also remind yourself that the next scene will be a dream. To ensure that it is a dream should you do a RT. Just moving, running or jumping can prolong your Lucid Dream, you might also want to try spinning out in the gravity-free universe. When you open your eyes you may be surprised to find yourself in the most beautiful environment with stars, galaxies and planets. Another technique is saying out loud: "Clarity now!". Just stating out loud your desire and intention may do incredible things to your dream. You might want to try other commands like: "Increase lucidity now!", "Create visuals now!" and "Stay calm!". Theta training may make it easier for you to stay in the Dream, it will also make it easier to induce WILD and recall Dreams. 2.9. How can I change Lucid Dream scenery? This can be done in many ways, but the most common technique is spinning. If you want something to appear, then expecting it around the corner or behind you is quite effective. You can find a big TV and a remote, and start changing the channels to a scene you like, then just jump in the TV. If you want a special scene can you expect that to appear when you change the channels. You might also try finding a bridge, were you see a lot of scenes flowing by. If you find you like, just jump. You might try asking a dream character where you might find what you are seeking. You can try finding a door and imagine a person/place on the other side. And you can give slow morphing a try. You can also try closing your eyes and imagine the scene forming around you. But the key is to expect things to happen. 2.10. What is DILD (Dream-Initiated Lucid Dream)? This is a name for every Lucid Dream where you become aware that it is a dream in the dream. Meaning that you are unconscious before you become Lucid. Most Lucid Dreams are DILDs. 2.11. What is CILD (Chakra Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique works by focusing on your Third Eye Chakra that is located slightly above and between your eyebrows. Set your alarm clock so that you will wake up after 6 hours. Look up and at the center of your Third Eye before closing your eyes. Keep your eyes in this position as you close them. Give yourself appropriate affirmations until you fall asleep and visualize yourself having a lucid dream or leaving your body. If you haven't fallen asleep within 3 minutes, move your eyes back to normal position and try to fall asleep. When the alarm clock wake you up, go to the bathroom and fresh up. For the next hour read some material on Lucid Dreaming or Out of Body Experiences. After reading for an hour go back to bed; roll your eyes back to your Third Eye. State your intentions for 3 minutes or until you fall asleep. One of three things will most likely happen. You will have a Lucid Dream, have a false awakening or wake up paralyzed that you might use to leave your body. At the very least should you experience vivid dreams. For more details look into The SUNEYE Method by Joe Russa. 2.12. What is PILD (Punishment Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique works by punishing yourself every time you fail to realize that you were dreaming. While going to sleep, tell yourself that you MUST become Lucid this night OR you will be punished in the morning. Various types of punishment may be a cold shower or maybe an electric shock. A 9 volt battery against your tongue maybe. This technique should be used in combination with MILD. The point is to increase your intention, and it works. 2.13. What is RILD (Reward Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique works by rewarding yourself every time you succeed in having a Lucid Dream. Various types of rewards may be eating a chocolate bar, or anything else that you like doing/eating. Have the things you want to reward yourself by your bed, or ready to use. It will increase your intention. This technique should also be used in combination with MILD. 2.14. What is TILD (Thirst Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique works by cutting out everything called drinking for so long that you can really feel that you are thirsty. Go to bed as normal and sleep off that deep delta sleep, wake up after 5-6 hours and go to the bathroom. Fill a glass with tempting, fresh cold water. Try to think of water and doing a RT when you drink. To make the experiment more successful you should fill your mouth with salt so that you really feel like you need to drink something. Set the glass of water on your night table and while you fall asleep, think on drinking the water and at the same time doing a Reality Test. You will not drink anything in the real world, so if you find yourself drinking something, then it must be a dream. If you want to increase the feeling of thirst even more, you should try eating some pepper or chili before going to sleep again. 2.15. What is UILD (Urinate Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique is a bit risky. It works by remembering to do a RT every time you go to the bathroom. So prior to going to bed should you drink A LOT of water. You will maybe dream of going to the bathroom, and hopefully will remember doing a RT. It's not the best and safest technique available. But it works. 2.16. What is SILD (Sexual Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique works by remembering to do a RT whenever you think about sex, lovers, partners, love etc. So that whenever you think about your boyfriend/girlfriend or sex in a dream will you remember to do a RT. There is also a few approaches you can take to make the dream more sexual-related. The B3-vitamin Niacin increases your production of sexual hormones. Taking Melatonin, Serotonin and/or Tryptophan will also help. This is because the amino acid Tryptophan is metabolized into Serotonin and Niacin. (Serotonin is converted into Melatonin when you sleep). If you already have a lot of Melatonin/Serotonin in your system more Tryptophan will be converted into Niacin. And your sexual hormone production will increase. Chocolate contains Phenylalanine in large quantities, that are converted into Tyrosine that is again metabolized into the love hormone Dopamine. So Chocolate may also give more dreams with sexual content. Chocolate has also Choline that will help you dream more, Caffeine that will let you remember dreams easier and more. 2.17. What is LILD (Letter Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique uses a letter or symbol to induce lucidity. Day-memories are often incorporated into the dream, especially memory from the evening. So it is quite likely that some of what you experience after waking up after 5-6 hours and stay up for about an hour is incorporated into the dream. This is how this technique work. You concentrate on a letter, A for Awareness during that hour. Visualize yourself many times seeing that A and suddenly remember to do a RT. Think about this for about an hour and remember to do a Reality Test whenever you see an A. This should also be done during the day, do a RT every time you notice an A. Writing a word or a letter in your hand, and frequently check it might help. Just hope that you will remember to do a RT if you see a big A in the middle of the road. The symbol in this technique can easily be changed to your dog, a friend, a place or an activity. 2.18. What is OILD (Orgone Induced Lucid Dream)? This technique uses orgone energy to induce lucidity. Crystals and magnets have been found to send out orgone energy. But each type of crystal send out their own frequency, various orgone energy types that do various things to our body and mind. A few crystals that might induce Lucid Dreams, or increase dream recall, clarity and vividness: Herkimer Diamond, Apophyllite, Kyanite and Amethyst. The crystals should be used in correlation with your chakras, preferably your third eye (forehead). Magnets can work by other means than sending out orgone energy, the pineal gland also responds to magnetism. A steady state magnetic north pole field will stimulate the production of Melatonin as long as field strength in the vicinity of the pineal is in the 400 mgauss range. But more is not better. So be careful. Pulsating magnetic field will shut down the production of Melatonin, just as light will. If you have trouble sleeping might it be wise to check the magnetic field around your bed. 2.19. How can I have Shared Lucid Dreams? Once you get experience in the field of Lucid Dreaming, have good control over your dream environment and can stay Lucid for a long time is it time to move on. Or if you are an experienced Lucid Dreamer that wants to try something new, then Shared Lucid Dreaming is an interesting approach. Intent is an important key for Sharing a Dream. When you lie in bed trying to fall asleep you need to program this intent to Share Dreams with those you desire, and then when you are in the Dream, you have to recall that intent and attempt to fulfill it. Give yourself appropriate affirmations while you are waiting for the hypnagogic imagery to start. A good way of finding those you desire is imagine them and let the hypnagogic imagery fill out the rest of the details. Once you are in the Dream, make sure you are fully conscious. Check all your senses and do some logical tests. Recall your intent and try a few other techniques if your friend isn't in your dream. You can phase to that person, or imagine a door and talk out loud your desire to meet that person, then open the door. You can also shout and yell for them until they come along. Once you find them comes the big question. Are your friend Lucid? Ask a few simple questions, be friendly and patient. If you know their interest, create them. And try to make them understand that they are dreaming. Do things that normally don't happen in the physical world. When they understand or if they know that they are dreaming, make sure they are fully conscious and that all their senses are working. Once it is established that both of you are dreaming should you point out details in the dream, for later verification. You might also try to bring more people into the dream. When you wake up you should write down everything you could remember, especially the details that were pointed out. A phone call right after awakening may help on the recall. 2.20. How can I have Precognitive Lucid Dreams? When you have some successful experience with Shared Lucid Dreaming you can give Precognitive Lucid Dreams a try. Intent is also an important key to have Precognitive Lucid Dreams. When you lie in bed trying to fall asleep you need to program this intent to have a Precognitive Dream, and when your Dream starts do you have to recall that intent. You should give yourself appropriate affirmations while you are waiting for the hypnagogic imagery to start. When the dream starts do you need to check your level of consciousness. Do all the tests and make sure your logical mind is working. The next thing you need to do is fully focus on your intent. Make it perfectly clear, shut your eyes, shut down all signals from the dream and let go. Move into the field by intuitively driving yourself with the desire to go there. Let go and fell yourself moving towards your desired source. Let time and space go, just flow with your intention. You may feel a melt down for a second until before you arrive there. Wherever you are in time or space will happen later in the physical world. Just observe whatever happen and enjoy it. Remember to write it down when you wake up, for later verification. 2.21. How can I use Dreams to affect physical matter? This can be done in the Precognitive field. When you are in a Precognitive Lucid Dream, all you need to do is try to move objects around, or make various marks on other people. Not only do you have the ability to move matter, you can also create electricity, magnetic fields, light, heat, sound and matter. You can also form and dissolve matter. You can do this on the lowest plane, the physical plane in the precognitive field. Being in the physical plane is usually called OOBE (Out of Body Experience). But you don't need to be in the precognitive field to affect matter, being in the physical plane is enough. So more on these subjects will be discussed in my Out of Body Experience FAQ. 2.22. How can I have Shared Precognitive Lucid Dreams? When you feel that you have good control over Shared Lucid Dreams and Precognitive Lucid Dreams you can give Shared Precognitive Lucid Dreams a try. What you need to do is find the person you what to Share the Dream with. After all the usual tests are done and both of you are fully conscious, do you need to agree on the same intent. Agree on the time and space and do the same as you were trying to have a Precognitive Lucid Dream. Holding hands may make it easier for you to stay together. Since you are two or more will you most likely have more success affecting the physical world, since more energy is concentrated. As always, write down your experience for later verification. If you are looking for scientific evidence, try reading up on the paranormal section in my Dreaming FAQ. 2.23. How can I stop real time in my Lucid Dreams? Stopping real time in your Lucid Dreams means making the Lucid Dream last far more than the time passed by in the physical world. Like having a dream that last a few minutes in real time, while you might experience it as a few days in the dream. By doing this can you enjoy the dream scape a lot more, since you can spend days in the dream while it really just last a few minutes. Robert Monroe even reported experiencing 100 years in a 2 hours OOBE. But to experience this might be difficult, little research have been done on this area. And those that experience it don't consciously try to have them. Still, there are a few techniques you might try. First of all, set your intention to stop real time. Have that intention in mind while having your Lucid Dream. Picture yourself being in the dream for days, maybe even weeks before you wake up. You might try to saying out loud: "Stop time now!" You can try looking at your clock in the dream, and imagine that the clock slow down and stop. You might try to expect the dream to last for days. You might try visualize two pyramids, connected at their bases counterrotating. And maybe visualize multiple pyramids rotating inside each other all rotating. This is something worth going for, as it may give you incredible long Lucid Dreams. 2.24. How can I leave my body from a Lucid Dream? As you may have understood by now dreams take place outside your body. They are happening in the mental plane where you might meet other people or easily go down to the physical plane and travel in time and space. Being in a reality where you can do whatever you want is much more fun than being stuck in the physical plane. But exploring the physical world can also be fun, and many different and useful things can be done on the physical plane. One technique is imagine a door and talk out loud your desire to enter the physical location when you go through that door. More techniques on how you can leave your body can be found in my Out of Body Experience FAQ. As you may have understood by now dreams take place outside your body. They are happening in the mental plane where you might meet other people or easily go down to the physical plane and travel in time and space. Being in a reality where you can do whatever you want is much more fun than being stuck in the physical plane. But exploring the physical world can also be fun, and many different and useful things can be done on the physical plane. One technique is imagine a door and talk out loud your desire to enter the physical location when you go through that door. More techniques on how you can leave your body can be found on my Out of Body Experience FAQ. 2.25. How can I use Lucid Dreams to read 1 million words per minute? To reach speeds as high as 1 million words per minute a computer program that can show 30 frames each second with 550 words must be developed. Such plans are in place, but no programming has been started yet (If anyone wants to assist in this, please let me know). A video camera and a TV might also produce such high speeds. But a computer program might show E-texts and maybe also allow searching for desired information on the web. This technique works by using the power of your subconscious. Your subconscious has the ability to process enormous amount of information. Until the computer program is developed you can use a little variation. And that is using normal books. Since it takes some time turning each page of the book does the speed drop to about 25,000-50,000 wpm. Before sending the pages in the book for processing to your subconscious you should enter a trance state, preferably the theta state. Turning the pages of the book will make it difficult to keep that state. But it can be done with practice. (The computer program will include flashing screen and binaural beats to put you down in the desired state before sending the pages to your subconscious). To send the most of the information in the book to your subconscious you can't have a hard focus on the book or screen. If you are reading a book you should place your focus some place behind the book. This will be a lot easier with a computer program. Because it will include stereograms in the background that you may try to focus on. (Stereograms are pictures where you have to diverge to see the 3D-picture.) Before starting the reading should you give yourself appropriate affirmations. You will have no recall of what you just read once you are finished. At least not at first. This is where Lucid Dreaming comes into the picture. While Lucid Dreaming you have access to all the information that your subconscious has stored throughout history. But the beauty with Lucid Dreaming is that you can let your subconscious process the information for you. You might imagine meeting the author of the book you read around the corner. Once you meet him can you start asking all the questions you were seeking answer for in the book. And your subconscious will provide the right answers. Even where in the book you will find that answer. If you read a novel can you sit down in the most comfortable chair you can think of, imagine a big screen TV with 3D-cinema sound. Then you might start watching the novel while eating popcorn. But this should be done in the weekend when you can sleep for about 12 hours. The 4 last hours will almost be a continual long REM. Great for watching movies. 3. Recommended Reading 3.1. What good reading can be found on Internet? Reading the "Course on Consciousness" by Ian Wilson is highly recommended. It can be found on his homepage: http://www.personal.img.net/iwilson Good reading, devices and books can be found at The Lucidity Institute at http://www.Lucidity.com Another good site on Lucid Dreaming can be found here: http://come.to/lucid A site with a lot of information taken from Malcolm Godwin's book on Lucid Dreaming: http://www.metro.net/anvil/lucid.html The SUNEYE Method by Joe Russa that has proven to be very effective can be found on his homepage: http://fly.to/suneye And for scientific evidence that prove the existence on Shared Dreaming, Precognitive Dreams and Remote Viewing should you take a look at this site: http://www.psiresearch.org More scientific evidence on Psychokinesis, Remote Viewing and more can be found here: http://www.princeton.edu/~pear A site dedicated to the book: "Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-Local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing" - http://www.espresearch.com For a lot of information on Remote Viewing and how you can learn it should you check out this site: http://www.paradigm-sys.com/firedocs The Remote Viewer Jon McMoneagle's own personal web-site: http://www.mceagle.com A site where you will learn to "read" at amazing speeds. Use StereoReading to reach a speed on many hundred thousands of words per minute: http://www.exploreit.net/thinkcentral And if you have a question can you always post it to alt.dreams.lucid 3.2. What books are recommended? A good, recommended book on Lucid Dreaming is "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold. A most entertaining book about Lucid Dreams: "Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life" by Robert Moss Another good book on Lucid Dreaming is "Lucid Dreamer; A Waking Guide for the Traveler Between Worlds" by Malcolm Godwin If you want scientific studies on the paranormal should you read "The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena" by Dean I. Radin. More scientific studies on the paranormal can be found in this book "Margins of Reality" by Robert G. Jahn and Brenda J. Dunne. Even more scientific studies on the paranormal can be found in this book "Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing" by Russell Targ and Ph.D. Jane Katra.

kingdom love

Calling all Kingdom pack members...we need to band together and bring the Kingdom pack back together and make it stronger remember my family..the pack is only as strong as it weakest member so lets make it stronger than ever and rekindlde the fire that once burned with the Spirit of Family and help return the kingdom to a Glory thatthe Creator will notice beyond all others..lets light up the heavens with the glory ad grace of the Wolf Kingdom. Lets make a family that cares for one another and lets make a difference to one another and brinfg the Kingdom to front of all others..
In the words of Red back Wolf 09/05/07 How many times are we going to not achieve all the things that destiny is giving us through fear…fear of the unknown or is it fear of actually succeeding….What we have to remember in this life is that fear is the irrational response to the unknown. So if you are a being of dreams and then do not be afraid to go and achieve the dreams that you have in your heart. But remember to give thanks and to give blessings to the Creator for the opportunities that are put before you. Recently I had a heated argument with a friend who has a drink problem about a subject and that subject was about understanding….he thought I didn’t know what it was like to have an addiction. Well guess what I do understand I have been around people who have had addictions for a long time. True it might not be alcohol or drugs but addictions none the less. I must admit I was extremely tempted to put him on his ass when he faced up to me…aggressively in my face and shouting at me I chose top walk away before I did actually put him on his ass…it would not have achieved anything except cause us both a lot of pain. What we need to remember about addicts and I wish that addicts understood this also is that they are not the only victims in this scenario. So let’s take the time to show someone that you care be it the addict or the person living with the addict for the addiction destroys lives. Not only of the addict but of their loved ones to. But I really must say this as much as I hate to do this but the next time he gets aggressive with me like that I will put him on his ass..lol..it might be what he needs to get his thumb out of his back side and learn what it is he is doing.

some herbal remedies

General Abdominal Pain Information Abdominal pain is experienced by nearly everyone at one time or another. The abdomen is the area in the trunk of the body that extends from between the rib cage to the pelvic region. Abdominal pain can be mild or severe, and it can stem from something as simple as overeating to causes as serious as appendicitis and gall bladder disease. Possible Causes of Abdominal Pain Determining the exact cause of abdominal pain can be tricky because there are so many aspects to consider. The best thing to do is to examine the symptoms and their severity and seek medical attention if necessary. See the supplements section below for a list of possible ailments that can lead to abdominal pain. Possible Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Symptoms of abdominal pain include cramping and discomfort in the abdominal region, Diarrhea, vomiting and burning in the stomach and esophagus can also occur. The pain can be generalized or localized and can be felt across the abdomen, around the navel, along the upper and lower sides of the stomach and across the rib cage. Possible Lifestyle Changes for Abdominal Pain Abdominal pain can be prevented by developing regular eating and bowel habits; avoiding chewing gum and carbonated beverages that contribute to swallowing air; avoiding abdominal injuries by always wearing a seat belt whenever driving or riding in a car. Treatment of abdominal pain is determined by whatever it is that is causing the symptoms. Most mild abdominal discomfort can be improved by getting adequate rest; eating smaller, more frequent meals; drinking plenty of fluids; and avoiding high-fat foods. If the pain does not subside within a day or so; worsens and becomes more frequent; is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, nausea or fever; or if the pain localizes to one specific area of the abdomen, see a doctor. Beneficial Dietary Supplements Digestive Enzymes enhance digestion. Fiber fights constipation, a common cause of abdominal pain. Astragalus protects the immune system, supports adrenal gland function and aids digestion. Cinnamon relieves diarrhea and nausea, and it enhances digestion. Licorice is effective in treating muscle spasms, cramping and pain. Ginger and Peppermint settle the stomach and stimulate digestion. Fennel has been known to relieve abdominal pain. General Abscesses Information An abscess is an accumulation of pus in a tissue, organ or confined space in the body due to infection. An abscess is a sign that the body is trying to rid itself of impurities. Abscesses can appear internally or externally and can form in the brain, lungs, gums, teeth, sinuses, tonsils, kidneys, rectum or any other part of the body. Most abscesses heal completely in one to two weeks with proper treatment. There are two types of abscesses: Acute abscesses appear suddenly (over a few hours or overnight) and usually respond well to treatment. Chronic abscesses develop over a period of days or weeks and are more resistant to treatment due to the sevarity and widespread nature of the abscess. Possible Causes of Abscesses Abscesses are the result of injury or lowered resistance to infection. Infections can be produced by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Some abscesses are removed through surgery, others respond well to application of heat, but the most effective treatment is through antibiotics and/or herbs. Possible Symptoms of Abscesses Symptoms of abscesses usually appear as a swollen, inflamed, hot, red and tender in the general area of the abscess. Sufferers also experience fever, chills, fatigue, weight loss and loss of appetite. Eat fresh pineapple daily to fight inflammation and aid healing. Eat garlic and onions to cure and prevent abscesses. Perform a liquid fast using only fresh juices for 24- to 72-hours to cleanse the system. Apply honey to external abscesses to destroy bacteria and viruses. Those on antibiotic treatment should supplement their diet with B vitamins and yogurt. Beneficial Dietary Supplements Zinc stimulates the immune system and fights infection. Coenzyme A supports the immune system. Colloidal Silver acts as a natural antibiotic and disinfectant. Garlic stimulates the immune system and acts as a natural antibiotic. Vitamin A strengthens the cell wall and protects against bacteria. Vitamin B Complex aids healing. Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids aids the immune system function and tissue repair. Vitamin E aids circulation. Burdock Root, Cayenne, Dandelion Root and Red Clover help heal abscesses. Chamomile Tea is effective in treating dental abscesses. Milk Thistle, taken in capsule form, aid the liver and helps cleanse the bloodstream. Tea Tree Oil kills infectious organisms in external abscesses. General Acidosis Information Acidosis of the blood occurs when the body is overly acidic and has lost its alkaline reserves. Acidosis occurs when blood pH drops below 7.4. Dietary measures are critical because the body is more susceptible to illness and disease in an overly acidic state. Respiratory acidosis occurs when the lungs cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide (a normal by-product of metabolism) produced by the body. This causes a disturbance of the acid-base balance in which body fluids become excessively acidic. In chronic respiratory acidosis, mild impairment of the ability of the lungs to remove carbon dioxide occurs over a long period of time, leading to an unstable situation. This is because the kidneys increase their retention of bicarbonate to maintain an acid-base balance in the blood that is almost normal. In severe cases, the carbon dioxide builds up very quickly, leading to severe disturbances in the acid-base balance of the blood, i.e. blood acidosis. Possible Causes of Acidosis Acidosis of the blood and bodily fluids often occurs as a result of improper diet. High animal protein, processed junk foods and many cooked foods all become acid in the body. Other causes of acidosis include: disorders of the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands; malnutrition; obesity; ketosis; emotional upset; stress; anorexia; toxemia; high fever or body temperature; and excess niacin or aspirin. High intake of vitamin C may also be a contributing factor to acidosis. Environmental pollutants and acids in the water and air may also contribute to low blood pH (high acid) levels. Respiratory acidosis can be a consequence of any lung disease that prevents removal of carbon dioxide. Common lung diseases that lead to respiratory acidosis include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), severe asthma and airway obstruction. Other diseases that may lead to respiratory acidosis include obesity hyperventilation syndrome, excessive fatigue of the diaphragm or muscles of the rib cage, and severe deformities of the spine and/or rib cage. Nearly any lung disease may lead to respiratory acidosis. Possible Symptoms of Acidosis Some symptoms of acidosis may include insomnia, water retention, migraines, constipation with diarrhea, burning sensation of the tongue and mouth, halitosis (bad breath), lightheadedness, fainting and nausea. Excessive respiratory acidosis may lead to confusion, lethargy or poor organ function. In extreme cases, low blood pressure and shock may result. Possible Lifestyle Changes for Acidosis To rebalance and raise the blood pH, it is beneficial to eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (with the exception of plums, prunes, and cranberries which remain as acid in the body). Carrot juice is beneficial to re-establish balance. Deep breathing may be included in the treatment program. Smokers should stop smoking as soon as possible. Not smoking can prevent the development of many severe lung diseases that can lead to respiratory acidosis. Acid and Alkaline Self Test Purchasing litmus paper and applying saliva to the paper will indicate whether your body fluids are to acidic or too alkaline. Litmus paper will change color to indicate pH levels of body fluids. Red litmus paper turns blue in alkaline and blue litmus paper turns red in an acid. These tests should be performed before eating or one hour after eating. Beneficial Supplements Alkalizers assist in raising blood and body fluid pH levels. These may be formulated supplements or individual nutrients. Sulfur acts as a buffer to maintain proper pH levels. Phosphorus is a mineral that helps convert food to energy. Kelp (Seaweed) is high in alkaline and other healthy nutrients. Coral Calcium contains natural mineral alkalizers. Ionized Oxygen supports cell oxygen levels and increases energy and stamina while reducing acidity levels. Coenzyme A supports the immune system and detoxifies the body of many dangerous substances. Elder Bark, Hops and Willow reduce stress. General Acne / Pimples Information Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when oil and dead skin cells get trapped in the pit of the hair follicle. Bacteria then begins to multiply and the area becomes inflamed producing pimples, blackheads and whiteheads on the face and upper body. Acne affects 80% of the population at some time between the age of 12 and 44, making it the most commonly treated skin condition. Although acne affects more than 20 million teenagers, it is appearing in adults in increasing numbers. Most acne cases are in the mild to moderate range, but severe acne can cause serious cosmetic problems, which often leads to emotional stress and low self-esteem. Possible Causes of Acne / Pimples In the surface of normal skin, sebum oil passes through the hair follicles to the skin surface. When acne is present, sebum (oil) which normally drains to the surface of the skin gets blocked and bacteria begins to grow. ?FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=A micromedone infection developing." The Beginning - Micromedone Both whiteheads and blackheads start out as a "microcomedone", which is the oil blocked in the hair follicle. The picture to the left is a "microcomedone". After the microcomedone forms either a blackhead or a whitehead develops. The Whitehead A whitehead is formed when the trapped sebum and bacteria stays below the skin surface. The Blackhead A blackhead occurs when the trapped sebum and bacteria reaches the surface of the skin and opens up. Acne blemishes may be a message that something is wrong with your body’s chemistry, diet or method of skin care. Acne often occurs with pubescence (puberty) because the sebaceous glands are stimulated by androgens, the male hormones. These hormones stimulate the production of keratin protein and sebum oil. Sebum is often secreted in a faster rate then it can be excreted from the pores - creating an acne blemish - that supports bacteria growth and infection. Acne may be caused by hormonal changes or hormonal imbalances, heredity, oily skin, monthly menstrual cycle, candidiasis, allergies, stress, and the use of certain drugs, such as birth control pills or steroids. Acne may also be caused by allergic reactions to foods or dairy, a nutritional deficiency or a diet high in saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and animal fats. Other causes may include environmental conditions and pollutants that can clog the skin pores. Low body pH levels foster the growth of bacteria that may cause acne to develop (see Acidosis). Poor kidney and liver function may also play a role in acne development. Possible Symptoms of Acne / Pimples Acne appears as whiteheads and/or blackheads on the face, shoulders, neck and chest. Acne can range from mild to severe and can last a few weeks, months, years or can come and go throughout life. If a blemish becomes infected, a pimple can result. Severe acne can be painful and can cause serious scars if not treated. Possible Lifestyle Changes for Acne / Pimples A diet high in raw vegetables and fruits is beneficial. Avoid all forms of sugar, alcohol, butter, caffeine, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, cream, fat, fried foods, margarine, hydrogenated oils, soft drinks, iodized salt and processed foods. Sugar may impair immune function and promote the growth of bacteria and candida. To determine if you have an allergy that may be the cause of acne, eliminate food, such as dairy, for at least one month and slowly return it to the diet to see if the acne returns. The face should be kept free from oil by washing with an herbal cleanser or with lemon juice three times per day. Hair should be kept clean, as well. Friction makes pimples more likely to erupt, so not over-scrub or touch the affected area whenever possible. Avoid tight clothing and do not wear makeup whenever possible. When makeup must be worn, use water-based, hypoallergenic products without harsh chemicals, dyes or oils. Do not squeeze the spots as this may increase the growth and development of bacteria, worsening the condition and increasing the chance of scarring. Many dermatologists recommend 15 minutes of sunshine, regular exercise and sufficient sleep every day. Beneficial Dietary Supplements Alpha-Sterol helps open the blocked pores releasing the excess oils from the skin. Tea Tree Oil is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) reduces inflammation and promotes healing. Vitamin B3 improves circulation to the surface of the skin surfaces and helps repair skin conditions. Acidophilus Probiotics help replenish natural good body bacteria to reduce acne outbreaks. Chromium Picolinate aids in reducing skin infections. Colloidal Silver is considered a natural antibiotic and may be applied topically and taken internally. Essential Fatty Acids helps keep skin smooth, repairs tissue and dissolves fatty deposits that block pores. Potassium and Zinc helps heal tissue and prevent scaring. Garlic improves blood circulation, destroys bacteria and enhances immune function. Burdock Root, Dandelion Leaves, Milk Thistle and Red Clover are powerful blood cleansers when taken internally. Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex Agnus Castus) may be taken internally to aid in reducing acne breakouts related to hormonal changes from PMS.

Loving moon

I do not write this to cause pain but to put down my feelings and hopefully help others to learn from my mistakes LOVING MOON The moon rises Creatures of the night scamper across the ground The Wolf following the Raven Her ever faithful companion His love for her Hers for him Forever loving in the moon The loving moon forever shines Upon two hearts that are oceans apart Even though the ocean is there It cannot stop this love But wither it did For mistakes and actions I made Through sheer ignorance I caused pain But still I’m forever her Wolf Travelling the journey of dreams The road of visions The Eagles feathers in the headdress Dancing around the fire Sitting in a smoke lodge Searching within I find the Wolf waiting Waiting for his Raven With spirits rising Helping Guiding To beginnings and endings Continually on the search for existence Yet through it all I see her I want to love her Love her as she deserves We can love like nothing ever loved before For I am forever her Wolf Forever will I howl into the darkness? And under the still Loving moon.
I sit by side of the ocean Waves of life lapping upon the shore I long to be with you My beautiful Raven For wherever you fly I will be two steps behind For iam your red back wolf I will follow you to the ends of the earth I shall beat down the gates of Hades I will climb Mount Olympus To be in your arms. if it takes me to become a dragon to wrap you in my wings Then that is what I shall become For to protect you is what I am here for For to protect you is love And love you I do. Our love transcends oceans And the aeons of time We have always been together You and I So for eternity I follow My beautiful Raven For I am Red back Wolf Lover, friend, husband, companion, And before all these Soul mate iam
I sit by side of the ocean Waves of life lapping upon the shore I long to be with you My beautiful Raven For wherever you fly I will be two steps behind For iam your red back wolf I will follow you to the ends of the earth I shall beat down the gates of Hades I will climb Mount Olympus To be in your arms. if it takes me to become a dragon to wrap you in my wings Then that is what I shall become For to protect you is what I am here for For to protect you is love And love you I do. Our love transcends oceans And the aeons of time We have always been together You and I So for eternity I follow My beautiful Raven For I am Red back Wolf Lover, friend, husband, companion, And before all these Soul mate iam
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