Opening his chest with her bare hands she reaches in and steals back the heart she has given him. He didn't protect it like he should have. He didn't love her like he said he did. As she rips the pumping organ from his warm carcass she wonders if he would have tried harder had he known the consequences. Oh well, second chances are for fools. She tried to many times to reward the stupid selfish man with..."Just one more chance." only to end up more miserable than before. Enough is enough, If you don't want to worship her the first time, your fate is sealed. May You Be At Peace With Your Maker. Looking at the whole in his chest, the blood soaking his clothes. The look of pure fear and confusion. She smiles "Now" she says in an evil whisper "you know what it feels like to give something and never get it back." His body slumps to the floor. His eyes begging for forgiveness. She shakes her head "not today" she has what she came for. She takes her heart and goes on with her life.