interested in going to sporting events, friendly gatherings, UFC, shooting pool , cards, bowling, and kicking it with the circle of people we consider friends. theres always more room in our circle for new friends
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Create your own Friend Test hereyou might be a swinger if .......
25 Ways to know if you're a swinger
*25. Giggling to yourself at the office when your coworkers tell you
how wonderful their weekend was...If they only knew!!!!
*24. Before traveling somewhere on business or to visit relatives
you look up couples in the area.
*23. You have a lot of friends all over the world.
*22. You come home with that "there's something about Mary"
*21. Going to a strip club with your guy friends, instead of your
wife, seems like a ridiculous waste of time and money.
*20. Your kids and the baby-sitter ask why mommy already has her
coat on when she comes out of the bedroom every Saturday night.
*19. Wondering how to explain to the neighbors why 10 couples show
up on a Saturday night carrying over night bags, blankets, pillows
and don't leave until early Sunday afternoon.....
*18. You never open the garage door until you're in the car with the
doors closed.
*17. You both turn your head to watch the hot woman walking down the
*16. At the gym shower you're the only one with shaved balls
*15. You make plans to meet a "normal" couple at a nice restaurant,
and realize you have absolutely nothing you can wear
*14. You spend more time grooming your privates than most porn
*13. You only know couples by their first names and e-mail
*12. Many of your pictures are from different hotel rooms and in
quite a few you have a convention wristband on.
*11. Your nightstand drawer is full of bar napkins with couples
names and phone numbers
*10. You are sending out online Christmas cards to people with names
like: dareustwo, wifewetandbi, and xoticcouple
*9. All of a sudden.. you have friends in Minnesota, Utah, West
Virginia and New Mexico.
*8. At work, when someone tells of a risque adventure, most are
shocked or stunned and you say "Cool!"
*7. You are running out of reasons to tell your "normal" friends why
you can't go out with them
*6. You go to Jamaica once a year and "Hedo" means something to you.
*5. You close an email to your sister with Bi Bi
*4. Your closet is filled with 5" high heeled shoes.. and you have
more lingerie than most department stores.
*3. You are running out of excuses to tell you baby-sitter why you
come home at 4am on Sat nights/Sunday morning and have a Freshly
F*cked look.
*2. Every bottle of liquor in your house has a big sticker with your
membership number or couple name on it.
*1. You see a really hot girl walking down the street. and you say
to yourself "I wonder if she'll do my wife !"
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