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Juggalette's blog: "MY BLOGS"

created on 10/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-blogs/b13734


43 of the MOST Random Questions Ever, BE HONEST: 1. Where were you 2 hours ago? at a school... being a co-op 2. Who will be your next kiss? randy? 3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? my bra 4. When is the last time you went to the mall? like last week 5. Are you wearing socks right now? yes 6. When was the last time you went out of the state? iunno 7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? yes 8. What was the last thing you had to drink? water 9. What are you wearing right now? boxers and a tshirt 10. What was your last purchase? um, iunno 11. Last food you ate? pizza 12. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? jenna 13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? yep 14. Do you have a pet[s]? Yes 15. What's the last sporting event you watched? uh, hockey, i think 16. What is/was your favorite class? math, musik and gym 17. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? with randy 18. What is the last thing you purchased online? um, iunno 19. How old are your parents? um.. my dad is 50.. and my mom would be 47 is she were alive 20. What is your favorite soup? Uhm. 21. Do you miss anyone? yes, randy and wayne 22. Last play you saw? Wicked 23. What are your plans for tomorrow? dont know 24. Who is the last person you messaged on myspace? um, probably Randy ¢¾ 25. Ever go to camp? no 26. Are you an honor roll student in school? um... im not in school... but i was... once apon a time 27.What do you think will happen in the future? randy will hate me even more 28. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? yea 31. Do you have a tan? yes 32. How old do you want to be when you have kids? i already have a kid 33. Do you collect anything? no 34. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? both... 8 piercings and 7 tattoos 36. How do you like your soda? meh 37. Do you like hot sauce? yeah 38. Last time you took a shower? like 1 hour ago 39. Who do you like? Randy... Wayne, Kevin Mercury, and Cassidy 40. What is your mood right now? confused 41. Are you someones best friend? i dont think so 42. What's the last TV show you watched? hogan knows best 43. Are you in love with anyone? yes

My Name

Spell your name with bands: C - Chamillionaire A - Akon S - System Of A Down S - Slayer A - Alice Cooper N - Nirvana D - Disturbed R - Ron Zombie A - Alice In Chains A - AC/DC N - Nelly N - Nasty Disaster C - Cher R - Rancid A - Aerosmith I - Incubus G - Godsmack R - Ramones, The U - Used, The S - Slipknot H - Hawthorne Heights
What's your... 1) name? 2) age? 3) fave colour? 4) fave movie? 5) fave song? 6) fave band? 7) most embarrasing moment? Am i... 01) cute? 02) hot? 03) crazy? 04) lovable? 05) funny? 06) annoying? 07) psycho? 08) daring? 09) a good person? 10) huggable? What would you do if... 01) i commited suicide? 02) i said i loved you? 03) i kissed you? 04) i lived next door to you? 05) i started smoking? 06) i stole something? 07) i was hospitalized? 08) i ran away from home? 09) i got into a fight? Would you... 01) hug me? 02) miss me if i was gone? 03) kiss me? 04) make out with me? 05) listen to my problems? 06) be a good friend? 07) be my best friend? 08) ask me out? 09) take care of me if i was sick? 10) hold me if i was crying? 11) hold my hair back if i was sick? 12) sing happy birthday to me? 13) dance with me? 14) stop me if i tried to commit suicide? 15) cry if i died? 16) give me your number? 17) go out with me? 18) marry me if you could? 19) make out with me in the ocean? 20) make out with me in the sand? 21) make out with me in the cinema? 22) cuddle with me? 23) do me? 24) grab my ass? 25) give me a lap dance? 26) sit in the doctors with me if i didn't want to go alone? 27) let me sleep in your bed? 28) take me home for the night? 29) buy me a drink? 30) take a shower with me? If you could... 01) give me a new name, what would it be? 02) do one thing with me, what would it be? 03) give me a piece of advice, what would it be? 04) kidnap me for a day, where would we go? 05) give me anything, what would it be? 06) promise me anything, what would it be? 07) change one thing about me, what would it be? Do you... 01) think i'm a virgin? 02) or have you ever had a crush on me? 03) wish we were closer? 04) care about me? 05) like me style? 06) think i'll get married? 07) think we'll be friends/enimies forever?


SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A GiRLFRiEND OR BOYFRiEND - REPOST THiS! GiRLS TiTLE iT "HUBBY APPLiCATiON" GUYS TiTLE iT "Wifey APPLiCATiON" 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush on me? 3. Would you kiss me? 4. on the hand.... 5. Would you enjoy it? 6. Would you ever ask me out? 7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? 11.Would you walk on the beach with me? 12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me? 13. Do you/have you talked junk about me? 14. Do you think I'm a good person? 15. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed)? 17.Do you think I'm hot? 18. If you could change anything about me -would you? 19.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? 20.would u cheat on me? 21.would u hug me? 22.would u kiss me? 23.would u cuddle with me? 24.would u f*u*c*k me? would you make LOVE to me....? 25.would u lie to me? 26.would u take my humor as offensive? 27.would u dump me for someone hotter? 28.if i told u i liked u what would u say? 29.if i told u i loved you? 30.if i told u i wanted to make out with you? 31.if i told u that your beautiful? 32.if i was crying what would u do? 33.if i was in a bad mood what would u do? 34.a good mood? 35. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 36. what do you rate me outta 1-10??

new blog

I want a guy/girl with : hair length - shoulder length hair color - blonde or dark brown eye color - any weight - um, nuthin over 200lbs [exceptions] height - nothing over 6'4 [exceptions], nothing less than 5'8 job - doesnt matter [i love musicans and wrestlers :] tattoos - a few pircings - a few I love it when : 1) guys baby me 2) guys grab my hand while walking 3) guys hold me in their arms 4) Randy calls me "sweatie" 5) guys DONT call me "sexy" or "hawt" but, i love it when they call me "beautiful" or "cutie"
do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? closed do you ever steal the shampoos and soaps from hotel rooms? no have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room before? yupp have you ever stolen a street sign before? No do you ever pee in the shower? no do you like to use post-it notes? n do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Nope would u rather be attacked by a big bear or a big swarm of bees? niether... but either way, Randy would protect me! lolz.. at least i hope so dont you hate it when people have sex with their socks on? sometimes do you always smile for pictures? no have you ever take pictures of yourself naked? be honest. maybe what is your biggest pet peeve? when someone calls me "sweetie", "sweatheart", "hon" and other things leik that do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? um... tucked in do you ever count your steps when you walk? no have you ever peed in the woods? nope have you ever hooked up with more than one person in a day? Nope have you ever farted on someone purposefully? no do you chew your pens and pencils? Sometimes whats your favorite animal and why? Iunno... do you like popcorn from those big tins? (you know what im talking about) Not really have you ever thought about killing yourself? yes... several times... would you ever tape yourself having sex? I don't know. what's your 'song of the week'? Bystander Suicide by Big Ed is it ok for guys to wear pink? yea, of course! do you still watch cartoons? Hell ya what's your favorite scary movie? lots where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? hmm... no clue and finally, whats the grossest way you can think of to die? iunno


BASIC INFORMATION 1. Name 2. Age 3. Height 4. Weight 5. Eye color 6. Measurements 3. Natural hair color 4. Current hair color WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY.. 1. hair 2.eyes 3.personallity 3.face 4.body CONTACT INFORMATION Myspace: Msn, Aim, Yahoo? Email REASONS I SHOULD PICK YOU 37. What is your idea of a perfect date in three sentences orless? 38. Explain why I should pick you as my boyfriend in one sentence: 39. List any special skills that you may have that are relevant to this position: 40. What do you want out of a relationship, specifically one with me?


Q1) Given a homeless person anything? yes Q2) Spent more than $500 on a bf/gf's gift or a night out? yes Q3) Had sex with more than one person in a day? no Q4) Cheated? yes Q5) Dated two people at once? yes Q6) Actually met someone from myspace that you didn't know before? yup Q7) Failed more than one class? nope Q8) Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? yup Q9) Hooked up with someone from a different race? yupperz Q10) Ran around naked outside? haha... no... Q11) Scubadived? Q12) Snorkled? no... Q13) Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet? yes Q14) Got your stomach pumped, from alcohol poisoning? no Q15) Threw up from alcohol? yupperz Q16) Been suspended from school? yup Q17) Kissed someone of the same sex? yes Q18) Gone Commando? no Q19) If you're a guy,let a girl paint your toenails? im a gurl Q20) Met someone famous? yea Q21) Saved someone's life? kinda Q22) Seen someone die? ...yes Q23) Killed someone! nope Q24) Been in a physical fight? uh, of course Q25) Hooked up with someone 10 yrs older or younger than you? yes... Q26) Been arrested? nope Q27) Spent the night in jail? no Q28) Been in more than three car accidents in a year? no Q29) Had sex outside? yes Q30) Given or gotten road head? Q31) Had sex in your house when your parents were home? yes Q32) had phone sex? no Q33) Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene "down there?" no... Q34) Told someone you loved them when you didn't? yes Q35) Had sex somewhere in your high school? yes Q36) Been in a porn shop? no Q37) Had a threesome? no Q38) Spent more than one night in a hospital? yes Q39) OD'd on a drug? no Q40) What's your weakness? nunya Q41) Would you date a Ex gf/bf again (round 2)? yes

rich/way upperclass

1-22 =ghetto 23-33 =average 34-44 =spoiled 45+= rich/way upperclass PUT AN x BY THE THINGS YOU HAVE THEN ADD UP YOUR TOTAL [x] Mother [x] Father [x] Sister [x] Brother [x] Nephew [x] Niece [x] Cell phone [x] Own bathroom [x] Own room [x] 3 story house [x] Swimming pool [x] hot tub [x] Guest room [x] Computer, Laptop or desktop in your room [x] TV in your room TOTAL: 15 [x] full or bigger bed [x] More than 5 pairs of shoes [x] Sunglasses [x] Watch [x] mp3 player/iPod [x] Ps2 [x] Xbox [x] Nintendo DS or PSP [x] Gameboy Advance [x] Gamecube TOTAL: 10 [x] Basketball hoop [x] air hockey table [x] Pool table [x] Ping pong table [x] pinball machine [x] Fooseball table [x] trampoline [x] Own a surfboard/wakeboard/snowboard/skateboard etc TOTAL: 8 [x] Nightstand [x] Stereo in bedroom [x] DVD player [x] have something from abercrombie and fitch or hollister [x] get 100$ a month [x] shop at AE [x] Owns a gucci, dooney & bourke, louis vuitton, coach, guess... [ ] Wears Lacoste [x] Parents give you credit card TOTAL: 8 [x] Job [x] Goes shopping at least once a week [x] Expensive cologne/perfume [x] AIM [x] Camera TOTAL: 5 [x] Electric/gas scooter/motorcyle/car [x] Guitar/drums/Bass guitar [x] any other instrument [x] Hammock [x] Been on a cruise [x] Traveled out of the state [x] Had a Personal trainer [x] Expensive jewelry [x] Met a celebrity TOTAL: 9 [x] Straightener/curling iron... [x] Been to a batting cage/or have one [x] Have $100 on you right now [x] Credit card or atm card,debit card [x] Been to Europe [x] Been to Hawaii [x] Been to NYC [x] Been to Chicago [x] Been to LA [x] Been to Florida [x] Been to Mississippi [x] Been to the Bahamas TOTAL: 12 [x] Car [ ] jet [x] Camping [x] been to 5+states in the US [x] 20+ friends on myspace [x] more than one house TOTAL: 5 [x] Home cooked meal almost every day [x] Been in a limo [x] Been in a helicopter [x] Own a camcorder [x] Own a laptop TOTAL: 5
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