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Just Venting A Little

Wow, it sure has been awhile since I have wrote on here.  I am sitting here bored and I have a lot on my chest so I am guessing this is a good time to maybe get it all out and maybe some of you all will leave comments to tell me if IM right or wrong for acting the way I have been lately.  I promise not to make this too long!

Sometime in June of this year I decided to move out of my father's house and move in with the boyfriend that I have been with a little over two years now.  I felt bad for his brother and him because they help take care of their mother and uncle.  Carlton and Chris' father passed away in November of 2009.  Their mom pays $500 of the rent and that is all that she pays.  The rest of her money she blows at bingo.  It's ridiculous really.  I wish I could stay home all day and just go to bingo and spend about $30 a night and go 5 nights a week.  I mean you do the math on that.  Sometimes she spends even more than that.  Oh, and the uncle doesn't pay a friggin dime towards anything.  He lays in bed pretty much all day.  We are lucky if he gets up and does the dishes in the sink.  This bothered me but not as much as the next paragraph!

About a month ago Chris (Carlton's brother) met this girl.  They hit it off pretty good.  After a week after meeting this girl she moves in.  Even after typing this it all sounds like it was set up.  She said that her mom kicked her out of the house.  I believe the whole time was just an excuse so she could move in.  Anyway, so this girl lives here right!?!  She DOESN'T have to help pay any of the bills or anything.  She does buy some food for the house on food stamps but I don't get no choice of food or whatever I want.  It's like a one sided thing.  How is it fair to me!?!  Am I wrong for being pissy lately!?!  As I sit at my computer many nights I just sit here and wonder why I feel like I am being used.  I feel like I am not wanted here.  I'm only wanted maybe because I do pay a third of the bills.  I stay pretty much to myself.  I don't care to be around certain things when people are in a room.  I feel lonely.  Sometimes I cry myself to sleep for no reason.  I had a dream about the ex the other night and it really scared me.  IM thinking he has gone down the wrong path once again!  IM not worried that he will get locked up again, but IM just worried that he is going to end up dead somewhere.  When I had a chance to get with L---s (You know who you are) I should've jumped for it.  I jumped too late now.  I know you have a girlfriend.  So that was my luck.  I mean I really do love the one that I am with but all the shit that goes on at the house I don't know how much more that I can put up with or what to do.  I have told him if I move out that I am done with him.  It's like his brother tries to control everyone.  Well, I have news for him!  He sure as hell aint going to try that with me.  So the question is do I need to calm my butt down and do what I need to do, or say screw it and move out.  All comment welcome!

Carlton and I planned a small trip last week.  So this weekend we went on a small trip to Nolan Lake.  We went to work Friday and  we rushed thru our area so we could head out.  We left for Nolan Lake about 8 pm.  We finally got here about 10 pm.  We had a few stops to make along the way.  After a few minutes of being at the house we were staying at Carlton decided that he wanted to take the golf cart for a spin.  He said the place where we were goes in a complete circle.  So there is no way in getting lost.  That is still hard to believe since all the roads look all the same.  So about an hour after getting back of riding, we went to bed.


Saturday comes early!  I get woke up about 9 30 am with breakfast.  Carlton had fixed sausage gravy, sausage patties, biscuits, and potatoes.  It was pretty good.  After I ate I laid down for awhile longer.  I usually don’t get up until about noon or so.  So 9 30 am was early as heck for me.  I got up around 2 30 pm and we were just talking and hanging out with his family.  His father, mother, and grandmother also came.  Around 4 30 pm dinner was being fixed.  Cheeseburgers, hotdogs, macaroni salad, and Doritos were served.  I know I got full.  I had a plate and a half.  Then I wanted to go swimming.  Soon after asking Carlton if we could go swimming I put on my bathing suit.  We were going to go ride on his uncles boat but we didn’t have the key to it.  So I just jumped in the lake.  It was different for me.  I have never swam in a lake before.  I didn’t think that I would like it.  Actually, I didn’t even want to get out.  I had a fish that decided that he wanted to nibble on my left arm.  Every time it nibbled me, I jumped.  When no one was around Carlton and I decided to have a little naughty fun in the water.  We took a few pics and even a small video.  LOL.  There isn’t anything more fun than naughty watersports.  But after about three hours I decided to get out.  I wouldn’t feel too comfortable going swimming in the dark in this huge lake.  So we came on back up to the house.


Now, dark has finally fallen.  It is around 9 30 pm and we have a small fire going in the backyard.  We are going to roast some hotdogs and marshmallows.  I think I am going to go out and have a few marshmallows.  I haven’t had any since middle school.  That has been many years ago I guess I could say.  I have a feeling that I am going to have a early bedtime.  Swimming really wears me out.  But I am going to continue this sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Goodnight!


Okay, I am back for the final time in this blog.  We are about to head back home in the next hour or two.  I already finished getting all my things together.  I know one thing I woke up with one hell of a headache for sure.  I hope it goes away soon.  I guess it is the allergies down here since I am only in the woods.  I know I am hungry but I am going to wait until I get to Louisville before I stop somewhere on the way home.  I hate it when I am hungry but nothing sounds good.  I am tired of all the fast food places really.  I know some meatloaf, potatoes, and green beans sure sounds delicious.  But not we are waiting to get ready to leave so we have to wait on some odds and ends to get done.  I think Carlton wants to get some more pictures before we leave.  So we are going to get on the golf cart one more time before we leave.


Whew!!  I am finally home.  My headache is slowly trying to go away.  I am thinking it was them damn allergies were getting to my head.  But I think I am going to call it a day.  Off to bed I go!

I Know IM Hardly On!

I have been asked several times in the past month where in the heck have I been. Well, as you see I am hardly online. After almost a year I finally found myself a job. Thanks to Carlton that is. It is very difficult to find a job these days. I wish I was in the computer field but with my work experience that is like impossible to find. So that really sucks. But I am a custodian. I don’t mind it one bit. I love cleaning. I know MANY people find that odd but it is true. I enjoy what I do. Plus, I enjoy working with MOST of the people. I know when I wasn’t working I was always online. But I work second shift so when I get off I usually find me something to eat, then I get on here for a few minutes then IM off to bed. Then I wake up the next day and it just repeats itself. So I guess during the week I might be on here 2 hours the whole week if not less than that. On the weekends that is when I am on here. I don’t avoid anyone that Ims me it is just most of the time IM busy catching up with stuff and don’t have time to talk. So sorry if you are feeling avoided. I find myself hardly going out on the weekends even with my best friend. You know IM wore out if I pass that up. Since I enjoy being around her so much. I was off this past two weeks for Christmas Break. Well, guess what!?! I begin back today. So I won’t be online this week like I was the last two weeks. I thought I would enjoy being off work but it actually sucked. I would have rather worked. At least I would have had something to do. I guess I did enjoy spending time with family and friends though. Hopefully, when I return I can get back in the swing of things just like when I left. I know one thing I need to get my sleeping schedule back. I couldn’t sleep for crap last night so I ended up getting up early this morning and I have to be at work at 3. I know by 11 30 IM going to be grouchy as hell because IM going to be so tired. Maybe Ill sleep well tonight. I know sometimes I feel so tired I just can’t fall asleep. That really sucks. But I am going to go for now. I just wanted to let you all know where I have been. If you wonder if I fell off the face of the earth that I didn’t. I know some of you all probably wish that I did but you know what I don’t like your stupid ass either! That’s a whole different topic. Too early for bullcrap. Anyway, I am gone for now. I’ll try to write a blog more often.
On Thursday September 25, 2008 I was sitting in my bedroom when my father yelled “Michelle, there is a buddy of yours in the yard.” Immediately I knew that it was a squirrel. IM always feeding the cute little things. So I gathered up my crackers, peanuts, and the other foods that I am always feeding them. I went to go sit down the porch. Well, as I sit down I begin calling for him. He turns around and starts wagging his tail. So now I know he has my attention. Well, the little squirrel comes running across the road. As he starts to run across the road this friggin idiot comes speeding down our road. I know he is at least going 50 mph. He was going way to fast to begin with. Well, he hits this squirrel. My head bows as I am sitting on the porch. I begin to cry. It was an awful feeling. Its like he was just standing there a few seconds ago and now his little body is just so lifeless. I was really pissed. The fuckin prick just looked at me and gave me a nasty ass look. More and more as I think about it I get mad. So, I get pretty teary. It upsets me terribly. IM not sure why really. I guess because IM always like feeding them and they are like my little wild pets. I feed them every day. But anyway I have my dads girlfriend to help me dig a hole to put him in. I wasn’t going to leave him out in the road for sure. So I dig the hole, then I grab a bag so I can go put him in it. I go to pick him up and his tale falls off. I felt even worse. So I actually had to pick him up. He was a heavy little thing for sure. So after I got him in the bag I put him down in the hole and covered the hole up with dirt. If I wouldn’t had seen the whole thing unfold maybe it wouldn’t had hurt me as much. But I saw every thing. Some people say it is stupid to cry but like I said they are like my babies that I feed everyday. I felt like I was actually burying another hamster of mine all over again. I haven’t done that in over a few years or so. The lesson that I learned is that if the squirrels are across the street don’t call them over let them come themselves. If it wasn’t for me chuckling the baby would have never gotten hit. : (

Poor Baby!

On Monday, September 8, 2008 I felt totally helpless. I was sitting on the computer talking to friends when something told me to look out my window. So I went over to my window and I didn’t realize what I saw at first. My dads girlfriend has been emptying the pool out since we aren’t going to go swimming in it for the rest of the year.. She got it where it was just a little over ankle deep in water with the tube on it still blown up. There was a squirrel what I thought at first swimming in the pool. I just thought it was soo cute. Then I realized as I poked my head out the window that he wasn’t doing so good. He was actually drowning. So I panic. I feed these little cuties every day. I either feed them peanuts, bread or cereal. There are several of them that will almost take the peanut right out of my hand. I have them pretty much spoiled rotten around my house. But anyway, I jump out my bedroom window with the garage key in my hand. I run in there and try to think of something that I can get him out with. I wasn’t going to grab him for darn sure. I mean they are cute and all but they will attack in a heartbeat if they feel threatened in anyway. So I find the swimming pool skimmer. I grabbed it and I run back to the pool area. I get him out with that. I was thinking he should just get on it and run right off. I was scared that he was going to run towards me. He did everything but that. I put him on the edge of the pool and the little guy just laid there. He would raise up his little head and water just kept pouring out. He was eye balling me pretty good. He thought I was going to hurt him but little did he know I wouldn’t do no harm to my buddies that I feed every day. I sat outside for about 2 hours with him. He was trying to maneuver himself over to this tree. He made it after a hour and a half. All the other squirrels wanted to keep going near him. When I saw them trying to approach him I would get up and of course they would run off. I didn’t want them attacking a helpless animal. So after 2 hours I got up and I took the skimmer that I got him out with and pushed up on his bottom really hard. Well, that got him going for sure. He ran back towards me like nothing happened to him and up the tree. He finally got on this branch after a few minutes of trying to stay on the tree. IM thinking that he broke his tiny leg when he jumped or something. He could barely stay on it. I kept a eye on him for a few more hours after I went back in the house. I didn’t sleep that whole night and after this happened to this squirrel there was no way in heck that I could fall asleep now. I ended up going to bed around 3:30 pm after I told my dad and his girlfriend what had happened. If he would have passed on I would have probably cried. Since I moved over to the area IM in I have become attached to these little creatures. You would just have to know how I am about animals to understand. IM so glad that my dads girlfriend emptied out the pool totally. If I hadn’t been awake that poor guy would have drowned. But now since I wrote this I think it is time to go feed them. : )
Have you ever went down on one of your good friends and you liked it!?! I have done this recently and absolutely loved it! The weird thing is I have done this to other females and I couldn't get into it. This particular friend I liked it. I have been wondering the past few days if I like it because I just find her attractive or what. The other girls I just didn't enjoy it. I won't go into details why. LOL I don't want to hurt no feelings. I have asked several people and I get different responses. I hope I haven't pushed her away. She let me do it so I don't think I have upset her in anyway. She was drinking so maybe that altered her mind maybe. She remembers me doing it and telling me how good I was. I hope this doesn't push her away from me. I wouldn't mind doing it again to be honest with ya LOL. So was I wrong for doing it!?! I have a similar mumm if you care to give me your opinion on the subject.
If you want a laugh then maybe you should this whole blog. Last week I met up with a internet buddy of mine and we decided to have a little fun. Well, on the way home we were both hungry so he decided to stop by Mc Donald’s on Taylor Blvd. You know the rudest Mc Donald’s in the city of Louisville!?! They are pretty darn rude down there. I hate even going down there because they are just so damn hateful. Anyway, we just went thru the drive thru. So we get to the drive thru window and he’s ordering and she repeats our order and he says “Thank You Sir.” She responds back IM not a sir IM a ma’am. I started laughing. He apologized to her. We get to the window and IM still laughing. He apologized once again. She just kinda looked at him. It even kinda looked like a guy. I know I would have been quite embarrassed. I know he was. I was making him mad because I was laughing but I just couldn’t help it. So we drive to the next window and get our food. IM surprised that they didn’t spit on our food or something stupid. I know you never want to piss off people at fast food restaurants. I get home and I had to double check my food. But I had to write about this because I thought this was pretty damn funny. I know if it was me I wouldn’t had apologized. They have been so damn rude to me down there that they deserve a payback. If you didn’t think this funny then I guess you had to be there to see why I thought so.

Am I A Rude Person?

Do you think I am a rude person? Some people write me nasty emails or IM me on Yahoo telling me that I ignore then or I just don’t respond back to anything that they say. I get people asking am I always rude. I don’t think I am a rude person. I am a very shy person. When I go out I tend to only speak to people that I feel comfortable with. But I have to admit if you really piss me off and it turns out that I hate you then I will hardly talk to you. If I do talk to you its like them one word sentences. IM sure some of you all are familiar with that. : ) But if you are a friend of mine I am a very nice, caring person. I treat all my friends with respect. I do not use people. Since I have met my best friend I have changed throughout the years. I am a very blunt person. I tell it how it is. I don’t hold anything back. But back to my main question. Do you think I come off as a rude or a snobby person?

Talking About Being Used!

Wow! Isn’t it weird when someone you know usually burns up your phone, or calls you when it is the weekend asking you to go out and then you receive no calls when you bring up some money that they owe you? Well, if this person reads my blog then they will know that I am talking about them. Oh, that’s right YOU don’t look at my profile. Haha. Of course you will come off that I use Dawn like you always do. I never have told Dawn that I will pay her back and not pay her a single penny. I mean after all you did tell her to get a hotel room and that you would pay for it. We did agree to pay half since I did stay the night. Plus, we went out that Friday night and she loaned you some money to get in to Electric Cowboy and she never did receive her change from that 20. It didn’t cost you anything for drinks or anything because of that green sticker that they give out. That’s why I mentioned it so it could save her some money for lunch or whatever she wanted to do that next day. Then after that you had the nerve for her to cover the whole bill for lunch. That was bull crap and you know it. She wrote you an email mentioning it about the money and you text her instead of writing back which is fine. I didn’t want to be too nosy in wondering why you did what you did. You can never talk about me using Dawn. I have known Dawn a lot longer than you anyway. I really thought that you was going to pay Dawn back. But I guess we were both wrong. I’ve always said that you used her for uh that one thing but now I see it as something else too. I can’t really talk because I have had someone in my life (That I still dearly love and care for) use me for my money. I tried to tell her how you were along time ago. But she thought of you more than what you will ever know. It really does make me mad though. As I have always said you mess with my girl you mess with me. I guess that is pretty much why we only hang out with just her and I. We don’t need other people to be around to have fun. We have fun amongst ourselves. It’s like when she’s not around IM pretty much bored when I go out. No offense to the people that I have gone out with. I never did once think about that you would drop to this level to use her like that. The money that she put out that weekend was ridiculous. We could have spent the night at my house for free. But she didn’t want to because she thought she would spend some time with you before you went off in the Air Force or whatever you are getting in to. But I guess you won’t be paying Dawn anytime soon. As you know if you don’t pay her don’t expect to hear from her again. I know that really breaks your heart! Yeah right! I guess you will just have to find another booty call somewhere else. I hope you will find one as hot as she is! If you do see us at Coyotes before you go away don’t come up to us because we will just keep walking like we don’t even know you! By the way TAKE A NAP!

Valentines Day!

Here It Is Valentines Day And I Am Depressed As Hell! I Guess What's New Right!?! It Always Seems Like I Am Depressed Atleast One Time During The Day. But Today I Am Guessing I Will Be Down In The Dumps All Day. I Wish I Was Able To Spend It With My Man. Yes, I Did Say MAN Jesse....UGH I Don't Know Why I Continue To Meet People From The Internet. But Atleast You Got To Meet Some Of My Friends. Now, You Are Able To Hang Out With Them And Do What You Do. Anyway...This Blog Wasn't About Dick Suckin Bastards. And I Do Mean Dick Suckin Bastards Literally! Hah. IM So Mean. But Once Again I Come Off As Controlling And Just A Bitch. Anyway, Back To Valentines Day! IM Not Going To Waste My Time Talking About Him Or Several People For That Matter. I Am Hoping That Next Year I Could Spend It With The One That I Love. He Has Been On My Mind A LOT Lately. I Believe My Father Is Taking His Girlfriend And I To Texas Roadhouse Tonight For A Valentines Dinner. I Know It Sounds Pretty Good To Me. Plus I Think They Both Got Me A Small Gift. So That Was Nice Of Them To Do. It Would Be Nice To Receive Something From A Guy But That Usually Never Happens With Me Unfortunately. IM Going To Try To Make It A Good Day. All This Snow Makes Me Tired For Some Reason. I Have Felt So Blah Lately. I Laid Down Last Night About 9 P.M. And I Am Already Up From Sleeping And It Is Just 3 54 A.M. I Have Been Having Those Darn Restless Night Sleeps. I Slept Pretty Good Up Until My Father And His Girlfriend Came In From Work Late Last Night. I Heard Them Open My Door And The Light Glared Right In My Face Waking Me Up. But I Fell Right Back To Sleep Waking Up About An Hour Later. It's Only A Few More Days, Then The Weekend Is Here! I Like Most Weekends. I Usually Get To See My Best Friend. It's Always A Joy To See Her! We Always Have Our Fun. We Don't Need No One Else But Each Other. That Is Just How We Get Along! We Can Be Some Bitches At Times. We Are Going To Get Sooo Trashed This Weekend! We Have Been Looking Forward To This Weekend For Awhile Now. IM Thinking Since The Tractor Pull Is In That CREEKERS Will Be Slammed! IM Pretty Sure That Is Where We Will Be Headed. You Can't Beat $7.00 For A Pitcher Of Bud Lite. That Is The Beer That We Both Agree On. If We Are Drinking Bottles Then I Am Usually Drinking Bud Ice. Yummy! Bud Ice Usually Gets Me Feeling Pretty By The Second Beer. I Can Turn My Moods Fairly Quickly When I Am Drinking Bud Ice Though. I Can Probably Compare It To My Jager That I Also Love. But Them Mixed!?! Whew! We Won't Go There! I Can Be Mean To Very Horny! So Either Way Watch Out. But Here Is My Blog For Today. IM Going To Go For Now. By the way, Jesse Since You Didn't Bring Me My ID Since You Did Have It You Can Forget About Those Pictures That You Wanted Me To Email You! I Would Have Been Better Off If I DID NOT Meet You! I Can't Stand Compulsive Liars, And People That Think They Are All That. So How About Go Stand In The Mirror For Another Two Hours And Look At Yourself Like You Do! That Is Such A Huge Turn Off!
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