44 Year Old
From New South Wales, Australia·
Joined on March 12, 2011
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 18th
·7 referrals joined!
3 different people have a crush on me!
44 Year Old
From New South Wales, Australia·
Joined on March 12, 2011
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 18th
·7 referrals joined!
3 different people have a crush on me!
44 Year Old
From New South Wales, Australia·
Joined on March 12, 2011
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 18th
·7 referrals joined!
3 different people have a crush on me!
Heya Mistress. It's time to mix an earworm with a bad pun....A weasel walks into a bar. The bartender says"Wow, you are the first weasel I've had come in. What can I get you?""Pop" goes the weasel.... . Have a great Saturday!
Heya Mistress. From the"Sounds Naughty but it really isn't" files comes this: You cannot eat me unless you lick me...said the ice cream. Hope you have a great Saturday!
Heya Mistress. They say"To err is human", but did you know that is only part of the original saying? The full saying is"To err is human, and to arrr is pirate, and to Rawr is dinosaur." Have a great Friday!
Heya Mistress. Have you ever heard of the"Compizzable Effect", which is the natural law that states"The larger the group of people, the less likely it is that they will agree on toppings for a pizza." Hope you have a great Saturday!
Heya Mistress. Two snowmen in a field, one turned to the other and said"I don't know about you but I can smell carrots!" . Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
Heya Mistress. I once had a girlfriend who insisted on talking to me during sex. I was usually home alone, and she'd be calling from a hotel she was at. Hope you have a great Wednesday!
Heya Mistress. Q: Why did the turkey insist on playing drums in his band? A: Because he already had the drumsticks! Have a safe, fun and very Happy Thanksgiving!
Heya Mistress. I think this guy was just trying to get into the spirit of Mo-Vember at least his car ended up with a Handlebar Moustache... Have a great Wednesday!