Pets Force One ,,, Pets Force One " Come In Pets Force Come In " Will Home Planet ever find the Pets Force Ship?
Sit right back and hear of a faithful trip Seven Heros on the way in a tiny spaceship ,,the spaceship got tossed and landed in the gallaxy of the losted ,,With starry sights neither day or night ,the Heros of Space ship Pets Force One awaken with lighting crashing among them ,,
back in command the Captain has already made head way of the problem and call upon the rest of the Heros to assit,,, Maiden Mocha with broom in hand ready to clean up her area for navigation,,lead the others thru other the troubled gallaxy,,, Hammer Harely noticed that in the gallaxy objects are flying uncontrolabilty,,,Harley ask Latch Ook Lennie to cast out his hook and try to latch on to a objects ,,,Lennie does with success and reels in fish ,,, casts out again and reels in a turtle more time and reels in a frog,,,
Dou Dipps steps up to the mission with keen sense of reading minds and styling hair ,,,so with a makeover she is able to recieve the story of these lost animals,,,
The Evil human race has made its attack on the planet and with destorying forest and polluting ocean and the torture of hundereds of animals cats,and dogs, they are forced to float in the gallaxy of the lost ,,with no place to go they are floating out of control,,,
Lennie races with speed to latch ook all the foating animals and one by one recuses them from the lost ,,The Captain signals for Delite Dijon to Start making her famous dishes to feed these hungry animals and Sends word to Slappin Sirchance to fix up the guest rooms for the lost fearful animals
Maiden Mocha thinking dust cleans her way into a spot on the radar and finds yes a orbit ,,a orbit that Hammer Harley fixes up to provide a new living in peace and luxury for the lost animals
Now with the protection of Pets Force Heros ,,,the animals of the lost are lost no more and have no fear of the Evil human invasion ever again
The Captain awards the Pets Heros with Pet Treats and are on warp speed to found their way back to the Home Planet ,,,Will they ever get home ? Is the tiny Space ship tossed and lost forever ?
Until next time will the Family and friends of the Pet Force always remember life is a Comic Book Every one can be A Hero Winks Captain Nett
Yahoo offers you an Avatar for your blog. They have lots of different ways to dress them up. Historical, Sci-Fi, Holiday, or plain old normal John Doe. I challenge you to go to Yahoo Avatars, dress up anyway you choose or if you already have an avatar you like use it, write a short story based on how/when/where your Avatar is dressed.
Here are the rules if you choose to play.
1. Go make your avatar
2. Start writing your story.
3. Post a picture of your Avatar and your story
4. spread a new game to other friends You can leave me a comment letting me know your story has been posted on your blog so I can come and take a l@@k .
5. Post the rules of the game so others can play too
Story should reflect your avatar or be loosely based on it. Willing to play along.
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Vick cards chewed by dogs are on eBay
By BRIAN CHARLTON, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
Take some trading cards picturing a disgraced NFL superstar. Add some dog slobber and teethmarks. What do you get? The most valuable Michael Vick cards — by far — on eBay, that's what.
Collector Rochelle Steffen of Cape Girardeau, Mo., gave every Vick card she owned to her dogs and let them go to town on the images of the Atlanta Falcons quarterback who is scheduled to plead guilty to a federal dogfighting charge Monday.
Once Monte, her 6-year-old Weimaraner, and Roxie, her Great Dane puppy, were done worrying them, nearly two dozen $1-$10 cards were crumpled, crimped, chewed, torn and generally in a sorry state. Some even had corners missing.
As of Thursday evening, the highest bid on the lot of 22 cards had risen to $455 and more than 2,000 people had viewed the posting. Seventy-seven people already have bid on the auction, which ends Sunday.
The next-most expensive Vick cards — well-preserved specimens from his rookie year — were going for less than half the price of the gnawed ones.
"If I would have had some of his super-duper ones, they would have been right in the mix too," Steffen said Thursday.
She plans to donate the winning bid money to the humane society of the bidder's choice.
Since Vick was indicted on federal dogfighting charges last month, former fans have donated Vick jerseys to dog shelters, while others have tried to cash in by selling Vick T-shirts and chew toys for dogs.
"I'm not angry toward him; my anger is toward anyone who would do this to animals," said Steffen, a college student and artist who wrote a note accompanying her auction to explain it was artistic expression.
"I mean no harm to anyone involved with this auction," she wrote.
Vick said through a lawyer this week he will plead guilty to a federal charge of conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and conspiracy to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture.
Steffen's cards join a collection of newly released items on sale. T-shirts are being sold online with slogans that say "Ignorance Breeds Ignorance. Neuter Mike Vick," and "ConVICKt" and others that show dogs urinating on footballs and jerseys.
A few fans also have released "Free Vick" shirts.
The St. Paul Saints, a minor league baseball team known for campy promotions, gave out Vick chew toys Tuesday to the first 15,000 fans with some game proceeds going to the Humane Society. Fans got the St. Paul pig mascot with a No. 7 printed on the back and a tag around its neck with Vick's picture.
The Atlanta Humane Society also has reported former Vick fans mailing in jerseys — often accompanied by financial contributions and letters of outrage over the charges. Those former fans have suggested the Falcons jerseys become animal bedding or rags to help scrub up the messes that dogs leave behind. Other branches of the Humane Society have said they'll take donated Vick items to resell on eBay.
Steffen said she hopes to bring more attention to the abuse of animals involved in dogfighting activities.
"The money donated to local shelters makes this whole idea of selling the cards worthwhile," she said.
oh my moving day got move by a week away so now im surrounded by boxes , boxes ,and more boxes ,,,,,and trying to put the last minute items packed away for the movers next weekend ,,,but i cant complain i have lots of help !!!
I know the video is a little dark but i think you can get the idea hehehehehe lol Starring Harley In The Box
Christina wrote: