Im a huge coin collecter and also have a good baseball card collection (see some of the cards in my pics). Last year, i wanted a price to go up on a specific coin, and it did. To me, it is easy because i know what to look for and how to do it.
There are collectables like stamps, albums, coins, sportscards, memrobilia, Matchbox cars, dolls, cars and the list goes on.
Take something that your into, and look at the value in a price guide. Then look at other simular item that have a low mintage, but "reasonable" price. Next step is to purchase that item in quantity . This starts the demand effect which will help start the process of the item going up.
Buy the item from specific dealers. Look in the price guide and see if theres a list of contributing dealers that post realized prices to the price guide. This is WHO you buy from .Also, see if they have a ebay account.
If the price guide comes out annually, then start to buy ^ mounths before it comes out. This is when all the dealers still have the purchased items "fresh" in their mind.
Purchase as many as you can. When you see the price go up, you can always go on ebay and sell and make your money back. Making a profit is nice to do. But WHO you buy from, WHEN to buy, and WHAT you buy will determine how fast it will grow.
I will post another blog with the item i purchased to give you a specific example. HAPPY HUNTING!!!
world sit up king