wow my first blog on LC....wooohooo now what kind of light can i shed on my peoples of lost cherry??????
i did learn last night that i can't have my phone turned on when eatin dinner with hey i can't help it that i am in love with my cell and it annoys him. i am i also discovered that when you drink a mixed with tequilia in it it don't take much to get a buzz. and patrick was wantin me down my damn drink. i guess he wanted to really carry me out of applebees....hahahaha so i had a good time last night. he owed me dinner cause he don't so i guess we are even
i am tryin to figure out what the kids can be for halloween. i think i will make destiny be an american flag and i'm not sure what aaron will be yet but something good of course like every i will prolly be rainbow
i guess that is it for my first blog. there will be more ot come i am sure of