I have been on here for almost a year now. I am a former myspacer who was content in myspace, but now that I have been introduced to fubar, I am addicted. The only thing that bothers me though is this, why in the hell are people posting Mumms about what in the hell to eat. If your hungry, fu*kin go eat. You don't need to post a mumm, that will be on here for 23 hours, to tell you what you should eat. Are you seriously goin to wait for fu*kin 23 hours to eat. Hell no you arn't...If you want points that bad, you need a life. It's not like you get anything from those points. You can't cash them in at a store and get anything. It's just a website. I am so tired of reading the same Mumms..."Should I eat Cookies or Brownies?" Seriously!!! Post some real MUMMS.