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KillerKarchesky's blog: "My Blogs"

created on 08/03/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-blogs/b111200

Stupid Facts 3

Three most profitable sections in a supermarket: meat, fresh produce, pet food. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had a weakness for cologne. There are 3 Taco Bell restaurants in downtown Mexico City. Mark Twain tried to convince childern that Santa Claus lived on the moon. He couldn't. Yum yum! A pound of houseflies contains more protein than a pound of beef. Marriage fact: The average U.S. wedding costs $17,479, giveor take a few bucks. 54% of U.S. women say they'd rather "get run over by a truck" than gain 150 lbs. 71% of college-educated women-but only 44% of non-collee educated women-breastfeed. IRS fact: million taxpayers a year wait until April to begin filling out their tax returns. 63% of shopping mall Santas have a college degree...and 29% are fluent in sign language. 74% of U.S. teens believe in the supernatural...and 16% believe in the Loch Ness Monster. Most effective deterrent to house brea-ins: "A noisy dog." most thieves say. How do they count them? There are 1 trillion atoms in a grain of salt. There really is an insect called the love bug. It spends 56 hours-more then 1/2 its life-mating. F. Scott Fitzgeald wrote 9 books in 1939. He was paid a total of $33 for them. The average American works 24,000 hours in their lifetime earning money to pay taxes. Sure, blame the kids: 9% of women and 4% of men say their divorce was the kids' fault. Q: Which country drinks more Coke than any other nation on earth? A: Mexico. The U.S. the most cars per thousand people (571); Iceland is #2 with 514. Nearly 75% of all U.S. Congress staff members suffer from heartburn. Family attachment: 8 times more women then men buy Father's Day cards. 33% of Americans say being 1 hour late still counts as being "fashionably late." The Average U.S. family redeems 81 coupons a year, compared to 33 in Canada. Americans buy more candy at Easter then thay do at Halloween. The world's rarest matchbook, issued after Charles Lindbergh's Atlanta light, is worth $4,000. The average person has 1,460 dreams a year. Thats 4 a night. Q: Who was the first person in history to be killedin a plane crash? A: Orville Wright, in 1908. G.I. blues: Elvis recived 10,000 letters a week during his stint in the U.S. Army. A blue whale's sond can be heard from more than 500 miles away. William Shakespeare invented more than 1,700 words. Pesident Clinton's feet (size 13c) are the biggest presidential feet since Woodrow Wilson's. Mr. Potatohead was the first toy advertised on TV. You burn 50% more calories watchin TV than you do when you sleep. Elehants are the only animals in the world that can't jump. California has the most unlisted phone numbers per capita; Flrida has the least. Disappointing news: 40% of M&M's are brown. The Pinta was pint-sized: Columbus's ship was only 50 feet long. Only 14% of Americans go to at least one play a year; only 3% go to the opera. Americans travel 1,144,721,000 miles by air every day. On strike: The average Amercian goes bowling 233 times in their lifetime. For the birds: The Swiss Army keeps 20,000 carrier pigeons for emergency communications. Changing times: The federal govt. stimates that 78% of U.S. women aged 40 -49 have jobs. Sorts stat: On average, for every 10,000 people who play football 2,171 are seriously injured.

Stupid Facts 2

Family values: 75% of U.S. adults live within one hour's drive of their parents. The average person laughs 7 to 8 times a day. If a pack-a-day smoker inhaled a week's worth of nicotine all at once, he would die instantly. According to many psychologists, fingernail biting is an sign of stubbornness. More shoplifters are arrested on Wednesdays in January than at any other time of the year. Theere's enough salt in the world's oceans to cover the entire U.S. with a layer 1 1/2 miles deep. Louis XIV had 40 wigmakers...and approximately 1,000 wigs. Austin, Dallas, and Houston are all Scottish surnames. Benjamin Franklin said, "Early to bed, earlt to rise," but was famous for staying up all night. California is tfirst state to send two women to the U.S. Senate at the same time. America has three times as many animal shelters as shelters for victims of domestic violence. When Geroge Washington died in 1799, Napoleon ordered 10 days of mourning in France. Some Egyptian mummies wore dentures. What country do Americans look up most often in the World Book Encyclopedia? Canada. Among many other things, Thomas Jefferson is the inventor of the calendar clock. A column of air 1 inch square and 600 miles hihg weighs about 15 pounds. If you have a dog, put flea powder in your vacuum cleaner bag. (lots of flea eggs there.) The U.S. generates 30% of the world's nuclear power. France is #2 at 17%. The average cat brain is as big as a marble; the average ostrich's eyes are as big as tennis balls. Good news? Marrages lasting more then 13years are more likely to end in death then divorce. American tables set with salt and pepper; in Hungary it's salt and paprika. Uneven stats: There are about 10,700 births and 5,700 deaths every day in the United States. Q: What kind of wood is used to make Scrabble letters? A: vermont Maple. The stirrup, the tiniest bone in your body (it's in your ear), is smaller than an ant. Tehe automobile "population" of Seoul, South Korea, Increases by 800 cars every day. 25% of U.S. perscription drugs contain compounds from plants. The world's smallest countries would easily fit inside of Walt Disney World. At one English bed-andbreakfast, visitors get to take home "a free bootload of manure." The average office Christmas party is attended by 75% of a company's employees. Most Expensive cith in the world for grocery shopping: Tokyo. Q: What do you call a person who assembles the underparts of a pianos? A: The "belly builder." Norway has the lowest murder rate of any nation on earth. Commonsense fact: Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons. You're born with 300 bones, but have 206 as an adult. The others fuse together. Vampire bats use rivers to navigate. They smell the animal blood in the water and follow it. Birth of the dimpled ball: Golfers noticed that old, dented balls flew farther than new ones. 5% of Americans think "espresso" is an overnght delivery service. Q: What is the Levator Lbii Superioris Alaeque Nasi? A: It's the Muscle you use to smile. Most popular pizza topping in South Korea: Tuna. The Graham cracker was named after Dr. Sylvester Graham. Exxon made 14.5 million in profits every day in 1993, more than any other U.S. company. Yuck! 70% of the dust in your house is skin your family members (including pets) have shed. It takes a sark about a week to drow a new set of teeth. The Byrds say they wrote "eight Miles High" about an airplane ride. Did you seeit? A 1965 movie was called Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter.

Stupid Facts

Wishful Thinking? 80% of Americams say they belive in miracles. A handful of countries have been kicked oof he U.N., but only Switzerland refuses to join. St. Paul in Alberta Canada is home of the world's only (known) flying saucer launch pad. According to one expert, the less you blink the happier you are. What's so special about Elvis's 1957 film Loving You? Both his parents were extras in it. Only person in history to appear on tv Guide's cover 3 weeks in a row: Michael Landon. Vincent Van Gogh was nly able to sell one painting (The Red Vineyard) during his lifetime. Michelangelo drew his illiterate cook a shopping list. Today it's a priceless work of art. The average U.S. family spends $3,900 a year on travel. Famous but forgotten superstition: People with dimpled chins never commit murder. Birds do fly south for the winter, but not to get warm. They do it for food. At one point, 74% of pepsi drinkers said they'd switch to Coke "if it contained oat bran." Survey results: Most males blame their partner after bad sex; most females blame themselves. Just a kid at heart: George Washington loved to play marbles. Just like chocolatet today: It was a sin to eat woodpeckers in ancient Rome. An adult crocodile exerts a force of 1,540 lbs. between its jaws. Humans exert 40 -80 lbs. Yum Yum! Americans eat 500 million boxes of Jello every year. Give that man a log! Mickey Rooney's realname is Joe Yule, Jr. At its present rate of erosion, Niagra Falls will completely disappear in 22,797 years. Good excuse for being late: Only clocks made after 1687 have minute hands. The Navajo symbol for the sun is the swastika. For the past 150 years Bolivia has averaged one new government a year. Nothing to sneeze at: Pollen lasts forever. Heavy thought: Hailstonecan weigh as much as 1 1/2 lbs. The moon weighs about 81 billion tons, give or take a ton. There are 250 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy...and 100 billion galaxies in the universe. The average Amercain travls a million miles in their lifetime, mostly by car. First vehicle to use inflatable rubber tires: Queen Victoria's carriage, in 1846. First U.S. novel, by W. Brown, 1789, was about "seduction, incest, abduction, rape, and suicide." The New York Yankees were the first baseball team to assign numbers to players, in 1929. New Mexico is the only state named after a country. Florence Nightingale carried a pet owl in her pocket wherever she traveled. Idaho is the only state in the U.S. that never had a foreign flag flying over it. Man of the world: Both China and Russia have their own "Tarzan" legends. People drink coffee in ever state...but Hawaii is the only one that grows it. Built-in bias? 96.1% of all television writers are white. From 1950-71. buying or displaying a Chinese stamp was considered "trading with the enemy." Playing Football was outawed at Yale University in 1822. Maximum fine: 0.50 Brazilian fans are so rowdy that many of the country's sports fields are surrounded by moats. Legal logis: In 19th-century England, attempting suicide was a crime punishable by death. Japan has only half the population of the U.S., but buys 10 times as many comic books. That white half moon under your fingernail is an air pocket. No one knows why it's there. From the age of 20 to his death, Winston Churchill smoked an estimated 300,000 cigars. In case you were wondering: The average rhino's horn grows at a rate of 3 inches per year.
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