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47 Year Old · Male · From New York, NY · Invited by: SitoElDiablito2... · Joined on May 26, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 26th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
47 Year Old · Male · From New York, NY · Invited by: SitoElDiablito2... · Joined on May 26, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 26th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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i can't wait to see germany especially the bars

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47 Year Old · Male · From New York, NY · Invited by: SitoElDiablito2... · Joined on May 26, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 26th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
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can someoneexplain to me you live you love you fight you hate , everyone else is so happy why ain't i wellwhy can everyone have someone to love, fuck, kiss ,fuck,talk,fuck,walk,fuck,massage,fuck,caress,fuck,piss off, fuck,fuck,fuck etc.
why does everyone have to say you are so nice you are so lucky , your so sweet , your wife is lucky i'm not married or dating or fucking why you are so good looking

i mean everyone i know is happy ,misarable and they tell me you are so lucky , so i ask why !
they tell me you don't have to deal with your late ,where have you been , whats the bitches name no you cant do that stay here be miserable with me so i can make you more miserable why you talking to her or my favorite i will give up being married to have the single life like you stay single trust me being in a relationship is hell

my thoughts are fuck that why i want what you got i want it all call me weird but i would love to talk with someone for hours good bad or ugly i would love to go for a walk i would love to meet your friends your family ,i would love to spend one holiday with that special someone but no i am here all alone still and everyone from my parents,to brothers ,friends ,co-workers all have someone to spend time with during the holidays i am so sick of it i give lame excuses not to be around others on the holidays everyone gets so lovey dovey that i need to go home and whats there nothimg how did i go wrong 34 and still i am empty to the core sucks to be me again no new years resolution here
Video Games
i am 32 years young i live in manhattan on the upper westside .i enjoy going to different bars through manhattan. i like playing golf and video games .i enjoy movies especally gross out horror movies but they have n't made one to gross me out yet.todays movies just don't compare to yesterday's saw was genius but something is missing an outrages body count more to cum

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