59 Year Old
From Visalia, CA·
Joined on November 19, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 29th
·1 referrals joined!
My name is Karen and I lived in California all my life,and I still live at home with my parents and my 15 year old cat.And I'm self employed & I also went all through high school and finished up 23 years ago.most of the time I like to watch country music videos,listen to my stereo,or play cds or be on my computer,playing on the piano,reading or I'd be talking to my friends eating out with my parents or grandparents,visiting my grandparents on the weekends and going to the mall to go shopping or going to the movies and concerts with my friends. But when I'm talking to my friends,some of them can tell when I'm having a bad day,I don't talk very much, but when I'm having a good day I do a little more talking. but most of the time I'm having good days for a few hours at least.
59 Year Old
From Visalia, CA·
Joined on November 19, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 29th
·1 referrals joined!
I like playing piano,listening to my stereo,watch concerts.I also like getting the chance to meet and talk to country singers.I also like mall walking and going shopping and I also enjoy talking and writing to my on-line friends on the computer.
In 1966 (the year you were born)
Lyndon B. Johnson is president of the US
As part of nationwide protest against the Vietnam War, demonstrations are staged all over the US
In Miranda vs. Arizona, the Supreme Court rules that criminal suspects must be apprised of their rights before interrogation
US planes begin bombing of the Hanoi area of North Vietnam
Controversial American comedian Lenny Bruce is found dead of a drug overdose in his home
John Lennon says, "We are more popular than Jesus" sparking controversy in the US
The first black Senator is elected to the United States Senate
Cindy Crawford, Janet Jackson, Mike Tyson, Halle Berry, Adam Sandler, and Kiefer Sutherland are born
Baltimore Orioles win the World Series
Green Bay Packers win the NFL championship
Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is the top grossing film
Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann is published
Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys and Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel are released
Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when U stop dreaming, Hope ends when U stop believing, Love ends when U stop caring, Friendship ends when U stop sharing. So share this with whom ever U consider a friend. To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend... Forward this to all the people whom U consider as your true friend. Dont forget to send it back to ME ..... If U Care........ Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Send to all the people you love or don't want to lose in 2009, even me.... If you get 3 back, you are a great friend
GOOD NIGHT N SWEET DREAMS...XOXOSweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when U stop dreaming, Hope ends when U stop believing, Love ends when U stop caring, Friendship ends when U stop sharing. So share this with whom ever U consider a friend. To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend... Forward this to all the people whom U consider as your true friend. Dont forget to send it back to ME ..... If U Care........ Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Send to all the people you love or don't want to lose in 2009, even me.... If you get 3 back, you are a great friend
Good Afternoon Image