'''''Don't sacrifice a pig to Aphrodite'
old school greek slang-used for someone who gave an inappropriate or unwanted gift.
Ironic fables of days when men were silly
... and women were popular.
"A sow and a dog were viciously arguing with one another. The sow, for her part, swore by Aphrodite that she would tear the dog to pieces with her teeth. The dog replied ironically, 'Yes indeed, you do well to swear by Aphrodite! It's clear just how much she loves you, since she absolutely forbids anyone who has tasted your filthy flesh to enter her temple.' The sow retorted, 'This is even more evidence of the goddess's love for me, since she turns away anyone who has slain or mistreated me in any way. As for you, you just smell bad, dead or alive!" - Aesop, Fables 197 (from Chambry 329)
current events posting bragging of typical outlandish life plans and accomplishments to be spoken of blahblahblah words.
I am always scattered this way.
Words are defined
I was complex already.Was-Not happy or peaceful-never serene. Now, I am new. And things are just easier to decipher in every way.
This is a fun one. I am creating!!! @my leisure.
and for me and by me
movie/reality/autobiography/website/type deal
I was once scared to say anything.
I know
I will never be wrong for me
I am always who I want me to be.
and god dammit, people like me!
My real name is...
'Bay Area Dive bars that fired me tours'
ten years behind the bottle.
(...DUH-Chicks/Couples only! -Not pro bono bozo)
offered bi annually...lol
squint your eyes and look closer
I'm not between you and your ambition
I am a poster girl with no poster
I am thirty-two flavors and then some
and I'm beyond your peripheral vision
so you might want to turn your head
cause someday you're going to get hungry
and eat most of the words you just said
both my parents taught me about good will
and I have done well by their names
just the kindness I've lavished on strangers
is more than I can explain
still there's many who've turned out their porch lights
just so I would think they were not home
and hid in the dark of their windows
til I'd passed and left them alone
and god help you if you are an ugly girl
course too pretty is also your doom
cause everyone harbors a secret hatred
for the prettiest girl in the room
and god help you if you are a pheonix
and you dare to rise up from the ash
a thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy
while you are just flying back
I'm not trying to give my life meaning
by demeaning you
and I would like to state for the record
I did everything that I could do
I'm not saying that I'm a saint
I just don't want to live that way
no, I will never be a saint
but I will always say
squint your eyes and look closer
I'm not between you and your ambition
I am a poster girl with no poster
I am thirty-two flavors and then some
And I'm beyond your peripheral vision
So you might want to turn your head
Cause someday you might find you're starving
and eating all of the words you said
-Thanks pretty(or not) lady, well said.
I think I am a cross of early Ghandi/Pulp Fiction and Aphrodite. Yes the Goddess, the "slutty"(word) one.
That is fine with me.
Reading and comprehension were always interesting to me
and CONTINUE to be subjects of avid study and debate on a bi-weekly(I said bi) basis for me and mine. Both of the people mentioned before are currently on my "list".
not that List, there is no "not knowing"
when you reach that List. I will tell you if we speak.
Or we may not. I miss my friends that miss me more. I miss my deceased family and "friend family"(-we make our own ya know) even more yet feel ALL the love they had for me then-everyday!! The love from the people who worry(means I miss you) not hug is a non-issue to a silly girl like me. Don't know what you don't got type deal-or like the sour grape theory. So negative.
Results are real. Hugs Smiles Eyes....babies and dogs always like me. I am a child in many ways, not diaper or thumb related-yet.
THIS is funny to me:
"Her gods and men call Aphrodite ... and Philommeides (Genital-Loving) because sprang from the members [of Ouranos the Sky]. And with her went Eros (Love), and comely Himeros (Desire) followed her at her birth at the first and as she went into the assembly of the gods. This honor she has from the beginning, and this is the portion allotted to her amongst men and undying gods, - the whisperings of maidens and smiles and deceits with sweet delight and love and graciousness." - Hesiod, Theogony 176
all of whom were struck with admiration and love when she appeared, and her surpassing beauty made every one desire to have her for his wife.
My Ideal Person:
I am not dating men this year
I will however
meet some
love some perhaps
these things happen
sure as spooning
leads to forking
* night into day
nature is consistently
in charge
of us
PAY attention. Or pay who you like.
DO what you keep saying you will
for the blessings you have in every graceful forgiving smile and hug
Please do
paint your moms deck instead of writing me an erotic story
I AM AN erotic story
I would be pleased
I will be pleased regardless
I think - time to get in the pool!
Now, THAT is thinking....
I want... direct brutal honesty
* I want chills up my spine
values determination
heart guts
soul intelligence
stamina energy
reason humor
purpose smiles and laughter
respect intuition
**CONFIDENCE IN ME..important.
OR I walk away smiling
the ONLY
*** revenge(word) IS
drum roll PLEASE.....happiness. Dig it.
It may seem silly to make up a story, but we do it all the time. We make up stories and assign meaning about everything: our partner, our family, our friends, co-workers, and people we have never met. We make projections that are informed by the maps we follow. Whose map are you following? Is it working for you, getting you to where you want to be? If not, know you can make revisions using new information you gain through your own awakening.
deep man.
-manners, some at least.
***I want people to say what they mean
**and mean what they say
"We always did feel the same,
We just saw it from a different point of view."-Dylan
WHO out there KNOWS I know what you keep wanting to know. I dont care. Not my job to teach you life, pay a school. Or a cute Dr. like Tony Soprano. But Asking me to talk to you is silly. I will let it amuse me. When I am bored-my bad. Ask me no..lies. Leave your heart at the laptop Romeo. I have "broken" NO hearts. Not everyman I know sleeps in my bed.
Granted, this is Shocking and wrong-illogical and fabricated-years and walls and decipt and tragedy
of increasingly alarming proportion and such.DO JOIN the club-its the thing to do. ITS SO YOU. So NOW. So
YES a new word, use it in a sentence some day!
weirdo. :)I care a
lot. Not about all your stuff, mostly mine
I saw your face again last night
oh it almost made me foolish
almost made me wonder why
...Paul Silva Sr. Fall River Mass
written decades ago
when my dad thought my mom
would always
believe words
recently redone
Good thing he knows
how the song will end.
He wrote it
it is moving
if you feel a heart beat pulse
you never feel agony till you grow-one way or another
up old out in
grow how you feel when you feel you should
make or unmake your bed
be nice
to people
because you can
I needed that.
like a fish needs a Harley.
In Greek art men and gods are often presented nude; women and goddesses are almost always presented dressed, with the common exception of Aphrodite. This reflected the realities of ancient Greek culture. Women were highly protected and relatively isolated until marriage, and even then they were kept in the background. Aphrodite was the goddess of sexual love and she is inevitably shown nude with hands coyly covering her breasts and genitalia.
Since men were kept away from women until marriage and the sexual drive of young men is strong, it became common for young men to take teenagers as sexual partners. This pederasty was accepted as the norm and most of the Greek gods have stories involving their male sex affairs: Zeus, king of the gods, married to Hera, has his boy friend Ganymede; Apollo and Zephreus compete for the beautiful boy Hyacinthus. Because a gay relationship was an accepted part of growing up there was no guilt associated with it. However, even in ancient Greek culture it was considered odd for a male couple to settle down for a life partnership together, eventual marriage to a woman was the norm. Sexual dalliance with a boy after marriage was considered normal, but playing around with someone else's wife was considered bad form.
The Greeks were always fighting, if not one another, they were fighting the Persians or Carthaginians. Each of the major city states dominated Greece at one time or another. But each city state retained it's own individuality even when dominated by another city. Athens and Sparta were traditional rivals. Sparta was a city state that raised its young men as warriors (and completely separated from women and family) primarily to create an army to dominate Athens.
Much of how we "understand" the world is framed by the myths which are accepted by the culture as a whole. Thus, in a highly Christian place, like the European Middle Ages, believers saw every event as a result of God's meddling in human lives. Everything was explained by God's law and was being done for God's reason. In Egypt the myth was different, one could control the gods by offering a gift at a temple where the particular god in that temple would control what you needed. Kings, being rich, tended to build temples as their gifts to please the gods and thus protect or enrich the country and themselves.
silly dudes some of them, drunk
so we say
with POWER! cool.
Yes please
big girl shot glass, neat :)
WAS READING MY CHART TODAY-here are a few excerpts.
as I am seen,
-The wild card, the unpredictable or kooky one, because occasionally you do surprising things... actually
intended to shock people. It seems to be your role to shake things up a bit and you may not be entirely comfortable with this yourself.
-Your life is apt to be full of changes and movement Childlike enthusiasm for anything new and you learn easily, but you also get bored rather quickly. You need and crave variety, change, mental stimulation, and an active social life.
-Articulate, clever, often funny and witty, you are always a refreshing and interesting conversationalist. You enjoy meeting and interacting with a variety of different people. You are friendly, flirtatious, and charming in a light, playful way, and no matter how badly you may be feeling, you never appear heavy or somber.
inner me??
-You are assertive and confront difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. You cannot tolerate self-pity or passivity, and you can be rather brusque with others' emotional problems. "Stop crying and DO something about it" might be your motto.
-You can not hide your instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations.
-Once you set your mind on a goal, your dedication, determination, and commitment to it are extraordinary. You pursue your ambitions tenaciously and will stubbornly refuse to give up, let go, or be influenced in any way.
-Your nature tends to be very sensual and you may irresistibly be attracted to someone, even if you know that he or she is bad for you.
-You are very inspirational. You can be rebellious at times, but you know your limits.
-You are very sensitive, cautious, and shy about showing others your feelings. Though you may love and care for someone a great deal, you rarely express those feelings openly and freely. Very often your love for someone will be expressed by trying to help them, doing something tangible to benefit them, or serving them in some way.
-You believe strongly in the power of positivity. The more you rely on yourself, the better you feel, and you find it difficult to ask for or accept outside help.
******You're not in the mood for anyone who even hints at disagreeing with you. You know you're right, and there will be no concessions made. Period.*****************************



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