This is a copy of a rencet blog I posted on Canidate Elect Mitt Romney's site.
Thought you all might want to read it and some of you maybe even comment on it here and there.
I recently saw that Candidate elect Mitt Romney was quoting scriptures. This is fine if he want to be a member of the clergy. It has no place in a government election. If I remember my history classes church and state are to be separate. Therefore regardless on what religion we are talking about they have no place in politics. Besides America is the land of opportunity and freedom why should they get involved on whom I can and can not marry. If I love another man why can’t I have the same rights as any other couple? Is it not that all men are created equal. If so why are we denied our rights? What is the difference between excluding gay marriage now and separating blacks and white or not allowing women to vote? What’s next?
How many of our fortune 500 companies allow gay couple to share benefits? If it is good enough for big business why is the government trying to stop it? It is more widely recognized all over the world now that it was 10 years ago. The government should stay out of issues such as these. I mean would you tell a man and women couple that your last name is an even number in the alphabet you may only produce male offspring and odd numbers produce female offspring. That is dictating their marriage. You would not so you should not dictate gay marriage.
Love is love no matter how you look at it. I would not begin to tell someone they can not love another person so again the government should not either. If you want to really bring scriptures into this, then the church should start paying taxes. Then let them have their say. But, until they pay their fair share of taxes then they need to remain silent. As they have no place in politics.