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lc's blog: "My blog"

created on 02/22/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-blog/b58033


So for some reason, this profile has been kinda strange lately. I cannot respond to shouts, send messages, post bulletins, etc. So I have decided to create a new profile. Please go to it and re-add me please. http://fubar.com/user/1453611 Love you all, xx Cin

Boredom = Quizzies!

Your Celebrity Boob Twin:
Anna Nicole Smith

Guys Like That You're Fun
You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing
That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back
You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys
But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you

The PJ's You Are Most Like: No PJ's
You're a bit of a hedonist - opting for comfort over everything else
You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love
You'll risk that for the feeling of sheets against your bare skin!

Your Beauty Element is Air
You're quirky, fresh, and fashionable in a surprising way.
You have a beauty that's all your own, and it changes as quickly as the wind!

Your Aura is Yellow
Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.

You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one man who makes you feel safe.

Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actress.

100 truths about me

BasiCS: 001. real name ¨ Cynthia Sue Cousins 002. nickname ¨ Cinders 003. status ¨ Taken 004. zodiac sign¨ Sagittarius 005. male or female ¨ Female 006. elementary school ¨ Yellowquill 007. middle school ¨ Yellowquill 008. high school ¨ Arthur Meighen High 009. build ¨ More to love! 010. hair color ¨ Naturally dark blonde, currently nuclear red 011. long or short ¨ Long 012. orientation ¨ Straight, at least mostly 013. pet peeve ¨ People not calling when they say they will 014. sleep on back or stomach ¨ Side usually, wake up on stomach 015. are you health freak ¨ Wouldnt say that 016. height ¨ 5ft 6 017. do you have any piercings ¨ 10 020. tattoos ¨ 11 021. righty or lefty¨ Righty FIRSTS: 022. first surgery ¨ Never had any, *touch wood* 023. first piercing ¨ Standard 18g lobe piercings, now stretched to 6g 024. first best friend ¨ Andrea 025. first award ¨ Writer's award, grade 3 026. first sport you joined ¨ Dont do sports, never have 027. first pet ¨ Not sure exactly had lots of cats 028. first vacation ¨ Cant remember! 029. first concert ¨ First actual concert, Ozzy 030. first crush ¨ Dont remember HABITS: 031. floss ¨ Yes, but not as much as I should 032. smoke cigarettes ¨ Nope 033. eat breakfast ¨ Not usually 034. use computer daily ¨ All the damn time 035. do your homework regularly ¨ I dont go to school so no 035. shower daily ¨ Always 036. read books ¨ I've been reading more lately 037. untie your shoes ¨ Not usually EXPERIENCES: 038. had a job ¨ I've had several 039. smoked pot ¨ Havent in about 5 years 040. gotten drunk ¨ Not for a long time 041. ridden a roller coaster ¨ Yes but not in years, they kinda scare me 042. been outside Canada? ¨ Nope, not yet. Changing that in the summer though :) 043. sushi ¨ Eww. 044. won the lottery ¨ Nothing big, most I've won was like $100 045. seen a ghost ¨ Its possible 046. driven cross country ¨ Want to in the summer 047. Menage a Trois ¨ Only in my mind. lol 048. stayed up for two nights ¨ I almost made it that far. CURRENTLY: 049. eating ¨ Nothing, Im not hungry 050. drinking ¨ Diet coke 051. wearing ¨ the nifty SG top I made, and pj bottoms 052. I'm about to ¨ put in a movie 053. listening to ¨ the hum of the computer fan 054. what room ¨ Den 055. waiting for ¨ Nothing in particular YOUR FUTURE: 056. where will you be in 10 years ¨ I have no idea, could be anywhere 057. college major ¨ didnt do college 058. want kids ¨ Someday 059. want to get married ¨ Not immediately but someday 060. careers in mind ¨ I want to run my own tattoo shop FAVOURITE: 061. book ¨ Thats a tough one, I have a few favorites 062. movie ¨ Could be Pulp Fiction, could be Shawshank Redemption 063. colour ¨ Black, red, lime green 064. food ¨ fruity stuff 065. animal ¨ my kitty Reznor 066. ice cream ¨ Some sort of minty chocolatey confection 067. band ¨ Again, I have many favorites..maybe Nine Inch Nails 068. sport ¨ Not really into sports WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX?: 069. hugs or kisses ¨ Depends on my mood 070. shorter or taller ¨ taller 071. Brains or charm ¨ Both are good 073. nice stomach or nice arms ¨ Arms I guess 074. dancing or watching a movie ¨ Either is good 075. hook-up or relationship ¨ Relationship 076. shy or outspoken ¨ Either one is okay 077. trouble maker or hesitant ¨ A lil o' both? HAVE YOU EVER: 078. kissed a stranger ¨ Yes 079. met a celebrity ¨ Yes 080. lost glasses/contacts ¨ I havent I'm pretty organized 081. ran away from home ¨ Nope 082. seen an Eclipse ¨ Yes 083. had a 3rd degree burn ¨ Nope 084. broken someone's heart ¨ Apparently 085. been arrested ¨ Nope, Im a good girl 086. turned someone down ¨ Yes 087. cried when someone died ¨ Of course 088. liked a friend ¨ Yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 089. yourself ¨ Most of the time 090. miracles ¨ I dunno, maybe 091. love at first sight ¨ I believe in lust at first sight 092. heaven ¨ To a degree 093. santa clause ¨ Nope, Im a grown up 094. sex on the first date ¨ Bad idea 095. kiss on the first date ¨ Yeah, if they are nice enough 096. angels ¨ Somewhat ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now more than anything ¨ Yes 098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time ¨ Nope 099. Do you believe in God ¨ Nope, unless he proves me wrong 100. Post as 100 Truths ¨ Sure!
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