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42 Year Old · Female · From Pensacola, FL · Joined on March 15, 2009 · Born on October 9th
42 Year Old · Female · From Pensacola, FL · Joined on March 15, 2009 · Born on October 9th


First and foremost in my life is my daughter she means the world to me.


I'm 27, 5'6", weigh more then I'll ever tell you (so if ya don't like a thick woman and you're going to be rude get to steppin' I don't like thin guys, or people with abusive attitudes, or people older then my father, but I'm not going to be rude and nasty to you because you fall into those categories)


I'm a college student working on my RN it's taking me forever with a family to care for. Lesson learned I should have gone to school before getting married and having a child. Oooppps. But it's a goal I'll finish eventually.


And finally yes I am married. Spider in my friends is my RL hubby and we are content.


I am an awesome friend to have I'd do anything in the world for you but few people get to the creamy center of my personality.


I'm here looking for friends and a fun place to relax, if you want more then that, then you are probably looking in the wrong place. If you bring drama and get upset over something someone says or does to you on the computer then you are a retard please unplug your computer NOW and go outside and get some fresh air and remember... that the people here are no more real then some pixels on a screen until they are in front of you in real life proving themselves otherwise.

Fumafia is just a game if you repetedly hitlist or beat the crap out of me I'm going to get annoyed but honestly... all you're proving is that you have nothing better to do then harrass me in an online game... and that makes you special.

42 Year Old · Female · From Pensacola, FL · Joined on March 15, 2009 · Born on October 9th
Meh this that and the other thing


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Video Games


I used to play World of Warcraft still do off and on.


I own a wii that I play once in awhile and more often when others are around.


I play Sims 3 when I'm bored... but that's super un often.


I'll play halo with you but I'll lose!


I'm more into RPG type games. I would say I'm a gamer girl, but for the time being I can pull my head out of the clouds.

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  • moonlightsrain Annoyed... wonder if things will ever level out and be good again
    14 years ago · Comment

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