Even if you listen to a lot of Leonard Cohen, you gotta have hope.
The Luckiest by Ben Folds Five I dont get many things right the first time In fact, I am told that a lot Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls Brought me here And where was I before the day That I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday And I know That I am I am I am The luckiest What if Id been born fifty years before you In a house on a street where you lived? Maybe Id be outside as you passed on your bike Would I know? And in a white sea of eyes I see one pair that I recognize And I know That I am I am I am The luckiest I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you Next door theres an old man who lived to his nineties And one day passed away in his sleep And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days And passed away Im sorry, I know thats a strange way to tell you that I know we belong That I know That I am I am I am The luckiest
I take really awesome care of my teeth, but after my childhood dentist was thrown in jail for attaching razor blades to his sons football helmet so he'd slice up the kids on the other team (how the hell could I make that up?) I have a phobia deep as a root canal. So anyway, are mine kinda late or is this normal?
Today I picked up a kids meal through a drive thru for dinner (what?) and as the guy was handing me the ketchup I had just asked for, he said "You have a really cute voice, by the way." A little compliment, but I get so few of them and I'm so insecure it still made my day :) Also, anybody that's heard me knows that I have a pretty high pitched, young sounding voice that I hate. Another time in a drive through the guy in front of me was on a bike, and kept yelling out "You're beautiful!" I'd smile and shake my head no, and he'd yell "No, really! You're so beautiful!" I guess it's kind of sad those are the only places guys seem to compliment me, but I'll take what I can get. But then I remind yourself- no, you're not pretty. Nobody wants you. Give up hope and stop trying so hard, it's pathetic.