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Stats for Jul 26

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45 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 445535 · Joined on February 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 5th · 32 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
45 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 445535 · Joined on February 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 5th · 32 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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First off IF You decide you want to leave a invite lounge comment or invite me to a silly lounge, I WILL rate you 1’s much as I can before you block me.  I don’t know how much more I can stress this, please…If you don’t believe me,

TRY me!!

Hi, and welcome to my page. I am a one person team who makes simple but cool morph pics and simple text graphics. I do charge a small fee of "FUBUCKS" or I will take bling. You can start by reading my blogs I have(links lower but keep reading). And IF you fully read this page and the link to my blog, send a friends request saying so.

--This page is for people who want a morph pic done from or would like one.--If you send a request and not sent what you want with in weeks time, you will be befriended!
--Please for god sake!! -->
Blank friends request. don’t be so damn lazy 

Back to what, oh..

  • If your interested in wanting a Morph Picture made, click here.

  • If your interested in wanting a Nametag Picture, click here.

I make some of the most awesome pics ever, I'm sure you have seen 1 or more scrolling or you rated.

If you need/want a pic for auto 11, happy hour, or even your spotlight, I will make for free if you use your pic

through its entirety.

 I also have a rating folder with 101 pics you rate them and I'll give you up too 20,000 fubux.

I have a blog here (click here)for more details about it.

IF you have ANY questions please check my Status and send me a shout or a private message.

I'm a nice enough guy to chat with and answer any questions you may have.

family is awesome as well, they make my life so much easier while I'm logged on fubar, scroll down some and you will see just a few of them, they are the best, go say hi add, fan, rate.





1. My page is not for your advertisements of any sort if it being fubar or not related.(preferly NO fubar lounges. So please leave your advertisements/invites off my page. I will delete it and probably you 1s.

2. My page does not like your NSFW comments, if you want to send me that Private Message you can do.

3. If I rated you a 1s, I'm not sorry that I did, it just means you didn't read my page, so don't feel bad, cry, bitch, complain etc. at me in my shout box.


  • If you made it this far, hell yea. now were talking!!! You don't necessary need to get a pic/graphic for us to be friends.

45 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 445535 · Joined on February 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 5th · 32 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Just SOME of the people who make my life easier on fubar.

      tn_2857618469.jpg             tn_981017657.jpg          tn_397089689.gif     tn_455335664.jpg      tn_386609438.jpg             tn_582721172.gif              tn_1410535491.gif             tn_380611114.gif            tn_4196020905.gif

~5150 Jane~      *Racin39inMT*      42nlovinit           ^sin^                Chelan           ANGELsometimes        Karen             HppyBubbles™         {MEŁ}


This is called ping, it goes directly to my yahoo messenger,

it will only work on internet exployer


Have you ever heard of oovoo?

It is the best for video calling over the internet.

click call me, and try it(shout me for password) you might get to get on cam with me.


Video Games


That’s my GamerTag…..see what I play and you think you can beat me? Check out the rest of my games that I play compare and add PlayRoy to your Xbox and play it up!!

This guy is my avater on the xbox 360’s new xbox experience. isn't he the cutest? looks like me too

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