Hi to all my friends this is about men,
Why is it that when men are online they wana dominate women make threats call names?
why do they treat women bad and children.
why are they online to look for lil kids or young girls?.
why if there horny do they gotta come online call women names and make threats to make them selves feel better? I have alot of friends on here and most are women I try to take time to hang with them all when I can with my busy schedule and all but I never treat none of them bad and yes I have been called names on this site and made in front of too even.
there is no reason why any man needs to treat a woman bad or mess with her and even say he loves her and wants her and all then if he finds out she has kids or so he calls her names and takes off thats not right either.
and im sorry but that old thing that men pull always has to go hi there how are you do you have a cam soo how big are your boobs? do you have any kids and can I have ya number? most of the men who are online have g/f's and even wives and there still out shopping why for what??
were all on this site to have fun make friends and hang out not be harrased by some guy who mite be 50 or 60 yrs old and he has a phony pic up of some guy who is in his 20's .
that is 1 main reason why myspace is soo bad is because you cant tell who your realy talkin to and alot of girls and even boys at times has all there info on there profile we all need to take a stand and face reality and stop letting these men control and yes I have delt with probs from men also on here on myspace too.
thank you all for checkin out my blog I value your ideas and input and I hope once again I have not upset no 1 ...