I'm me not going no where like it or not.. K.I.S.S (keep it simply stupid) or F.U.(.K O.F.F... not out for point so if ur a point whore plz go on .. don't stop and look and leave .. just don't stop period unless ur gonna fan me or rate me or add me now about me .. I am me .. I do not like players and I do not like seeing ppl i love hurt ..
Mz BunniRIP Mom... We buried my mother today, may she rest in peace. I will try to keep her account up for her. Thanks, her daugther, Sarah aka Pumpkin Butt
Saebear I just got back into my account. I don't have access to hers. I appreciate all the comments and post that has been made! Thank you so much!
DJShakyjakeEnfo... Bunni, I'm gonna honor what would've been your 49th birthday today, By saying Happy 49th Anniversary of your birth. I miss ya sumthin' awful Hon. It's hard to believe that you've been gone for Four Years! Praying for you and yours Hon.
DJShakyjakeEnfo... Hiya Sarah, I polished your mom's bling today, Then I will send some drinks in honor of her. How are you & the rest of your family doing? Okay I Hope. -Charlie Aka Shakyjake.
DJShakyjakeEnfo... Dear Sarah, I knew your Mother on here and in the Hideaway Lounge since 2008. Your Mom was a Helluva Gal. I'm gonna remember her training me as an online DJ at the Hideaway, & I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom, May the days for you and your families sorrow be diminished in time but not forgotten in terms of the time that you've had with her on this earth. I'm also so sorry that I did'nt get to meet her in person as well as yourself & your family. I will still continue to pray for ya'all & Your family.
Sincerely, Charles D Egbert Sr aka Shakyjake. P.S.-Hugs to you and yours Sarah.
Sis, I wish we had another day, another moment or anything.. but I have your wonderful memories and your in my heart .. I love you and miss you so much
Sis, I miss you so much and I am so sorry the snow kept me from being with you when you took your last breathe, but I know in your heart that you knew how much I loved you and will miss you!! I am so glad I had the change to talk to you 3 days ago and I felt everything would be okay but little did I know tonight I would get that dreaded phone call. Give my son a big hug and tell him we love him too!!! We shall be together again. I am just sorry you didn't get the chance to put your feet in the sand as you always wanted. I will love you and you will always remain in my heart, your sis, Darla
The lady reading this is beautiful,classy and strong,and I love her.Help her live her life to the fullest.Please promote her and cause her toexcel above her expectations.Help her shine in the darkest placeswhere it is impossible to love.Protect her at all times,lift her up when she needs you the most,andlet her know when she walks with you,She will always be safe.Luv you Girl!!!!Now you're on the clock!!!!In 9 minutes something will make you happy. ;-)But you have to tell 9 sisters you love them,including me. Go!!!! 16 secs ago