I finally got off my ass and got my GED (good enough diploma, haha), which I happened to score super high on. I scored higher than like 90% of all who have taken it. Which isn't bad! I went in a week before the test and took an assessment and I only missed one question :). I scored the highest you can, so they told me not to take classes and to just come back for the test. That was pretty nifty, but it made me feel uneasy. I hadn't taken ANY sort of test in over 2 years? And to top everything off I was nervous as hell, so nervous that I'm surprised I remembered what 1+1 was, haha. So even though that proved that I was still intelligent, I hadn't had any time to study or anything.
Anyways, that was a huge step for me. I was always so smart in school. I made all A's and B's in CP classes. If I would have stayed I would have had AP classes. But I just stopped caring and things happened, so BAM I dropped out? Then I kind of gave up on myself.
It's like once you make a life altering decision like that, you feel awful about yourself. You feel like you're almost inferior to everyone else? At least that's how I felt? I mean, I work at McDonald's and I didn't even have a highschool diploma. I didn't want to end up working for minimum wage and struggling financially for the rest of my life, you know? So just two days after, I put in an application for a Community College. I want to go for Human Services or Criminal Justice, which would be perfect for me. If you know me, you know I love helping people in NEED more than anything. So hopefully I'll get in (which just about everyone does) and I can move on to a better school in 2 years. This will be such a huge achievement and I'll actually build some self esteem back up. Haha, I know I'm only 19 and still a kid, so me going to school right now is perfectly normal.. but for me it's a huge, huge, huge, huge step!?
I'm sorry I just got off of work and I'm excited, tired, and can hardly hold my eyes open. When I get to this point I ramble and make hardly any sense, lol.
Hope everyone has a great day :)
But wish me luck, kk?
xoxo -seanna