I recently worked with a photographer who had the creative image to stage a girl on girl rape scene. The models that we were working with on the set were never advised that this would be part of the days shooting or that some partial nudity would be asked of them.
I know as a guy I’ll be told to be quiet but I really felt bad for the girls as some of them were very uncomfortable with the direction of the shoot as their age ranged from 16-24 and some had never posed for a nude in their life. In the case of one young lady I insisted that she voice her concerns to the photographer and that if she felt uncomfortable not to shoot those specific shots. The model in question started to pose for the pics against her better judgement and broke down on the set.
I spoke with the photographer directly expressing my concern for the girls and the fact that none of us (myself included) were informed that the shoot would take that direction. I guess it sounds silly but as a man I was repulsed to be on the set and walked off when the photographer would not listen to the girls or me.
What do you think am I a prude or just someone with a moral conscious?