since the ashes darkest hour light this city at the gates alphazone flashback 2 bullet empyrean virus lay to waste the adicts oi polloi cruxifucks kittie walls of jericho the birthday massacre enigma children of bodom killswitch engage dragonforce chimaira tridium trivium combichrist psyclon 9 panzer ag lil jon & the eastside boyz ying yang twins petey pablo wreckshop family adema linkin park fort minor mudvayne slipknot stonesour one true thing from autumn to ashes terror transplants H.I.M CKY 2pac dead prez!!! leaves eyes poe & way more...
Video Games
SILENT HILL 1, 2,3,4 MARIOKART super mario bros. guitar hero 1 & 2 oddworld mortal kombat(all of them) subzero(game is HARD!)
Hi Miko thanks for fanning me and adding me as a friend to your list, it means a lot to me that you would do that, what with all the stuff that happened. I send you a message on Myspace too, oh and if you'd like you can check out a video I made with my friends Nikki and Jessie, I was video taping.
HI SEXI - Care to sign up for this ???CHERRY PIN UP GIRLS:contestpicked by CHERRYTAP FRIENDS… the top three ladies will each gain a CHERRY PIN UP GIRL I.D. CARD for 1st & 2nd & 3rd places…..rules on my pageALWAYS LOOKING FOR CONTESTANTS-more details on my page….ENTER AT ANY TIME 1st WEEKS WINNERS - picked MARCH 04/07 are 5th WEEKS WINNERS– picked April 1/07 are7th WEEKS WINNERS & OUR PIN UP GIRLS – picked April 15/20078th WEEKS WINNERS & OUR PIN UP GIRLS – picked April 22/2007HOW TO ENTER: Just let me know which pic you want to enter - send me a link to your pic in a comment or mail - or come chat me up to let me. THX
Hey, I truly am sorry that you've been played.I hate to be lied to, and it really gets to me...I'm a plus size model and I've always been self conscious about my weight. Talking with"her" Well she made me feel better, it made me look up to well the model you.Ashley