Have you ever met someone who was almost perfect? Someone who has good looks, a great personality, and does their partner in a relationship right? Now, think about this... has that person ever been done like shit by their partner and it has made you so mad that you wanna bitch slap that person? I know someone like that... it sucks to see such a good person go through shit like that, doesn't it? I think this person knows who they are. I won't mention any names though. After talking to this person, I have learned something... if you JUST LET GO and live life to the fullest not worrying about when love will come and what is going to happen in the future, just live it day by day and whatever happens... happens, then it will come soon enough. Not just love, but happiness, or anything else you eventually want in life. So I want to say to that person... {and you know who you are} thank you for opening my eyes to that. I needed that kind of relisation in my life. The past is the past, the future is tomorrow, so don't worry about those... worry about right now... today... the present!