49 Year Old
From West, TX·
Joined on August 14, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 23rd
Im a single mom and have 5 gorgeous kids only one at home full time and he is Autistic and the light of my life! I am a hardworking, loving person and sometimes too trusting because people like to take advantage of me in more ways than one! I am a survivor of the West Fertilizer Plant Explosion in April 2013 and was about a football field length away looking out the window when it happened and almost died that night! 21 hours in surgery and in a chemically induced coma and then brought out with 1000 staples and stitches in my arms, neck, chest and face and still here to talk about it!! So thats what the scars are from!! If you dont like them then dont look!! Also there is an online fundraiser to try and help me and my children rebuild and if you need proof I am who I say I am you may Google me (Misty Lambert) and you will know this to be true. If you cant help please pass on because maybe someone can!! http://gfwd.at/18BDksc
49 Year Old
From West, TX·
Joined on August 14, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 23rd