I am, 5'11", athletic build, brown hair, brown eyes (unfortunately, I've always wanted blue), and am currently screwing your mother!
I am a musician, and a revolutionary.
Some things I'd like to say: There are numerous problems with the world today. Schools are for learning. Only FACTS should be taught in our schools. We should not be filling our childrens heads with mind numbing fairy tales. Our children are better off growing up believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny than Jesus. These fairy tales only strengthen their imaginations. The stories of Jesus however, are the one fairy tales that don't. Instead, because of the way these "beliefs" are taught, it shuts down the minds of our children. The one thing that cannot be scientifically proven is what exactly happens after death. Now mind you, there are reasonable, fact based theories. I'll say that again, Reasonable, Fact Based! Got it? Religions are the crutch of mankind. That one thing that cannot be explained specifically, without a doubt, and it's a very big thing, is death. A scary thing to most. So, we create this fantasy to lean on. It is basically the apitome of the term ",ignorance is bliss." Where does emotional pain come from? From our ability to think. To reason. To question. Death, to most, is scary. It causes us pain. Religion is basically a handbook on "how not to think." It is a way to close ones mind from all reasonable and rashional thought. To stop the pain. What's happening to our world, to our children, our schools etc. It is not because of lack of god. It is because of religion, and all other ways of "not thinking." It's a combination of two contradicting things. Our society and technology has progressed too far, but our mental capacity for it all has not. We have some how come farther than our intelligence should have allowed. At the same time, it is our ability to think, and reason, and question. Like I said before, this is pain. If a cow had the reason to know it was a cow. To know it would be milked, and then slaughtered for food. Would it be happy? Or, with it's new found reason, would it feel that stinging pain. Would it cry, and perhaps even revolt. Would the cow be happy and content, or would it be like the Jew in the consentration/death camp. Now I know we are not like cows, to be milked and slaughtered. But to make a point, you go to the extreme. And, quite frankly, it is befitting as far as some of our history is concerned. As is obvious from above. The problem with the world is not lack of god. The problem with the world is simply.. stupidity! Now mind you, this is not a slight on god, for all you christians out there. It's simply that Religions, in general, have severly summed up the stupidity in all of todays cultures. But, it is everywhere even without religion. President Bush is a stupid man as everyone knows, but, he is also very intelligent. He was the perfect president to start a war like the one going on. Because America has become a country of quick, to the point, dumbed down wit. How many times have you heard Bush say ", this is war between good, and evil?" It's not that fucking simple people. But we seem to think it is. Why? T.V. When a person sits down to watch television, do they generally want to sit down and watch an educational program. No. It's often been said, "I just want to go home and watch some t.v. and veg. (vegetable) "I don't want to do anything for the rest of the day, I just want to relax and space out watching some t.v. That's exactly what we do. The things we see on t.v. aren't meant to make you think. They are meant to keep your attention. They are quick simple images. People doing stupid things. Tits and ass. This is why older people think television today is made for the younger generation, but the younger generation thinks it's for adults. It is made for adults, but it's dumbed down. Just like Bush's words. If he actually went into details about the war, and why we are even fighting, America would loose interest and stop listening. But, he makes it simple, simple enough for a child to understand, "It's a battle between good, and a battle between evil." We buy it hook line and fucking sinker. Anyways, you get the gist of what I'm all about here, I've gotten quite carried away. To sum it all up, don't buy into this fucked up Patriarchal society. Where credit is king. Don't buy into the bullshit out there designed to make you not think. Or do, push it to the extreem. Make yourself the way we used to be. Before the dawn of civilization. Back to a simpler time. Either way I guess it's a gamble. We are on the edge. You can either go ahead and jump, and hope you land somewhere safe, unlike all the idiots who are who are biding their time till they just end up falling on the rocks below. Or, you can try to move away from the edge, but bare in mind, you will more than likely be pulled back by those who are going to fall. It's a slim chance you'll pull away, and a slim chance you'll jump and see another day. But better to try one or the other, because stay with the flock and your light they will smother. Because they are all headed for the same drop point. The rocks points are in store for them, no more.*Would you like to know more?*