
Ok we all know this has to play a factor in have to have the ability to love....yeah yeah puke it up on that word....LOVE....hahaha had to rub it in one more time....If you aren't ready to want love then you shouldn't even be to me goes like this...You are are raised to learn how to grow and accomplish fall in love you have children and you start the cycle all over again with your kids....Love should be something sacred something that is going to last a lifetime...yeah I know it doesn't but that is because people are shallow and don't look deep inside of what they need to be seeing...I have a very kind and giving heart and it's not to play with or be stomped if you are a game player and like to be a dick...get off my porch...I know your type and had the game played on me many times...I look deep into a person's soul..into their eyes and find the inner person and what I am looking for and well so far...I found ONE...PEOPLE ONE!!! How pathetic is that shit...out of all the women in this world or this state even there is one I found that is awesome....where the fuck are the rest of you....I know there are more of you out there...I am so tired of hearing that I am an awesome dude but just friends...If my ass is so awesome then why the fuck am I alone...huh...haha
All this shit should be one category cuz it's all the same in a nutshell here....passion....throw my ass up against a wall and take me...haha....I like my woman to be in control of that shit...make it a smutty dirty romance novel here people...I like things rough..., I like biting and all that good shit...and so should the woman I am looking for..there are times for this...hence "romance" and I am coming to that now...haha
Ok ok I do have a sensitive side...(actually I am a very shy, sensitive, loving person) haha...there are times I like to just sit with a woman and cuddle..if you can't do this then see ya....A starry night, a movie with a blanket.. a fire going when you are camping that shit is awesome. Touching me in ways a woman can touch me without showing me money or buying me things is the best....stand there and touch me gently..or walk by and kiss me or grab my ass lol to let me know you are thinking about me and you find me attractive....that is the bomb shit there...
Now the way I see things is if a woman is going to sit there and look at me and say hey he isn't good enough for me because of what he looks like...then FUCK YOU!!! I ain't for that game anymore...I know I look good...hell I am 23 fucking years old.I know I Fucking ROCK!! if you want to play that outer shell bullshit game with me then move the fuck on....I am worth the time of a woman and I am worth getting to know and I do deserve the chance these skinny litte money hungry stupid bimbo's are getting....people (including myself) sit here and say well I have been scorned and abused and hurt and I loved that person so much...yeah it hurts like a it's time to move the fuck on already...what are you going to sit there and be miserable the rest of your life...well honey I am here to tell you life is to short live it....Don't sit there and dwell on the past move on with the future...try new things....have what if you "fall" for someone....fuck go for don't work, then it don't does more power to can sit there and call me insensitive or say I have an that isn't it at all, I got tired of looking in the mirror and seeing what the losers I was with saw and saying eww you are ugly you aren't worth anyones time...fuck that shit! I am worth it...any woman should love to be with me whether it be dating or just friends...I am the shit on the inside as well and that is what matters the most..sure looks help and I am going to get to that...but hey if you can't talk to the person then you ain't got shit...
"Dark Love"
Gladly I would come to you and I would come willingly within the dark,
But it seems that this hell fire love was never meant to be,
I know you fear me and would worship me from afar,
I realise that you love me and would always give your life for your star,
But still I can't help but wonder at your normal clothes,
I can't help but laugh at the lack of sadistic content,
I feel that even though you stay by me you'd never surrender to the night,
I realise now that I can never turn you against the light,
I thought time would heal you and so I kept you lingering,
I thought it would help but it made your wound deeper,
Every cut every bruise that you endured sliced into my heart,
Every cruel word you ignored pulled us further apart,
I would have made you so happy; I would have given you anything,
I would have shown you every pleasure you could want,
But I guess that you never wanted this thing, my tainted love,
You wished for me to spread my wings and fly to the light above,
But that could never be but I would have if I were able,
But I was bound to the earth by the blood of my victims,
This can no longer be real; it must remain an unattainable dream,
Listening to our regrets, singing while they scream,
A chance happening of a wandering angel,
Brought you face to face with me,
I bet you wish you had never witnessed that despicable deed,
Wished you had never allowed me to reaped like an evil seed,
But this is what I am; this is what you are,
This is why we can never be as one,
From the start of the very first genesis,
To the end of my arch nemesis,
I kept you hanging by an invisible thread of deceit,
I kept you wondering my true intent,
I kept you wrapped up safe in a web of sadist lies,
Listening and writhing in pleasure from your cries,
Believe me when I say I cannot love, for I do not its meaning,
I know about hate and pain but about them you are ignorant,
How can we be together as opposite as we are?
If I were you would you still worship me from afar?
If pain was your bondage and I held the whip, would you still love me?
If sorrow was your medicine and I was the needle's chrome blade,
Would that you were someone new away from all my hate?
Would you leave believing this was not your fate?
If I were not the demon I am deep inside would you still fear me?
If I were another pitiful whore in your bed would you still worship me?
If I was black or red would you hate me for my creed?
If I were weak and powerless would you make me bleed?
I can't help but wonder about these things, the things that break my mind,
I can help but imagine how many others you've had like this,
In the blackness of eternal regret, drowning in your kisses of deep despair,
Ice cold eyes roving over burning flesh, knife like fingers running through my hair,
Erotic fire breathing on my cold skin, shaking the earth to its brittle core,
Obsidian caresses curling at my throat,
I can't help but wonder at the irony of it all,
Watching as the angels fall,
If I were the light instead of the dark would you still want me?
If I were the good instead of the bad would you still crave me?
I wonder if I didn't resist could you still call it rape?
If I felt angry would you bend me out of shape,
If I were different entirely would I still hold your desire,
If I were the demon instead of you would I care?
I suppose that it the end it did some good,
Because now me and you are bound by blood,
You are my demon, my devil, my dark despairing lover,
You didn't want me but you had me anyway,
And you discovered the demon inside me,
You held me tightly all through the night, and you set my darkness free,
We can at last be one; we can take on the world,
Masking our pain and blackness like you once did,
We will crawl into every human's heart and soul,
We will destroy them; kill all that's whole,
Another night will come and with it your nightshade grin,
Another flame to add to our passion of fire,
But still I wonder what if we never connected together?
What if we never found each other? Ever?
Would we still wander in the blackness of this void?
Pretending that we're not who we are inside,
Wondering about things that we hear and feel and see?
Would I still long for you to come and set me free?