001. real name ¨ Cynthia Sue Cousins
002. nickname ¨ Cinders
003. status ¨ Taken
004. zodiac sign¨ Sagittarius
005. male or female ¨ Female
006. elementary school ¨ Yellowquill
007. middle school ¨ Yellowquill
008. high school ¨ Arthur Meighen High
009. build ¨ More to love!
010. hair color ¨ Naturally dark blonde, currently nuclear red
011. long or short ¨ Long
012. orientation ¨ Straight, at least mostly
013. pet peeve ¨ People not calling when they say they will
014. sleep on back or stomach ¨ Side usually, wake up on stomach
015. are you health freak ¨ Wouldnt say that
016. height ¨ 5ft 6
017. do you have any piercings ¨ 10
020. tattoos ¨ 11
021. righty or lefty¨ Righty
022. first surgery ¨ Never had any, *touch wood*
023. first piercing ¨ Standard 18g lobe piercings, now stretched to 6g
024. first best friend ¨ Andrea
025. first award ¨ Writer's award, grade 3
026. first sport you joined ¨ Dont do sports, never have
027. first pet ¨ Not sure exactly had lots of cats
028. first vacation ¨ Cant remember!
029. first concert ¨ First actual concert, Ozzy
030. first crush ¨ Dont remember
031. floss ¨ Yes, but not as much as I should
032. smoke cigarettes ¨ Nope
033. eat breakfast ¨ Not usually
034. use computer daily ¨ All the damn time
035. do your homework regularly ¨ I dont go to school so no
035. shower daily ¨ Always
036. read books ¨ I've been reading more lately
037. untie your shoes ¨ Not usually
038. had a job ¨ I've had several
039. smoked pot ¨ Havent in about 5 years
040. gotten drunk ¨ Not for a long time
041. ridden a roller coaster ¨ Yes but not in years, they kinda scare me
042. been outside Canada? ¨ Nope, not yet. Changing that in the summer though :)
043. sushi ¨ Eww.
044. won the lottery ¨ Nothing big, most I've won was like $100
045. seen a ghost ¨ Its possible
046. driven cross country ¨ Want to in the summer
047. Menage a Trois ¨ Only in my mind. lol
048. stayed up for two nights ¨ I almost made it that far.
049. eating ¨ Nothing, Im not hungry
050. drinking ¨ Diet coke
051. wearing ¨ the nifty SG top I made, and pj bottoms
052. I'm about to ¨ put in a movie
053. listening to ¨ the hum of the computer fan
054. what room ¨ Den
055. waiting for ¨ Nothing in particular
056. where will you be in 10 years ¨ I have no idea, could be anywhere
057. college major ¨ didnt do college
058. want kids ¨ Someday
059. want to get married ¨ Not immediately but someday
060. careers in mind ¨ I want to run my own tattoo shop
061. book ¨ Thats a tough one, I have a few favorites
062. movie ¨ Could be Pulp Fiction, could be Shawshank Redemption
063. colour ¨ Black, red, lime green
064. food ¨ fruity stuff
065. animal ¨ my kitty Reznor
066. ice cream ¨ Some sort of minty chocolatey confection
067. band ¨ Again, I have many favorites..maybe Nine Inch Nails
068. sport ¨ Not really into sports
069. hugs or kisses ¨ Depends on my mood
070. shorter or taller ¨ taller
071. Brains or charm ¨ Both are good
073. nice stomach or nice arms ¨ Arms I guess
074. dancing or watching a movie ¨ Either is good
075. hook-up or relationship ¨ Relationship
076. shy or outspoken ¨ Either one is okay
077. trouble maker or hesitant ¨ A lil o' both?
078. kissed a stranger ¨ Yes
079. met a celebrity ¨ Yes
080. lost glasses/contacts ¨ I havent I'm pretty organized
081. ran away from home ¨ Nope
082. seen an Eclipse ¨ Yes
083. had a 3rd degree burn ¨ Nope
084. broken someone's heart ¨ Apparently
085. been arrested ¨ Nope, Im a good girl
086. turned someone down ¨ Yes
087. cried when someone died ¨ Of course
088. liked a friend ¨ Yes
089. yourself ¨ Most of the time
090. miracles ¨ I dunno, maybe
091. love at first sight ¨ I believe in lust at first sight
092. heaven ¨ To a degree
093. santa clause ¨ Nope, Im a grown up
094. sex on the first date ¨ Bad idea
095. kiss on the first date ¨ Yeah, if they are nice enough
096. angels ¨ Somewhat
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now more than anything ¨ Yes
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time ¨ Nope
099. Do you believe in God ¨ Nope, unless he proves me wrong
100. Post as 100 Truths ¨ Sure!