39 Year Old
From Madison, WI·
Invited by: 1145465·
Joined on July 17, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 23rd
I am a mathematician and have eclectic taste in music (I like just about all of it). I'm kind of nerdy, but not intensely into computers. I try to be a decent person and I don't fail too often. I am not good at conversations, preferring to listen to others' conversations and interjecting when I have something relevant to say. My life is dull but happy; it would be improved with more people in it.
I'm going to get my PhD (in math) and then probably go be a professor somewhere. I spend excessive hours online, but make an effort to get out to concerts.
39 Year Old
From Madison, WI·
Invited by: 1145465·
Joined on July 17, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 23rd
Some authors I appreciate include Ursula K. Leguin, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Robert Aspirin, George R. R. Martin, and Piers Anthony.
A small handful of the hundreds of comics I read might contain Achewood, Dinosaur Comics, Sam and Fuzzy, and more.
I like anything catchy: independent rock, rap, country, bluegrass, twee pop, and most everything else.