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wiccan and chistianity

Similarities between Wicca and Christianity

by Sophia Fortune

Since I began the study of Wicca four years ago I have been asked many questions about the similarities and differences between Wicca and Christianity. Since I am by no means an expert on any religion I first turned to the Oxford American Dictionary for simple definitions of Christianity and Wicca, this is a pagan religion.

I first looked up Christianity, the definition being "the religion based on the belief that Christ was the incarnate Son of God and on his teachings." Ok no big surprise there. I then proceeded to look up paganism and found this definition, "a heathen". Now being a child of public schooling I was not all too clear on exactly what heathen meant so I then proceeded to look up heathen and was somewhat shocked at what I found. Heathen, a person who is not a believer in any of the worlds chief religions especially one who is neither Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim. An unenlightened person lacking culture and moral principals. I have to say it was the lack of moral principals that made me want to go and smack the Oxford Dictionary people. However after I repressed that urge I decided the best way to tell you about Wicca and Christianity was to answer some frequently asked questions about the two. I called upon many Christian and Wiccan friends and these are the top 10 questions most asked by either religion.

Tell me about Christianity

1.) Who are the main deities in Christianity? The main deities in Christianity are the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

2.) How does a Christian worship God? Christians worship God in many ways. By going to church on Sundays, taking Holy Communion, confession, prayer, and Hymns are just a few.

3.) Do Christian services use forms of Initiation? Yes in many of the Christian churches you must be baptized, take Holy Communion classes as well as Confirmation classes, and adult bible classes.

4.) Do Christians believe in Angels? Yes they do believe in the messengers that are angels specifically the angel who told the Virgin Mary she was carrying the Lord.

5.) What is a Christian's most important holiday? Christmas the birthday of Jesus Christ, the day in which Jesus was said to have been born in a manger in Bethlehem.

6.) Do Christians believe in hell? Yes Christians believe in hell and in Satan. Satan is often represented as a serpent as is the case in the story of Adam and Eve.

7.) Do Christians believe in reincarnation? No, Christians believe in one life and only one life.

8.) What is the Christian attitude towards Paganism? Many consider it to be sinful and evil however the attitude depends on the person. Many Christians believe their religion is the only way while others believe that there are many ways to God.

9.) Do Christians believe in a Goddess? This is considered in much controversy. Some Christians will say that there is one Supreme Being the God. Others say that in Christianity mainly Catholicism the Virgin Mary is worshipped as a Goddess.

10.) What is the Christian stance on the after life? Christians believe that to do good in ones heart your soul will go to heaven and remain there until judgement day. To do evil in ones heart without repentance is a pathway straight to hell.

Tell me about Wicca

1.) How does a Wiccan worship the Gods? Wiccans worship the God and the Goddess in many ways through spells, ritual, prayer, songs, poetry, and meditation.

2.) Do Wiccans believe in Angels? Wiccans believe in not only angels but also spirit guides. Wiccans believe that we are all put on this earth with many guardians. Angels and spirit guides are always with us and are just one way to reach the God and Goddess.

3.) What is a Wiccans most important holiday? A Wiccans most important holiday is Samhain or Halloween. Not only is Samhain the end of autumn; it is also, more importantly, the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. The eve of Halloween, the night of October 31st, is considered the most magical night of the year. The veil between worlds is thinnest and great magick can be tapped into on this night.

4.) Do Wiccans believe in Hell? No, Wiccans do not believe in Hell or Satan. Wiccans believe that we alone are responsible for our actions and that we can not blame our misfortunes on a fallen angel.

5.) Do Wiccans fly on brooms? No but I would imagine it would be a neat thing to do! Many believe that the myth that witches could ride on brooms was started in a reference to astral projection.

6.) Why is there a Goddess and a God in Wicca? Wiccans believe that the God and the Goddess are two equals parts each completing one another. The God is usually representative of the Sun and the Heavens where as the Goddess is usually represented as the Moon, Earth, and Nature.

7.) What is the Pagan attitude toward Christianity? Many pagans believe that all religions are equal and that all spiritual paths lead to god. Pagans will not preach nor will they try to convert any one of another path to Paganism.

8.) What are altars? Wiccans use altars as their sacred space to meditate and to commune with the Gods. The altar can consist of many things candles, incense, representation of the deities, a pentacle, chalice, and holy water.

9.) What is a Pentacle? A pentacle is a star used to represent the directions and the elements. A Wiccan wears the pentacle like a Christian wears a crucifix. As a symbol of your faith.

10.) What does it take to be called a Witch? To be able to call yourself a witch is a long and difficult process. One must study all aspects of the craft and have dedication to the God and the Goddess. I have studied for 4 years and still do not feel that I know enough to call myself a witch. You do not have to come from a line of witches to be a witch and is you are honestly interested in the craft there are many ways to find information.

about Boston

Oliver Wendell Holmes called it "The Hub of the Universe." It has also been deemed "The Athens of America." To many it is known as "Beantown." Whatever name you choose, Boston is a unique city that has played a major role in the American experience.

Faneuil Hall MarketplaceBoston is a city of history, of neighborhoods, of education. Our nation's oldest major city, Boston is a city of industry and finance, and a city of firsts. Boston is the city where we "pahk the caah" and love our "chowdah." World famous for its medical centers, Boston is also a city of seasons, where every spring is a time of hope eternal for the beloved Red Sox, until reality sets in with the chill of autumn and the call becomes "wait until next year."

The streets of this old city are winding and narrow, and many of them are one-way, which adds to the charm of the city. It also makes driving in Boston a memorable experience. If you miss a turn and plan to circle the block to get back, you may see why it is rumored that the expression "You can't get there from here" originated in Boston. The parallel block you are expecting to find may not exist. Add the Big Dig project to the mix and mastering the roads of "The Hub." can be a feat of distinction. Boston has the oldest subway and bus system in America, the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority). A ride on the MBTA or to the locals "The T," is an adventure visitors to Boston should try. There is also numerous taxi and limousine services as well as several bus tours and duck tours.

To get a sense of the history and the neighborhoods of Boston, follow the red line on the sidewalk of the Freedom Trail. Starting at the Boston Common Visitor Center on Tremont Street, the 2.5 mile walking path takes you on a journey back to the birthplace of the American Revolution. The trail connects 16 historical sites winding through Beacon Hill, The North End and Charlestown. Able-bodied people of all ages can easily do the walk on their own, or take a guided tour hosted by costumed characters like James Otis or Abigail Adams. You can also enjoy the Freedom Trail on a trolley tour or travel between the landmarks on the MBTA.

The Boston area offers a wide scope of business opportunities. International corporations as diverse as Gillette, Fidelity Investments, and Polaroid make their corporate homes in Boston. From biotech to healthcare, from education to hospitality, or from finance to technology, the city and state have many programs to help create a friendly atmosphere for doing business in Boston.

For new or existing businesses needing assistance or support, the city's Office of Business Development provides resources to help them succeed. The Office of Business Development also supports Boston Main Streets, a program working to help revitalize commercial districts in the neighborhoods. The small businessman can access city resources through the Boston Empowerment Center. The city also has partnerships with lending institutions, and state and federal agencies through the City of Boston Technical Assistance Partners.

More than 250,000 students attend college in Boston and Cambridge. Thousands more attend the colleges in the surrounding suburbs. Many of these students choose to settle in Boston which gives employers a tremendous talent pool. There are many employment resources available to those hiring and for those seeking employment in Boston. The leading fields of employment in Boston are life sciences, health care, biotech, commercial construction, and banking. There are private employment agencies focused for specific industries, and many agencies for general employment. There are also government agencies such as the Massachusetts Division of Employment and Training which provides unemployment insurance, job training, and assistance in job searches. The Boston Job Bank and Bostonhire.com are samples of the many on-line sites for job seekers.

The founding of Harvard University, the first college in America in 1636, and the first public school, Boston Latin a year earlier, planted the seeds for the Boston area to develop into a world renowned center for higher education. Along with high profile universities such as Boston College, Boston University, MIT, and Northeastern University, there is a school for everyone in Boston. There are art, music, and architecture schools, as well as medical and research institutions. There are two year colleges, technical schools, UMASS Boston and the state community college system, and many others.

What separates Boston from other college towns is its intimacy. Each college has its own identity, but each is also a part of a huge energized college community. With the beaches and mountains of New England close by, students have access to great getaways, as well as living in a world class cosmopolitan city.

Boston has been called the biggest small town in America. More than 600,000 people, plus the student population reside in Boston's twenty neighborhoods. From South Boston to East Boston (Southie and Eastie to locals), from Roslindale to the Back Bay, each neighborhood is a distinct, individual community. The neighborhoods are diverse in their ethnic make up and income levels, but they all share from the benefits of city services, parks, hospitals, and the MBTA. Although Boston can be provincial, the variety of its neighborhoods enriches the experience and culture of the city. An understanding of Boston's neighborhoods is valuable knowledge for those who are finding a place to live.

The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald real estate sections are good resources for finding a place to live. The Boston Housing Authority (BHA) which operates 64 developments, is good place to begin, for those of low or moderate income. Of the many internet resources, bostonrealestate.com is a full purpose site with links for virtually every aspect of the industry. There are listings for homes, apartments, and brokers, as well financing and legal information for residential and commercial properties.

There is sports and then there is Boston sports. The city is rich in tradition, and high in passions regarding its professional sports teams. The storied Boston Red Sox in quest for their first World Series Championship since 1918, won the first ever World Series in 1903. Since 1912, the Red Sox have played in historic Fenway Park. The Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League were the first American based professional hockey team. In the Bruins rich history some of the greatest names in hockey have worn their black and gold. The Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association have won the most World Championships (16) in league history. The Celtics revolutionized the game of professional basketball in the 1950's. The youngest of the four Boston major sport teams, The New England Patriots of the NFL played in the first game of the old AFL. The Patriots reached the apex when they stunned the football world by upsetting the St. Louis Rams in the 2002 Superbowl. The future appears bright for the Patriots with the opening of beautiful Gillette Stadium in Foxboro in 2002. Gillette Stadium also is the home of the New England Revolution of Major League Soccer.

Of course, when talking about a Boston sports tradition, the Boston Marathon needs mention. The nations oldest, and most coveted marathon, it has been a Patriots Day tradition for more than a century. Boston has college sports at every level, highlighted with the Beanpot Hockey Tournament, and in the fall, thousands of rowers visit Boston for the Head of the Charles Regatta.

For patrons of the arts, the Boston area has a large and varied selection of museums. There is also Symphony Hall, the home of the incomparable Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Boston Pops. Boston is home to theater, dance, and the opera. The Boston Public Library is the nations first.

Whether you live in Boston, or are student, or a tourist, it is an exciting and stimulating city. It is linked to its history, but moving ahead to the future. It is provincial, yet it is a place with a rich tradition of international commerce and immigrants. It is a city of passion and a city of intellect. There is something for everyone in Boston. Experience it.

Boston History

The first English immigrant to settle in Boston was the Reverend William Blackstone. He came by himself in 1629, to a peninsula by a stream, called by the local Algonquin inhabitants, Shawmet. A year later, John Winthrop and his Puritan settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, arrived to the north in Salem. Finding Salem less than desirable for a settlement, Blackstone invited Winthrop to visit Shawmut.

WashingtonOn September 17, 1630, Winthrop decided to make Shawmut a permanent settlement and renamed it Boston, after his hometown in Lincolnshire England. Winthrop and his followers left England to escape religious persecution and to establish a pious Puritan state. Ironically, Blackstone shortly left the colony due the harsh, intolerant society that the Puritans had created.

Citizenship in Massachusetts was restricted to church members until 1664. Dissidents like Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were banished. Despite these facts and the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, the colony was developing representative institutions which would help form a future democratic nation.

Over the next two centuries Boston developed as a center for Puritan life. Early on, Boston began to emerge as an intellectual and educational center with the arrival of noted theologians and statesmen, and the founding of Boston Latin School and Harvard University. The first printing press in the colonies was built in Cambridge by Stephen Daye in 1639. With its excellent harbor, Boston became the leading commercial center in the colonies. Colonial Boston was a world leader in shipbuilding and the primary port of North America.

The growth of the Boston area continued in the 18th century. As settlements grew into towns around the city, overseas trade increased, and mills were built along the rivers for logging, the forging of iron, and processing wool. Fishermen and farmers prospered as well.

Separated by a great geographical distance, the American colonies were still loyal British subjects. This began to change in the 1730's when the Crown increased taxes on the colonists to help replenish the treasury. Boston became a leading center of colonial resistance as a great philosophical distance began to grow between the Colonies and Britain. The seeds of revolution were planted.

The Stamp Act of 1765, the Townshend Acts of 1767, led to the Boston Massacre in 1770. The Tea Act of 1773 resulted with The Boston Tea Party. The British responded to the defiant acts by closing the ports and bringing in more troops to contain the dissidents. On the evening of April 18, 1775, the British dispatched troops to the towns of Lexington and Concord to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock, and to seize arms which the colonists were storing. Paul Revere and William Dawes rode through the night to warn the colonists of the approaching soldiers. The next morning, on Lexington Green, "the shot heard round the world" was fired, and the American Revolution began. Two months later after the Battle of Bunker Hill, George Washington was summoned to Boston to take command of the rebel army.

Massachusetts prospered in the early 19th century with improved roads, new canals, and the construction of railways, linking cities and towns. Laborers were recruited locally, but by the 1840's there were not enough locals to fill the work force. The answer came with the arrival of the first non-English immigrants, from Ireland. The Civil War was a profitable time for Boston manufacturers, with the production of weapons, shoes, blankets, and other materials for the troops. Boston also played a role as a leading voice of the abolitionist movement. The late 19th century was Boston's greatest industrial era. As millions of immigrants from around the world came to America, Boston continued as a leading manufacturer of a wide variety of goods and products.

Boston's manufacturing went into a state of decline during the first decade of the 20th century. The once thriving factories and mills had become old and obsolete. The tenements were aging and decaying. Many businesses closed and relocated to the south. Prosperity continued in the Hub however with the development of service industries, banking and finance, and retailing and wholesaling.

Boston suffered with the rest of the nation during the Great Depression. With the outbreak of War II, factories were retooled for the war effort, and people went back to work on the production lines. Again Boston was a major arms manufacturer during wartime.

By the 1950's, fishing and farming were in decline in Massachusetts, but the Boston area emerged as a leader in the fledgling computer and high-tech industries. Many of these new business were created and staffed by graduates of MIT and the other colleges in the Boston area. The financial and service industries continued to expand. Today, the Boston skyline is brimming with skyscrapers and office towers; a testament to Boston's achievements and its vitality.

Boston continues to evolve in the new millennium. A new convention center, an addition to the Museum of Fine Arts, the 2004 Democratic National Convention are some of the development plans for the Boston of tomorrow. In March of 2003, the new Freedom Tunnel and the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge were completed and opened, as part of the Big Dig Project.

Boston is a city with a rich past, but it is also a city looking ahead to tomorrow.

stupid mass laws lol

it is illegal to give beer to hospital patients.

Candy may not contain more than 1% of alcohol.
Shooting ranges may not set up targets that resemble human beings.
At a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches.
Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts.
All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday.
Hunting on Sundays is prohibited.
It is illegal to go to bed without first having a full bath.
A woman can not be on top in sexual activities.
No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.
Tattooing and body piercing is illegal.
Children may smoke, but they may not purchase cigarettes.
Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder.
Quakers and witches are banned.
Bullets may not be used as currency.
Massachusetts liquor stores can only open on Sundays if they are in Berkshire, Essex, Franklin, Middlesex or Worcester counties and are within 10 miles of the Vermont or New Hampshire borders.
Alcoholic drink specials are illegal.
Public boxing matches are outlawed.


Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.



A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.



No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.



The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.



No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.



In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.



In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.



Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.



The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.



The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


every thing u ever need to know about me is right here

i'm just a sweet guy who wants to have fun and be loved at the same tim

i'm a lil shy i have a hard time asking girls out don't ask why i just am

i'm not the best looking guy but i have a great heart

i have brown hair brown eyes 5'5 145 lbs

i have 2 tattoos a rottrialer and a scorpion

i live in massachusetts/bellingham

i like to cuddle and wake up next to a girl if sex is involved cool if not thats fine i love cuddling

i'm addicted to sex i can go w/o but love sex lol

i love to drink also a pot head

loves storms tornados,thunder lightening hurricanes

wants to have a family id quit everything if i had a family and sum 1 to actually talk to

wants to get married and have 2 kids

loves spring sumer and fall i hate winter

i was born 10/31/1981 at 5am

steak potatoes pizza spagetti tuna fish lagsania green peas apples oranges banannas ect ect alr my fav foods

mt dew is my fav soda

csi burn notice wwe are sum of my fav shows

watches the news

love the boston red sox

loves to play ps3

graduated high school in 2001



I wish i could say that i wasn't angry but ever since that accident thats all thats been on my mind wish it was better but know things will never be the same since i took the fall for a piece of shit that i soon found out wasn't even a friend deep down i'm hurt and that will never go away and now all i want to do is hide and disappear the O.U.I has ruined who i once was. i have to go to court to see if i can be proven innocent and if i can get second chance i will do what ever it takes to clear my name and get a little piece of my life back. i will never be the happy person i once was i am always angry at my self for falling for the trap there is not a single day nor single second that goes by that i think of it i let some 1 i trusted drive and he wrecked my car all of us were drunk i took a blame tho i was scared and confused i know what a moron i was no one needs to tell me that. i been homeless well sorta homeless for 7 months moving from friends house to friends house i pretty much hate it but brought it on my self if i didn't let him drive and i drove things would have been a lot better i know i can handle my car. i know your gonna read this and think i'm a loser but thats ok every one has there own opinions just keep it to our self. ps jury trial is 4-8-09 hope this is final phase.
Judge to decide dead baby case Monday Photos Mark Fisette/Daily News Judge Peter Agnes Jr. By Michelle Laczkoski/Daily News staff GHS Posted Jan 24, 2009 @ 12:09 AM WORCESTER — When Allissa Pugh came home from work on Jan. 2, 2007, she thought she was having a miscarriage, but unexpectedly went into labor in her bathroom, her lawyer said during closing arguments yesterday. But, prosecutor Blake Rubin called the delivery "reckless" and said Pugh's actions during her pregnancy were consistent with "destroying the baby." A judge will seal 29-year-old Pugh's fate Monday, when a verdict is expected in her manslaughter trial. Judge Peter W. Agnes Jr. said yesterday he will take witness testimony and lawyers' closing arguments under advisement and return a verdict in Worcester Superior Court on Monday at 9 a.m. "This case raises very fundamental questions about the duty of a pregnant woman at delivery," Agnes said. "I know of no other case that deals with facts quite like this." On Jan. 2, 2007, Pugh told police she unexpectedly went into labor. She said she tried unsuccessfully to revive her newborn son and then gave up, wrapping his body in a shopping bag and putting it in the trash. The newborn's body was found in a trash truck on Jan. 6, 2007, after garbage was collected along Purchase Street in Milford. In closing arguments yesterday morning, her lawyer Peter Ettenberg said Pugh believed she was having a miscarriage and panicked. Pugh told police, "I never expected this baby now, I thought I had more time," Ettenberg said. She believed she was three months along and had not told anyone about the pregnancy, Ettenberg said. Citing a comment police made to Pugh during interviews, Ettenberg told the judge, "Good people make bad decisions and judgment calls in stressful situations." He added: "It was tragedy that could not be foreseen, it was not criminal." But, Rubin said Pugh was reckless before and during the baby's delivery. "The moment she knew she was in labor, I suggest she had the duty to seek medical assistance," said Rubin, noting her previous experience in lamaze classes and child labor with her son, Colby. At the time, Pugh had nearly 30 years of "life experience," Rubin said. "We're not talking about a 14-year-old kid," he said. Ettenberg said her pregnancy differed from her first. She gained much less weight and the baby never kicked or moved. Pugh, who did not realize she was carrying a near full-term baby, believed she was having a miscarriage in the bathroom, he said. "Is there a duty for a woman to call for help if she has a miscarriage?" Ettenberg asked. "If that's the case, there are thousands of women who had miscarriages in their house who should be prosecuted." Pugh also negligently disposed of the newborn's body, without seeking help from a medical professional, Rubin said. "This baby had no funeral, no burial, no flowers, no eulogy, no casket, not even a name," Rubin said. "It was just put out in the trash with dog feces. I suggest a household pet would get better treatment." Following Ettenberg's objection to that statement, Agnes said he would not use it in making his decision. "This isn't some cold, callous, hard-core woman sitting there who doesn't give a damn," Ettenberg said in defending Pugh. Dressed in a black button-down shirt and gray pants, Pugh sat motionless next to her lawyer during nearly two hours of closing arguments. She shook her head as Rubin accused her of making several inconsistent statements during police interviews. Among the discrepancies, Pugh initially said she felt contractions at work, but in later interviews said she did not. At first, Pugh said she didn't check for a pulse once the baby was delivered, but later told police she checked his wrist for a heartbeat. "This reveals she is not a truthful person," Rubin said. Witnesses who testified Wednesday said they saw Pugh drinking and smoking at a bar while she was pregnant and also overheard her say she wasn't going to have any more children. But, Ettenberg said Pugh planned on taking "all steps necessary" to have the baby. He tried to discount witness testimony, calling it contradictory and not credible. Prosecutors also failed to prove "beyond reasonable doubt" that Pugh's baby was born alive, Ettenberg said. Citing testimony from three doctors, Ettenberg said it is unknown if the baby was born alive or if it would have survived with medical attention. "That's reasonable doubt," he repeated throughout his argument. "'Probable' is not proof beyond reasonable doubt." Ettenberg said prosecutors are "trying to season something that smells bad and pass it off as fresh." He said the prosecutor's case is based on speculation. "We can't re-create the disbelief and panic happening in that bathroom. It's not fair or reasonable," he said. "The commonwealth is trying to take an unfortunate set of facts, unique facts, and (they're) saying it's criminal." Rubin said the doctors' testimony concluded the baby was born alive. Dr. Drucilla Roberts, a Mass. General Hospital pathologist said, "with a reasonable degree of medical certainty," the baby was alive inside the mother and in the birth canal. In her opinion, the baby was alive post-birth and had a beating heart. Though the autopsy found the manner of death as "undetermined," Roberts said the cause of death was suffocation and hypothermia. The defense's expert witness, Dr. Richard Callery, the chief medical examiner in Delaware, said it was "a leap to call (the incident) a homicidal act of the mother." In shedding light on possible motives to "destroy the baby," Rubin recalled testimony where Pugh admitted to having a one-night encounter with a man she met at a Waltham bar nine months prior to her delivery. "She might not want (a baby) from a man she barely knew," Rubin said. Pugh's shaky relationship with longtime boyfriend Jason Schiappucci and financial hardships may have also been factors in her "reckless" behavior, he said. "We may never really know," Rubin concluded. "The evidence presented supports a conviction for manslaughter and improper disposal of a body." Manslaughter is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The improper disposal charge carries up to three years. Although Agnes was expected to reach a verdict yesterday, he said he will give more thought to each lawyer's arguments and explain his decision Monday. Comments (14) Leo White11 hours agoReport Abuse Pugh was planning on taking all necessary steps to have the baby says her shyster lawyer- like have drinks at the Marchegiano club and repeatedly utterling that she did not want to have another child- all that said to complete strangers-all steps should be taken to make sure that she has no contact with her son- this creepy woman needs to be put away for a long time forgiven10 hours agoReport Abuse I am sad that this happened to the baby and the mom put her deceased infant in the trash; and I'm sad after reading the attacks on this woman through your comments the past couple of days. You all say how you feel bad for her little boy, yet, you call his mother a whore, a liar, a murderer, a pig...so many of you are quick to air her dirty laundry and hang her out to dry...yet, you leave your own kids home while you're out at the bar, obviously able to report to everyone what you saw Allissa doing! Or maybe you think you have it all together, and you never could even imagine yourself doing something so horrible as Allissa has done. Well guess what? If Allissa turns to God and asks to be forgiven, He will forgive her. She doesn't have to (your quotes) 'rot in jail' or even 'rot in hell' if she decides to turn to God and asks to be forgiven. He got nailed to the cross for what Allissa did, and for all the wrong things you've done in your life, too. Does that mean we have to defend or excuse Allissa's actions? No, and we shouldn't. There will be a consequence for what she did, and she will pay a price. But all of you, too many to name here, whose comments are holier-than-though, well, let me just remind you of what your Maker has said to each of us. God says that 'my people perish for lack of knowledge.' Hosea 4:6. Whether you realize it or not, or even believe it or not, you're bringing judgement on your own head. You might want to refrain in the future from running your mouths, and let the judge be the judge! Matthew 7:2: For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you. John 8:7: And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, 'Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.' (It's not too late for you to turn to God and ask to be forgiven.) jcsays9 hours agoReport Abuse Nice try forgiven, Man has a duty to judge others. If we did not it would be bedlam, murderers, still free,thieves,thugs, running amuck. God has 10 comandments that you left out, on which man bases his law. One of those commandments? Thou shall not kill! As for this woman she will eventually be judged by God. But for now it our responsabilty as a society to enforce our law based on God's law. Also women like this don't value life anymore, because of the 'Left' and their non secular agenda to take God out of our society. For Real?9 hours agoReport Abuse I understand innocent until proven guilty, I just find it ironic that she is accused of throwing away a human child when she called me selfish for putting down a cat who was suffering with cancer. Carolyn Henschel7 hours agoReport Abuse Not very convincing 'forgiven'. No matter how you look at it, she plotted basically for 9 months to 'murder' her child. Smoking, drinking, parties, ect. She deserves the MAX as far as I'm concerned and hopefully she will get just that!! Layla6 hours agoReport Abuse What forgiven forgets is that other people didn't dump their newborn in the trash. She did. Personally I think that even if she 'gets off' her name will be MUD in the area anyway. She could have called for medical assistance vs. just throwing the baby in the trash. forgiven5 hours agoReport Abuse To: jcsays and Carolyn...I never tried to 'convince' anyone as to whether or not she's guilty. In fact, I said she should NOT be excused and will have to pay a price. Obviously, we have a judicial system that allows us to hear the evidence, judge the case, and come to a verdict. If the people on this blog, who were cut-throat with their comments, were on a jury, they'd never be able to communicate like that because it's not done in a civil manner. You missed my point. I was addressing the way these individuals have reduced themselves to cold, critical, and judgemental communication. You call her 'murderer', that's a judgement...you do not know what was going through her head, therefore you've got that measure of judgement on your head, Carolyn. You mention smoking, drinking parties etc...how many of us are guilty of smoking or going to a drinking party? That kind of measure of judgement will be used against you when you stand before God one day with all of your sins. And when you say, 'but God...that's not what I meant, that's not what I was thinking etc...' He'll remind you of the measure of judgement you used on others. I'm simply trying to let you know what God says about that. If you don't believe it, read it for yourself. If you could care less what God has to say, that's your choice. It's easy, jcsays, to quote 'thou shalt not kill' and it makes most of us feel we're 'good with God' because we've never broken that one! But God says is the most important one to Him is 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind' Matthew 22:35-38 Allissa did something wrong and she will suffer the consequence of her actions. Hopefully she will give her life to God so she can be forgiven and restored to the kind of life God had intended for her. She and her son will need the love of God to help them through this. She will not be damned to hell if she turns to God now, so you shouldn't say stuff like that if you don't really know what God has to say about it. Rancor5 hours agoReport Abuse Forgiven: frankly I agree with JC and Carolyn. Actually it seems as though a lot of us on here agree with them and a selected few need to realize that what Miss Pugh did was wrong and these people are either relatives of Miss Pugh or nieve individuals that she fooled into believing her side of the story in which it seems like she keeps changing her story, so how can you belive her? It is our right to be judgemental of her actions...remember freedom of speech!!!! Your right we all can go out and party but a lot of us don't go out and party knowing we are pregnant and drink exessively, so remember that? Also a lot of us don't go throwing babies in dumpster either. femalemilfordresident5 hours agoReport Abuse Financial Hard ship? Does anyone know how much it cost these days to go out drinking ? She had six shots an how many drinks? Plus she was smoking an that alone cost $6.00 a pk. Her side kick the man that couldn't tell his lover was pregnant was also buying drinks they HAD the means to have this baby or to inquire health insurance. Has anyone heard if the one night stand has had any contact with the proceedings? BABY KILLER HOPE YOU GET THE MAX , AND COLBY IS TAKING AWAY FROM THE MAN YOU LAY NEXT TO EVERY NIGHT . milfordgirl2 hours agoReport Abuse Hey forgiven, yeah we are out at bars drinking but we are ALSO not pregnant!! So therefore, there is nothing wrong with drinking at the bars for us. Drinking and smoking while you are pregnant, and tossing your baby into the trash on the other hand, IS wrong. Plus her telling everyone she was not having anymore kids WHILE CARRYING A KID, well, that just speaks for itself. milfordgirl2 hours agoReport Abuse Oh, one more thing, did God say it was ok to throw your baby out with the garbage? Just askin.. felicia2 hours agoReport Abuse Have you read the article? For the first time, it was relatively accurate and I appreciate that the reporter actually attended so that she could hear first hand the facts of this case. There are 2 sides to this story and it is appreciated that the facts were introduced relatively true. Did you read the comments made by the Detectives in YOUR town and investigator from the state of MA that stated: Citing a comment POLICE MADE to Pugh during interviews, 'Good people make bad decisions and judgment calls in stressful situations.' 'It was tragedy that could not be foreseen, it was not criminal.' Also the ADA states: 'We may never really know,' what happened in that bathroom that day. Dr. Roberts (a pathologist for the DA) stated: Roberts said that ONE theory for the cause of death was suffocation and hypothermia, however, the MA Chief Medical Examiner DISAGREED with her hypothesis. FUNNY! The Defense Med Examiner (who is the Chief Medical Examiner for the state of Delaware with 15 years more experience than both of the DA's experts with a clean tract record unlike MA ME who 'lost ' bodies in the past for crying out loud) stated: 'a leap to call (the incident) a homicidal act of the mother.' and neither ME for the state disagreed with him. In fact, the ADA requested Judge Agnus to allow him to call us the MA ME to retake the stand AFTER he had been dismissed due to the convincing testimony from the defense ME to his. This is typically not allowed but the Defense attorney allowed it. The result of that 2nd testimony, the AM ME ended up not having a choice but to state the truth under oath that the Defense Attorney was correct in the majority of his findings. FUNNY! This is YOUR CHIEF medical examiner! Also concerning the comments made by the ADA: 'This baby had no funeral, no burial, no flowers, no eulogy, no casket, not even a name,' Rubin said. 'It was just put out in the trash with dog feces. I suggest a household pet would get better treatment.' Also read the following statement made by the judge: Agnes (judge) said he would not use it in making his decision as this is intended to introduce emotion into this case. The second part of that statement was: This has no relevance to the case and should be struck from the record. He also stated that he is as judge, I do not base rulings on emotion, I rule on legal facts and evidence submitted. I am not asking for sympathy or trying to 'defend' Allissa. I am stating the facts of this case, they do not lie. She may be guilty of 'Improper Disposal' but NOT guilty of Manslaughter (in my opinion based on listening to the testimony 1st hand every moment of this trial from the courtroom). Remember there are 2 separate charges here and the sole reason that they elected NOT to have a jury is due to people like some of you who don't care about the facts, or the guidelines of the law but with their emotions. That is not fair, not American! This judge has a tough job and elected to take another few days to review the testimony to ensure that he makes the proper LEGAL decision. There is no hatred on any of you who feel she should rot in hell, your feelings and opinions are understandable and entitled due to your right to exercise your 'Freedom of speech'. She das been and will be judged and punished accordingly. This is a tragedy. Rancor2 hours agoReport Abuse Felicia I fully understand that but your still not fully understanding the fact that Miss Pugh took a pregnancy test (pretty accurate) and also you are eiher pregnant or your not??? There is no in between. So understanding that and understanding the fact that she continued to drink and smoke while pregnant without no medical attention to the baby leaves me to belive this is manslaugher. No ifs ands or buts about it. I think people would be a little more understanding if she went out there and did everything she could do to save this baby....but you know what....SHE DIDN'T. A mother would do everything she can to save that baby and again SHE DIDN''T. So are you listening to these facts as well or just listening to what you want to hear. nancy13131353 minutes agoReport Abuse She thought she was only 3 months pregnant? No prenatal care is a clue as to whether or not a person actually CARES about the child they are carrying or cares more about shots of booze at the club.

girl friend application

u wanna be my bf?? BASICS: Name: Age: Location: Height: Hair (colour and style): Eyes: Piercings/tattoos: ------------ ------------ ------------ OTHER: 1. Where would we go on dates? 2. Who are three (or more) of your favourite bands/artists? 3. Do you drink/smoke?? 4. Do you like the rain? 5. If so...would you play in it with me? 6. Do you like movies? 7. If so, would you stay up and watch them with me all night? 8. Could we cuddle and just fall asleep together? 9. Would you kiss me often? 10. Do you play an instrument? 11. If so...what? 12. Would you be waiting by the phone wanting me to call you right after we saw each other ? 13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10? 14. Favorite body part on a girl? 15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself? 16. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, slut,pimp)? 17. Would you give me kisses just because? ------------ ------------ ------------ What Would You do if... I cried: I said I liked you: I kissed you: I was hospitalized: We got in a fight: I got dumped: I pissed you off: ------------ ------------ ------------ What Do You Think Of My... Personality: Eyes: Face: Hair: Clothes: Voice: Humor: Choice of music: Manners: Friends: ------------ ------------ ------------ Would You... Be my friend: Tell me the truth no matter what: Buy me a birthday gift: Lie to make me feel better: Spread rumors about me: Keep a secret if I told you one: Loan me some cash: Hold my hand: Keep in touch: Make me a snack: Try and solve my problems: Love me: Makeout with me: Hold me in times of need: Ditch me: Use me: Ask me out: Date me: Kiss with me whenever you had the chance: Hold me and make my problems go away: What's one thing you want to tell me that I don't know:

my type of g/f

1..some 1 who cares about me 2..won't cheat 3..won't leave me for sum 1 else 4..calls to just to hear me 5..enjoys my company 6..some 1 who is willing to settle down with me 7..thinks i'm attractive even if i don't 8..likes public affection 9..tries to make me feel happy when i'm down 10..wants to be with me if something bad happens 11..listes to my problems and tries to comfort 12..likes to have a lil 1 on 1 time with me 13..some who is willing to move to live with her lover. 14..wants to have a family with me 15..doesn't care about what others say about me THERES ONLY 1 PERSON I WANT AND LOVE HER WITH A PASSION
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